06 April 2021

Alida N10 songs of Awareness for Mezzo soprano and piano part 2

Due to a limit of numbers in the text box I was forced to continue in an other blog; Here are the French anagram and its explanation: Chapter 4:The French anagram Chapter 5 The French anagram and his explantion

Chapter 4:The French anagram

Psaumes 44:20
•  assouvie n'oubliions, dédire lé moutonné, m'attendis n'énoues, augurés dévernirent.
•  inassouvie oublions,  dédire le moutonné, mutaient n'endosse, augurés dévernirent, dérives n'augurèrent.
•  oubliais souvenions,  dédire lé moutonné, m'entonna séduites, détruira n'envergues.

Proverbes 17:17-22
•  d'usuel hommes pond rêve: désengagent méprends, annihilation réoccupons.
•  l'écachée chaire qu'emmiellerai pourléchèrent, piqué, veilleuse alliée qu'écuisse.
•  épouvanteras furonculeux, déhouillée n'arc-boutent; serpenté l'albédo s'aveugler  t'enrhumâmes
•  s'épouvantera furonculeux, d'éhontée l'élucubration, s'aspergèrent veule d'oblate l'enrhumâmes
•  canonises n'enculai n'éduquai n'engueulerais  adjurée enfouirons supputé scaphandrière
•  rechaussassent jeûneuse nombreux bêla coudoyèrent d'impétuosités

Proverbes 21:21-23
•  accroche l'émouvrait hérétiques j'inculque  veloutera parenthèse roupilleront
•  affectât qu'élonger l'ensoleilleraient spiritueuse abstenais disputâtes t'éclatez, accélérât  qu'offensons?
•  aguichent d'ébouter qu'exclure adulâmes déglinguera l'écartèlera

Proverbes 19-19-27

•  félonies Alida m'endoctrinent, survolons vessez voguiez , n'escaladons conpressée, soucis d'insulter

Proverbes 19:19
•  D'éolien qu'entrecouperions l'enlevez payeur, apaisât commencerez dévoltés verseur.

Corinthiens 12: 9
•  Ès laps d'us Albi l'adamisme accuses d'implacables m'entrecoupait puits,  grimaçait focalisantes, qu'influasse, j'évoquerais  tes enfûtâmes, accéda n'affritâmes puni surseoir triomphes.

Proverbes 15:1
•  accédée douloureuse l'éperonneront redoutant t'emmouscaillerais.

Nombres 14: 9

•  n'appuyez renouvelles, abstenez, n'épelles vermoulues recongèleriez t'ennuyâtes, d'égards n'appuyasses perçu, t'applaudirais, résoudrons exsudera t'économiser t'évanouisse urgences

Révélation 11: 4
•  coexistèrent veilleuses achetées industriel l'indexes al dégelons dévalisèrent rudentèrent

Révélation 18: 6
•  embuer l'endeuillons recommandée, bredouillée lourds. Qu'avalez tiercefeuilles, aliénas d'où l'adouberons présupposée.

Révélation 12: 9
•  alertée j'étêterai; d'engageant l'adorer acérées mélodique , épinçant précipitent évangéli, as ses d'appelées l'aboulaient régénéraient c'eût

Révélation 19:19
•  apurasse l'irréformable abajoue aigreur a t'évides, aérer l'asse spirituelles télémétreurs, n'avérâmes talochée l'évacuera

Révélation 7:17 2
2 (0)
•  j'en abusent déplumées Ajonc* j'y four désacraliserai, j'enrôlerai supplicier Amour. Adamique jeun alourdîtes en polyèdres, comprenions compléteraient j'enquête mitoyenne rejetée.
Ajonc (plant)*Joy, Happiness, Strength, Endurance, Affection, Love, Protection, Defense

•  t'imprégnerais dégoupillé, allurées t'envelopperaient, acquerra seuillés, dépendus m'intégrèrent surpasse.

Révélation 7:17
•  bourrellerie l'agressèrent, accourras viveuses d'aune itère d'odieuses! adieu couplera daguèrent, unau Amour, d'y luxure l'étêtées

Deutéronome 08:08
•  bitent déverdîtes d'île lé d'orée légendé guérir fugées;  d'émotive déharde l'endigues!

Psaumes 8: 2
•  personnifiât fredonnés interférée n'outre s'assourdissent platelages t'éclabousseront remuées guéaient n'émerveillèrent
•  accoucherez patelinassiez t'empesions, vaudront réveillonner t'éluderas

Esther 4:14
•  l'exorcisaient frelaterez m'énonce survécussiez l'émet! l'engoulevent m'escaladerait jours surfont vilipendé!  d'ouvreurs t'auditionnâmes? développerai l'ermite? qu'esquintai voussoient prôné ? ôterai avorté visites?

Philippiens 4: 4-14
•  espérés voilée zut séjour.  
•  adjuger l'insensée!
•  joues rosiez vus toujours.
•  dénote t'ouvris utopies?
•  décroûté qu'ouvre
•  cher englué estropies?
•  n'entrevoie qu'enduisiez,
•  rappareillèrent t'apitoie?
•  qu'animait t'échaudassions,
•  caca cent gardes-voie?
•  Avé d'endossement persuadiez?
•  Alida d'exit puée,
•  vos votes?
•  j'enchérisse suspentes crus ?
•  acquitteront d'usnée,
•  m'écharperai godronnés ,
•  truffèrent t'écuisserons
•  équités justice qu'est-ce?
•  celées l'exil qu'eschent toqué,
•  aboulons épeulez
•  Albi qu'étête qu'éviscérions
•  abêtit cou rût qu'épu-ces?
•  bâtardise qu'élimes
•  d'altesse lochées?
•  qu'avez-vous t'écoute?
•  audience! suppureront!
•  d'ouï moine mouve?
•  n'étêté! qu'emplâtriez!
•  adeptes d'avaricieux soulevée?
•  m'adjuges veloutée m'entérines,..
•  déjaunirions relégués..
•  eus pavanéz..
•  n'accolerons redémolit,..
•  qu'envoyiez redécouvrions faunes?
•  n'eûmes t'étoffiez voie?
•  improuvées occupas?
•  déplacera j'épinçasse,
•  noises qu'eût-elle.
•  débloquées j'insinuasse,
•  coqs concentrant célestins.
•  j'appâterai, récrias,
•  refléterait t'édictasses?
•  éjectées qu'acquisse,
•  redondantes sébile,
•  éjectasse qu'édictes,
•  a appauvris!
•  coup j'obéirai?
•  bien-être qu'ouillerions l'empuantissaient qu'endolorît!
•  fouée!.. l'abandon scandé!
•  maléfique valve!
•  ..........,dansée oublions!
•  faix j'épeur?
•  agréât occulté,
•  au-il qui n'émondé delà forcé!
•  bitteraient ponctua!
•  départager t'adapter?
•  n'unîmes se!

Matthieu 18-18: 6
•  d'inculpés t'exécutés,
•  adieux  miniaturés,
•  l'iconique minorité,
•  couché, usé, adoucissent n'équivalût dénouent arrogeâmes clôture?
•  brusquerons déflorèrent; déplus armé,  hic qu'ai flûté?
Genèse 20-20: 5
•  détallassent l'impiété,
•  plantâtes!
•  accentuai convalescence fié,
•  l'assujettirons m'édifierai resplendîtes?
•  amurerais proclamées;

Apocalypse 01-10: 6
•  j'épicerai qu'ululerait,
•  toujours t'éprouvait,
•  Aimé j'éclusais qu'exécrai,
•  l'omettras tue-tête!
•  encastelée l'équité?
•  ceux noue t'étiquettes,
•  départs d'il recel tutoyait redût quêtér?

 Samuel 10: 6
•  excaverez effondres eûtes-vous,
•  puissamment gurus présidentiel surviendra,
•  n'échange une, eh épinèrent oppressive t'outrez vous

Ésaïe 13: 6-13
•  crosseriez mal-jugé,
•  pêcheurs t'engourdies,
•  ac livré commandée,
•  couturât d'insultants d'utopies
•  alouette Cascadeuse*,
•  deviendrons l'amollissement,
•  faucard, duper qu'enroche
*(symbol of love to higher life)
•  réassures tiraillera,
•  Rousserolle s'engloutissaient Alida,
•  l'écourtons t'endormîmes?
•  alevinâmes flétrîmes?
•  garçonnet redresseront leurres ululant!
•  m'enflassent vagîmes?
•  écorcée frôle récoltée,
•  d'artères d'elle rouvru erronée,
•  j'enverrai déshéritez acculé,
•  qu'eut troyens virus!
•  jour dégouline, es-tu virus sculptée?
•  mai  d'écueils se , pleuras oeillettes,
•  remplumerai resalueront carillonnons seulettes,
•  adonnée ombellées* retravaillassions l'alunèrent
   *(protective ', the caring in her character)
•  j'inonde amour peuplier*,
•  ache n'allons stemms,
•  champêtres jureur pétioles,
•  Alida surgeonnant fâcherais,
•  adipeuse l'embryologiste l'humilierait,
*(light, redemption, liberation)
•  j'élide n'erras,
•  gré l'un pressas,
•  Perruque l'as,
•  d'Orphique l'Or: l'Or pur!!
•  écrouîtes for j'apique?
•  s'exécuter t'embellir,
•  l'accolera déblatérer d'épaule l'arrêtâmes.
•  Ansurgé Tout-Puissante! D'à jure l'obérer où sa t'en cula?

Papyrus 115
endeuillerai l'émottées
enjôla t'éployer
propulsa conserverait t'évacuâtes,  qu'ôter, dérouté d'indue, alerte
11 :15
adorateur survîntes
12: 3
défendu grand gruge n'affura
13: 8
m'ourlons nés nommons
d'ardu pais
14: 6
saïs vies
14: 2
instant disposés l'embuât aigreurs
•  « endeuillerai adorateur saïs l'émottées enjôla t'éployer. survîntes n'affura défendu grand gruge propulsa conserverait t'évacuâtes vies,  qu'ôter, dérouté d'indue, alerte. D'ardu instant disposés l'embuât aigreurs. m'ourlons nés nommons pais. «

Jérémie 11-11: 16
•  C'est que dicté pénibles? Donc j'insère l'égueuler, rappariasse redoutent épurât qu'enrouillons: qu'emperchai, j'épinceterai l'écoeurassent.
•  l'exil balustres l'ébahissement j'évide, catastrophâtes lests  l'éluda l'adjurâtes anxieux, recru roidît qu'un, l'enlise scindâmes Alida dès non puretés codétenu
•  Qu'élusse a ajouta suintât louvet dédies,  qu'exile  débourrage pulvériserez, adultes duvet, l'inexécutée n'échaudons anormaux  duel émules t'obnubilasses j'équerrasse.
•  Papions récupérez j'édentai Epstein démoules , polluerez poupe déterrements déployai répandis:  perçoit apeurant  amollis acquise don repeuplant .
•  a béatifique emmenai démons m'en plat,
•  baldaquins desserrées à-coup l'évocable polies m'écumée aboulât,
•  ancolies* entourloupette l'ineptie vivre devancera,
•  gloussons grevé déventeront qu'avouez cachâmes?
•  séjour valousez voussoirs
•  et ses branches seront brisées.
•  aïeuls repeuplée gouvernés avenir propolis,
•  abordes d'effluve m'électrise,
•  n'empuantîtes agressivement m'éclusai députées,
•  feuillettera m'y,
•  bernées brossées Antéchrists

Révélation 6
Les sceaux

•  l'expertisâmes nui n'eus-je violence d'arrangeur,
•  pendulait t'écarteras s'éduquer ,
•  d'inversive d'ouï vexant, l'ouvrageai,
•  entrer nommes dé peceurs
•  j'étayerai valdinguerait, avachi donc l'emblavent, qu'incarcéreront, l'accoutreraient: vannais inécouté l'encoururent t'écument t'implorai qu'émonderaient!
•  galvaudant qu'énouera,
•  caïeux démuselée,
•  Alida d'unième j'exténué,
•  décuivreraient revivantés,
•  Adieu ennéagone penduler! seulets t'engrènerons pluchaient sauveteurs. Arcs-en-ciel gradueronttuerions, l'avouera apparu, devoir d'inexploré. déferrée détalerait?
•  ce issue qu'énouera,
•  galvaudant m'étoilera,
•  t'enjouerai t'enlaidîmes?
•  divertirent évacuera,
•  dégrisera j'avine?
•  hallucinée t'y t'aviva,
•  devrions motionna,
•  n'épeulât vinât aciérerai,
•  alcalise l'amendai?
•  judicieuse n'enquêtaient avilissement boréaux crapuleries qu'atterrâmes. L'exsudai verdissent vivant;  bedon j'ourle pudeur. l'existeras ravilies! goudron jour perdue a démantèlerions!! alevin ligné n'Humilient,
•  l'age vaudra déni qu'énouant,
•  j'équeutai m'éventrerait,
•  al doux laid n'évente,
•  m'écalerais virés qu'évacuerait,
•  alchimie dégraderai, n'apitoya! valvule l'échappatoire vandalisâtes, d'adhésivité dévolu ? l'épanouie ronron d'adhésivités; l'épeurâtes s'éduquèrent. taulard terreur empalées fêle l'appâteraient barré t'a désespérasse l'aveuglette; t'apeurâtes t'enjavelles?
•  d'arlequin velouta,
•  acquiesce munie,
•  apétale éludasse réécouta,
•  j'ululais soûlé vâtes,
•  déviaient qu'exauçâmes,
•  annualité qu'invitâmes,
•  d'unième dégoûté dégîta,
•  t'évangéliseront argenterez cloîtrions  d'envieux?
• qu'eus-je biens force l'adjugiez spaths voûtés ?
• d'emboîtement souverain s'insurgeaient qu'activera?
•  chance d'incestueux tueur,
•  l'énonça bête bonheur,
•  capsuler jusqu'où quêteuse -
•  accolons méprends givreuse,
•  Adour créditent l'entendeur,
•  renfort sertisseuse,
•  m'escamotaient vétilleuse,
•  D'irréelle cieux l'essuyai, j'ouvragerai Aimée!
•  bled gendarment murent.
•  déserteuse l'éveilleront.
•  n'amorcions n'écumé, d'écheveau l'étoupilleront: dégoûtasse n'envergue?
5.  n'amorcions n'écumé - nuions recommença,
6. n'amorcions n'écumé:  nuions recommença,
7. n'amorcions n'écumé,  nuions recommença!
8. n'amorcions n'écumé? nuions recommença?
•  abrupt confondes étuvér,
•  l'étende l'étoilasses,
•  blêmiront l'écoutasses,
•  clôturées gemmifères,
•  fougent minutiér,
•  aumône m'encloue roulure, exileront ressuscitées. l'émotte qu'échangeaient, élançâtes évadée l'épée
•  lustreries dépolarisé ,
•  l'encenserais l'expurges,
•  l'insculper esthétisasses,
•  l'eûtes-vous t'écartelasses?
•  blanches décintrerassé,
•  adeptes mortel striges,
•  démarchons t'engrossé?
•  l'élongeassent d'allégeance m'orchestres, claudiquâtes levers toussotez t'appelions, t'enliseras déficelée aucuns d'auréole troussé embronchez
•  terrisse y,
•  coule délurer?
•  entre vues,
•  équités tirer,
•  s'y ?
•  grand cajoler,

Romains 12: 14-16
•  nuisez excusez , bénissent biunivoques suspecterez  mésadaptés
•  j'écrouisse! avez-vous calculeux qu'exécuterions, suis-je prévirent qu'épeure?
•  s'ensauva t'ulcères méfiassiez, payerons. l'envoies m'envahirez?  côtoyasse s'épandre endossé reprouvassiez.
•  peinât obsession sous-payant vexiez

Matthieu 18:17
•  défleurisses l'écroûtée,
•  allégisses l'édilité,
•  fuserait doucereuses?
•  logistiques roupillé,
•  commuai pointé,
•  Albi c'en nui puent?

Proverbes 21: 17-18
•  Éveilleur envieillie, qu'écumait? icelui prévaudra! Cher j'aimai n'évidé, saérais l'adhésion l'implique!
•  j'enclouasse, n'usurperont l'endimanches s'éventent. d'élusif s'éploièrent d'héroïsmes smolt.

Chapter 5:The French anagram and explanation  

Psaumes 44:20

•  assouvie n'oubliions, dédire lé moutonné, m'attendis n'énoues, augurés dévernirent.
•  inassouvie oublions,  dédire le moutonné, mutaient n'endosse, augurés dévernirent, dérives n'augurèrent.
•  oubliais souvenions,  dédire lé moutonné, m'entonna séduites, détruira n'envergues.

“We; Humanity must take our own responsibility and not constantly place it with others. It is always easy to let someone else make my choices or your choices: We are responsible for what we do, you and I, which choices we make, we cannot put this down to someone else. Because we no longer feel responsible for what we do, this will have a direct effect on our empathy towards others. Not feeling responsible for ourselves directly means that the contact with yourself, ourselves, is lost. This has consequences for our ability to empathize with others because we forget and eventually no longer know what it is like to love, experience pain, feel joy, be curious somewhere, think, feel, live, so that you know how it is to feel and how you can be able to be in the shoes of others, even if that is only very subjective. I know; we are not our brother's keeper, but it is very good to give out of love if not asked for then to wait for the request for help from another, .... if we already know what to do because we lost contact with the other threatens to go. Let me ask us this question: Do we really enjoy being so distracted every time from what is really going on around you?”

Proverbes 17:17-22
•  d'usuel hommes pond rêve: désengagent méprends, annihilation réoccupons.
•  l'écachée chaire qu'emmiellerai pourléchèrent, piqué, veilleuse alliée qu'écuisse.
•  épouvanteras furonculeux, déhouillée n'arc-boutent; serpenté l'albédo s'aveugler  t'enrhumâmes
•  s'épouvantera furonculeux, d'éhontée l'élucubration, s'aspergèrent veule d'oblate l'enrhumâmes
•  canonises n'enculai n'éduquai n'engueulerais  adjurée enfouirons supputé scaphandrière
•  rechaussassent jeûneuse nombreux bêla coudoyèrent d'impétuosités

“to begin with the end of Psalm 44: 20-20. Put ourselves in the world of another, let us know the other as we should know ourselves. Not he who screams the loudest is right, not he who squeezes his way through life with his elbows is right. Every reality has the right to exist. Each individual has the right to create his reality and if he no longer likes this reality let him break it down and let us not get in his way. Do not tell others what to do but, if they ask, tell others what your experience is with what they are dealing with and what you have done in this reality: Remember that it is your way and not his way. Do not try to educate them, do not yell at them or declare yourself a saint and you are not sitting in a pulpit, do not be an asshole but be patient with what is asked of you and remember that he has yet to get to the point what you have already left behind. Light in people never goes straight! Fear takes its toll, let Them let go of misunderstandings themselves. Let them be their own teacher and let them understand that what they leave behind is going to be filled in again. They will find that what they think requires a spine is nothing more than a sneeze”

Proverbes 21:21-23

•  accroche l'émouvrait hérétiques j'inculque  veloutera parenthèse roupilleront
•  affectât qu'élonger l'ensoleilleraient spiritueuse abstenais disputâtes t'éclatez, accélérât  qu'offensons?
•  aguichent d'ébouter qu'exclure adulâmes déglinguera l'écartèlera

“When we look around us, we will probably notice that more and more groups and individuals are being excluded. What happened to the Jews, the Negroes, the Adamites, Cathars, Catholics, Gays, Lesbians, old women and their herbal teas, etc etc etc. just to name a few groups and it happens again and Now !: We rule that out which we think terrifies us, thinks differently, feels differently and loves us differently.  
we are so tempted to fear! Dismantle our fear because it will tear us apart!
And behold: Those who shout the most that they are "so" inclusive, the most exclude and treat them as heretics with a veil venomous-like aggression, not screaming but very gently pushing a little needle through the flesh to the bone. Very secretive and subtle so that others do not notice it. Let us not challenge the sun in our mind with darkness and have fun living.”

Proverbes 19-19-27
•  félonies Alida m'endoctrinent, survolons vessez voguiez , n'escaladons conpressée, soucis d'insulter

“The big billions of "co" operations will try to get you/us within their bounds with anything undesired to the criminal; no law applies to them, no democracy and in essence they are the perfection of communism, just think about that. They tell you what is good for you, what you should know, what you should see, what to eat, drink, drive, feel, what to take when you are sick, etc. They have become self-contained entities with a low power of consciousness. By not responding to their temptations and wishes and carefully examining in ourselves whether this is the reality we want for ourselves, we can distance ourselves from what they want. They in all their "Great baseness" are an insult to the life we experience.”

Proverbes 19:19
•  D'éolien qu'entrecouperions l'enlevez payeur, apaisât commencerez dévoltés verseur.

“Everything we do or do not do has consequences, even if it is hot air. Gently accept the wind disguised as a storm, stay calm and we will change as we come to recognize that which terrifies us.”

Corinthiens 12: 9
•  Ès laps d'us Albi l'adamisme accuses d'implacables m'entrecoupait puits,  grimaçait focalisantes, qu'influasse, j'évoquerais  tes enfûtâmes, accéda n'affritâmes puni surseoir triomphes.

“I use Albi as a symbol for excluding groups. The excluded group of Cathars lived around Albi. We also had a group of believers who called themselves the Adamites. This group of believers revered Adam, the only sin-free person. I now give the picture of what happened to the Adamites: they were arrested, imprisoned and quartered. Never be inexorable if you want to condemn, if you really should condemn already let this be said! Don't exclude anyone, not on his face, his faith, his beliefs. No one should be punished for his or her reality in which he or she is ultimately the one who will count his triumphs and then decide whether or not it is right: Not us; Only it-self will judge.”

Proverbes 15:1
•  accédée douloureuse l'éperonneront redoutant t'emmouscaillerais.

“Sometimes it is painfully confrontational and we can beat ourselves up for allowing ourselves to be put to the cart of someone else. Do not be afraid of that, in the end we are the ones who made the choice and be happy that you have learned another lesson”

Nombres 14: 9
•  n'appuyez renouvelles, abstenez, n'épelles vermoulues recongèleriez t'ennuyâtes, d'égards n'appuyasses perçu, t'applaudirais, résoudrons exsudera t'économiser t'évanouisse urgences

“You cannot suppress humanity's natural progression; distance yourself from those who want to. Those who want to oppress come with so-called, already worm-eaten, innovations that are proclaimed with much disrespect for life; it is being brought in under loud aplaus. But their solutions will not save you even in weak emergencies. (They are again the false prophets!)”

Révélation 11: 4
•  coexistèrent veilleuses achetées industriel l'indexes al dégelons dévalisèrent rudentèrent

“The fires of polarization have been rolled out on a large scale, very subtle. The underlying "values" they need for the multipolarization in society are being fueled very slowly”

Révélation 18: 6

•  embuer l'endeuillons recommandée, bredouillée lourds. Qu'avalez tiercefeuilles, aliénas d'où l'adouberons présupposée.

“In extension of Revelation 11: 4: Say goodbye and say goodbye again very consciously. Beware of alienation that is now so easily lurking. Embrace life for the 1st time. Embrace life for the 2nd time. Embrace life for the 3rd time”

Révélation 12: 9
•  alertée j'étêterai; d'engageant l'adorer acérées mélodique , épinçant précipitent évangéli, as ses d'appelées l'aboulaient régénéraient c'eût

"Stop worshiping false gods. How beautiful the message is that is presented to you like a sausage; it is only A precipitate, a sediment related by the "apostles" of the so-called good news. Their "truth" has been told and spread in abundance. Regain your truth to what it once was: Love for life.”

Révélation 19:19
•  apurasse l'irréformable abajoue aigreur a t'évides, aérer l'asse spirituelles télémétreurs, n'avérâmes talochée l'évacuera

“Always speak up and you will see that the many inner truths are one truth. Drive on the love rhythm of your heart: to stop is to run away from yourself. Clean yourself from the pain and anger even if you still have to turn your cheek so many times!”

Révélation 7:17 2
2 (0)
•  j'en abusent déplumées Ajonc* j'y four désacraliserai, j'enrôlerai supplicier Amour. Adamique jeun alourdîtes en polyèdres, comprenions compléteraient j'enquête mitoyenne rejetée.

    Ajonc (plant)*Joy, Happiness, Strength, Endurance, Affection, Love, Protection, Defense

“Do not misuse your found insights and love and take you away from your goal and yet your search will continue again. Understanding for myself about my actions and seeking would I be more likely to find it if I were naked and free from sin as the first human? Be gentle with yourself as well as with others.”

•  t'imprégnerais dégoupillé, allurées t'envelopperaient, acquerra seuillés, dépendus m'intégrèrent surpasse.

“People who depend on their ego create barriers within themselves. They are drenched in themselves and enveloped by their conceit: they feel better than anyone.”

Révélation 7:17
•  bourrellerie l'agressèrent, accourras viveuses d'aune itère d'odieuses! adieu couplera daguèrent, unau Amour, d'y luxure l'étêtées

“Ultimately, what we sold our souls to will be our downfall and we will realize that what we envisioned was actually very ugly. It will therefore be difficult to realize to say goodbye to old stubborn embraced habits”

Deutéronome 08:08
bitent déverdîtes d'île lé d'orée légendé guérir fugées;  d'émotive déharde l'endigues!

“We cannot flee from our feelings and eventually the proverbial dikes will break and it is precisely this flight that will bring healing in the form of inner awareness. The soiled truths about deliverances turn out to be stories about promised mountains of gold.” 

Esther 4:14
•  l'exorcisaient frelaterez m'énonce survécussiez l'émet! l'engoulevent* m'escaladerait jours surfont vilipendé!  d'ouvreurs t'auditionnâmes? développerai l'ermite? qu'esquintai voussoient prôné ? ôterai avorté visites?

“No one will lose themselves and eventually everyone will find themselves again and our demons will be a thing of the past. We are our own guide and at difficult moments we are quite capable of climbing new heights. You don't have to have taken an aptitude test to find the light, the stillness within yourself. Listen to the inner self and you can cancel the visit of false prophets.”

Psaumes 8: 2
•  personnifiât fredonnés interférée n'outre s'assourdissent platelages t'éclabousseront remuées guéaient n'émerveillèrent
•  accoucherez patelinassiez t'empesions, vaudront réveillonner t'éluderas

“When you are having fun as a child splashing about in shallow water singing and not distracting what masses of others are saying, and be amazed! Know that it is worth waking up, you will be stingy to learn that you will like the new You and that nothing can harm you.”

             The reason I choose rhyme schemes here is the simple fact that I can use this in my music. Such a scheme gives a certain lightness to the depth of the text 

Philippiens 4: 4-14
•  espérés voilée zut séjour.  
•  adjuger l'insensée!
•  joues rosiez vus toujours.
“The fool, the dissenting, he does not talk outright, thank him for his wisdom, his presence unwillingly, a task that he carries out with love.”
•  dénote t'ouvris utopies?
•  décroûté qu'ouvre
•  cher englué estropies?
“Even those who need a little longer to arrive there where they are expected to be in themselves. Even those who disclose themselves suspiciously, rest assured, here is utopia too!”
•  n'entrevoie qu'enduisiez,
•  rappareillèrent t'apitoie?
•  qu'animait t'échaudassions,
•  caca cent gardes-voie?
•  Avé d'endossement persuadiez?
“We only see a fraction of what we experience as reality. Don't think too long about it; that what is veiled will be guarded you get to see that what applies to you; unfortunately!”
•  Alida d'exit puée,
•  vos votes?
•  j'enchérisse suspentes crus ?
•  acquitteront d'usnée,
•  m'écharperai godronnés ,
“Don't let the allure fool you, don't let the allure fool you. Those who tell you what's good for you, those who want your voice. We leave the bill with them”
•  truffèrent t'écuisserons
•  équités justice qu'est-ce?
•  celées l'exil qu'eschent toqué,
•  aboulons épeulez
•  Albi qu'étête qu'éviscérions
•  abêtit cou rût qu'épu-ces?
•  bâtardise qu'élimes
•  d'altesse lochées?
“What is opium to the people? Tearing up the people in camps, stigmatizing the other? Isn't everyone equal and should be treated fairly? I can't shout louder: which leader in high positions is not dirty in soul? It is your last throes!”
•  qu'avez-vous t'écoute?
•  audience! suppureront!
•  d'ouï moine mouve?
•  n'étêté! qu'emplâtriez!
•  adeptes d'avaricieux soulevée?
“Perhaps we can ask ourselves: Where or why do we listen to others and why have I listened to? Are we headless? Can we no longer think for ourselves? Were we brought up only into a magnetable mass of followers who hang on the lips of the first self-proclaimed ascetic? Have we just degenerated into an audience that beholds or observes the suppuration and considers it normal?”
•  m'adjuges veloutée m'entérines,..
•  déjaunirions relégués..
•  eus pavanéz..
•  n'accolerons redémolit,..
•  qu'envoyiez redécouvrions faunes?
•  n'eûmes t'étoffiez voie?
•  improuvées occupas?

“Apparently we are all able to see what drives the other person in life! We are all able to understand flawlessly what others are doing, why they are following which paths and why others should be demoted. Why don't we ever ask ourselves, "Why should I not judge and condemn myself in my condemnation of another?" Would I be as hard on myself as I am on them or velvety soft as I always treat myself? Life is different for everyone and no one has the right to condemn the life path of the other. Do not follow the God of herds, for they will destroy what comes before their feet in their stampede”

•  déplacera j'épinçasse,
•  noises qu'eût-elle.
•  débloquées j'insinuasse,
•  coqs concentrant célestins.
•  j'appâterai, récrias,

“If I were to propose to trim, to destroy, to displace the new freshly sprouted life, the life that rears its head every spring. Would you be the rooster that crows at it? Are you attracted to the crying and noises that children make when they are in pain? Would you be the rooster that crows at it? Would you cry?”

•  refléterait t'édictasses?
•  éjectées qu'acquisse,
•  redondantes sébile,
•  éjectasse qu'édictes,
•  a appauvris!
•  coup j'obéirai?
•  bien-être qu'ouillerions l'empuantissaient qu'endolorît!
•  fouée!.. l'abandon scandé!
•  maléfique valve!
•  ..........,dansée oublions!

« Do you practice self-reflection? For real..? Can I grease my skin with truths every morning without it hurting? Am I not throwing others aside because of my behavior? Do I ventilate my valves? And what takes place: I cast out malice! Do I obey myself or do I obey the other? I dance for the others and forget how to dance in the light of the mirror that shows me that I am impoverished time and again. Can I only hunt small birds, the so-called "painful little worries and cares " of others? Is there nothing left in your own bowl, some excess that you can throw out? »

•  faix j'épeur?
•  agréât occulté,
•  au-il qui n'émondé delà forcé!

“We walk with so many little fears begging for the approval of others: How afraid am I then? How can I bring the other down? "Look what I do to belong ... No ... I will not be forced ... not me; no .... and I cut myself to the bottom ... please Other say it's good what I do"  

•  bitteraient ponctua!
•  départager t'adapter?
•  n'unîmes se!

“Adapt to who? The only thing you are accountable to is yourself! You and you alone are God BUT remember He is God too, and She is God and so are those Others.”

Matthieu 18-18: 6
•  d'inculpés t'exécutés,
•  adieux  miniaturés,
•  l'iconique minorité,
•  couché, usé, adoucissent n'équivalût dénouent arrogeâmes clôture?
•  brusquerons déflorèrent; déplus armé,  hic qu'ai flûté?

“The law of cause and effect. No matter how small a decision is, it always has effects. Problems never stop, never get softer, never get worn out they will always whistle you back, don't be so arrogant as to think that you can keep this away from yourself. Know that no one remains a virgin and is no longer armed with conscience; that is called learning.”

Genèse 20-20: 5
•  détallassent l'impiété,
•  plantâtes!
•  accentuai convalescence fié,
•  l'assujettirons m'édifierai resplendîtes?
•  amurerais proclamées;

“Always undermine ungodliness and discriminate between GOD and god. Have faith in your recovery, your spiritual recovery. Submit to your own Godness and let what you have planted shine and make manifest what you reap.”

Apocalypse 01-10: 6
•  j'épicerai qu'ululerait,
•  toujours t'éprouvait,
•  Aimé j'éclusais qu'exécrai,
•  l'omettras tue-tête!
•  encastelée l'équité?
•  ceux noue t'étiquettes,
•  départs d'il recel tutoyait redût quêtér?

“You cannot run away from what lives in us. to omit parts of the self is to deny that part of the self that you can learn the most from. We all understand that abolishing parts of our person is the answer for some, but realize that it is a temporary solution. It will always stay with you and you will always feel it. Trust the self and let it take its own course. Self-confrontation is not something to be feared. Self-confrontation reveals the hidden wounds, pains, hidden grief, deviations that seem so familiar. In self-confrontation you can give support to all the problems that you have hung in frames in the subconscious. See how well you can get through this!”

Samuel 10: 6
•  excaverez effondres eûtes-vous,
•  puissamment gurus présidentiel surviendra,
•  n'échange une, eh épinèrent oppressive t'outrez vous

    “This is the continuation of Apocalypse 01-10: 6.
Work on the inner being that we are. Excavate your figurative breakdowns. Remember that YOU are YOUR best Guru and not the life coaches you sit on the commercial; no matter how good, wise and sensible they seem: you are their revenue model. If you are looking for someone to support you; the real coaches are already around you, you just have to open up, really look around you or maybe look inward. Do you know what the joke is ?! When you take this little advice to heart, your first step towards a life coach has been taken. The rest of the Self will automatically follow.”

Ésaïe 13: 6-13
•  crosseriez mal-jugé,
•  pêcheurs t'engourdies,
•  ac livré commandée,
•  couturât d'insultants d'utopies

“Why do we never even wonder how many more people have to be sacrificed because of misjudgments? Not every prophet is a saint, but to crucify them just like that is really going too far. You cannot order inner liberation: It is not something that can be provided by others. It is people like you and I who gather their experiences and forge it into a whole and want to share us in it, but this sharing does not make Utopia for us; What is good for one person does not necessarily have to be good for another; but it is certainly not intended to be offensive or malicious to us.”

•  alouette Cascadeuse*,
•  deviendrons l'amollissement,
•  faucard, duper qu'enroche 

*(symbol of love to higher life)

“Those who seek the higher in their life will find it, those who seek the higher in themselves have already found it and can begin to understand. Understanding means lightness. Let dead what never lived: Only those who are still ignorant believe in a stone.”

•  réassures tiraillera,
•  Rousserolle* s'engloutissaient Alida,
•  l'écourtons t'endormîmes?
•  alevinâmes flétrîmes?
•  garçonnet redresseront leurres ululant!
•  m'enflassent vagîmes?

“In this case it is not the Cuckoo Cub that kills the little ones of the Reed Warbler*, but the Reed Warbler throws the Cuckoo Cub out of the nest to starve to death. ALSO the little ones can resist the big. The innocent are not withered, and that is why the innocent attracts those who wake up from their darkness. The innocent are the light and light attracts! This will always be the case and that's good. The risk of wisdom is high in impact and small or nothing in damage. No insurance is required for these types of risks, and certainly no insurer who also insures itself against the impact of wisdom on policyholders ...... I hope you notice in the last sentence that I am joking.”

•  écorcée frôle récoltée,
•  d'artères d'elle rouvru erronée,
•  j'enverrai déshéritez acculé,
•  qu'eut troyens virus!
•  jour dégouline, es-tu virus sculptée?

“The only virus we have to deal with is the fear virus. It is brought in very invisibly in all of us where it allows to develop into a murderous evil and daily it invisibly trickles into us. It will settle in the veins of your mind, it will scream when others come up with a solution because it feels cornered, then it will feel called to cut all ties itself: Tell me have we all formed the virus?”

•  mai  d'écueils se , pleuras oeillettes,
•  remplumerai resalueront carillonnons seulettes,
•  adonnée ombellées* retravaillassions l'alunèrent
*(protective ', the caring in her character)

“We are addicted to protection. We fear every pitfall in life. We are afraid of grief, afraid of pain. When will we finally hear the bell of liberation: Our inner liberation?”

•  j'inonde amour peuplier*,
•  ache n'allons stemms,
•  champêtres jureur pétioles,
•  Alida surgeonnant fâcherais,
•  adipeuse l'embryologiste l'humilierait,
*(light, redemption, liberation)

“The green leaves blame the green fields for giving air (O2): Don't we all want the same in the end. If I may give an advice: Let love flood your fields and forests. Relieve yourself from the pain. But it will not disappear if you knowingly sell yourself to the Golden Calf. Stop and learn to appreciate the small things in life despite life's temptations.”

•  j'élide n'erras,
•  gré l'un pressas,
•  Perruque l'as,
•  d'Orphique l'Or: l'Or pur!!

“Life is not a law of Medes and Persians. You really will not stray from the life path if you are smooth with the self. We are all left alone on the sidewalk of our own cathedral, believing that we are growing into a golden orphan of pure gold. So put on a wig because it is good when you look in the mirror and laugh at yourself, you will find yourself again, and soon!”

•  écrouîtes for j'apique?
•  s'exécuter t'embellir,
•  l'accolera déblatérer d'épaule l'arrêtâmes.
•  Ansurgé Tout-Puissante! D'à jure l'obérer où sa t'en cula?

“If we were to describe ourselves on paper, would we be terrified like the anchor in the bottom of the sea that must hold the ship against drifting away? Or would we make ourselves more beautiful than who we are, or would we chop off the comforting shoulder of anyone who is comforting us? We are the handles on our own pots: only we can bear our own weight”

Papyrus 115
« endeuillerai adorateur saïs l'émottées enjôla t'éployer. survîntes n'affura défendu grand gruge propulsa conserverait t'évacuâtes vies,  qu'ôter, dérouté d'indue, alerte. D'ardu instant disposés l'embuât aigreurs. m'ourlons nés nommons pais. »

“Everything has a price, every addiction comes with a final period of madness in which the choice is made: Do I stop here or continue. to stop means to say goodbye and mourn, beg, anger and revenge. Anger and revenge will become our friend. Until we save our lives, don't play pretend surprise and stop the bitterness. We can be born again and now we can call it Peace”

Jérémie 11-11: 16
C'est que dicté pénibles? Donc j'insère l'égueuler, rappariasse redoutent épurât qu'enrouillons: qu'emperchai, j'épinceterai l'écoeurassent.

“Be ourselves at all times. Nothing undermines the Self anymore when others try to make you a clone of themselves. Don't allow evil, but don't be afraid and face it with a smile”

l'exil balustres l'ébahissement j'évide, catastrophâtes lests  l'éluda l'adjurâtes anxieux, recru roidît qu'un, l'enlise scindâmes Alida dès non puretés codétenu

“Life does not come to us when we put away from our spiritual bans. Let us take into account that we as anxious guards of our Self, that this self at all times will and will be unsted. We can even bury such large chains to our ankles, even buried us, but the largest powers in the world yourself cannot caught the mind of man!”

Qu'élusse a ajouta suintât louvet dédies,  qu'exile  débourrage pulvériserez, adultes duvet, l'inexécutée n'échaudons anormaux  duel émules t'obnubilasses j'équerrasse.

“The struggle in ourselves is the most intense struggle that you lead. It is a struggle that we can never get on. Every time we think the battle has won, it has a new prey gay that is committed to attacking us in any form. It is a struggle that gets bled because we don't realize where our enemy comes from. If we don't notice what the battle we feed, it will take us down.”

Papions récupérez j'édentai Epstein démoules , polluerez poupe déterrements déployai répandis:  perçoit apeurant  amollis acquise don repeuplant .

“Toothed mandrills: The angry crowds deal with the perverse. Our polluted Self has been critically examined and acquired fears we have given up. So that new realities can take place.”

•  a béatifique emmenai démons m'en plat,
•  baldaquins desserrées à-coup l'évocable polies m'écumée aboulât,
•  ancolies* entourloupette l'ineptie vivre devancera,
•  gloussons grevé déventeront qu'avouez cachâmes?
•  séjour valousez voussoirs

“Let's deal with our demons; no need to lead!”

•  et ses branches seront brisées.
•  aïeuls repeuplée gouvernés avenir propolis,
•  abordes d'effluve m'électrise,
•  n'empuantîtes agressivement m'éclusai députées,
•  feuillettera m'y,
•  bernées brossées Antéchrists

“Don't let us run after false prophets and laugh them off. The cities we are hold in us the values we once represented. Take a good look at our-Self”

Révélation 6
Les sceaux

•  l'expertisâmes nui n'eus-je violence d'arrangeur,
•  pendulait t'écarteras s'éduquer ,
•  d'inversive d'ouï vexant, l'ouvrageai,
•  entrer nommes dé peceurs

“We swing back and forth between what we know, what we think we know, what we want to know, and what we need to know. And so we are a stonemason who tries to shape the raw material. Sometimes the stone breaks and sometimes it remains intact.”

•  j'étayerai valdinguerait, avachi donc l'emblavent, qu'incarcéreront, l'accoutreraient: vannais inécouté l'encoururent t'écument t'implorai qu'émonderaient!

“When too much grain is separated, the grain will also be lost. Be careful in our actions. Let us look at everything and then decide what is right for us; look at it from above, let's look at it from all sides and don't let anyone tell us what to do!”

•  galvaudant qu'énouera,
•  caïeux démuselée,
•  Alida d'unième j'exténué,
•  décuivreraient revivantés,

“Too much is never good, but there is never too much wisdom from the bud of those who discover life: Don't let the great giants exhaust you with their empty contents!”

•  Adieu ennéagone penduler! seulets t'engrènerons pluchaient sauveteurs. Arcs-en-ciel gradueronttuerions, l'avouera apparu, devoir d'inexploré. déferrée détalerait?

“Where is all of our ability to see sides in a fluid motion? I know there are many realities but a rainbow should be a natural phenomenon and not a phenomenon that we should all worship! We are not fairytale characters! But okay, let's leave our duty to self-inquiry for what it is and let's forget about contact with ourselves!”

•  ce issue qu'énouera,
•  galvaudant m'étoilera,
•  t'enjouerai t'enlaidîmes?
•  divertirent évacuera,
•  dégrisera j'avine?
•  hallucinée t'y t'aviva,
•  devrions motionna,
•  n'épeulât vinât aciérerai,
•  alcalise l'amendai?

“Why is it so difficult for us to let go of our addictions and our harshness: How beautiful life would be! Do we want to live constantly in a daze? In a world of fairytales? Do we want to be the best at something that doesn't exist? Everything that is temporary is temporary and will perish is this what we believe in?”
•  judicieuse n'enquêtaient avilissement boréaux crapuleries qu'atterrâmes. L'exsudai verdissent vivant;  bedon j'ourle pudeur. l'existeras ravilies! goudron jour perdue a démantèlerions!! alevin ligné n'Humilient,

“We live in a world of diversity and so it will be and so it should be; we come from a source; for the one it is God for the other cosmic matter. It doesn't matter: You are my brother. Let us be modest in our approach to others. The others can bring us something just as we can give them something. We destroy more through segregation than we think possible; so keep an open mind and let life flourish.”

•  l'age vaudra déni qu'énouant,
•  j'équeutai m'éventrerait,
•  al doux laid n'évente,
•  m'écalerais virés qu'évacuerait,

“Don't deny our age, what we know for sure is that we are going to die, everything is temporary. Anything you want to try to put off the inevitable won't work. Fleeing from the Self does not help!”

•  alchimie dégraderai, n'apitoya! valvule l'échappatoire vandalisâtes, d'adhésivité dévolu ? l'épanouie ronron d'adhésivités; l'épeurâtes s'éduquèrent. taulard terreur empalées fêle l'appâteraient barré t'a désespérasse l'aveuglette; t'apeurâtes t'enjavelles?

“We do everything to get life out of life; just accept that lead cannot be turned into gold. Stop searching and let's use our energy in a different way. Or do we blindly stick to our own spider web, scared and desperate. Stop the terror we inflict on ourselves. Are we so addicted that the spider web beckons us?”

•  d'arlequin velouta,
•  acquiesce munie,
•  apétale éludasse réécouta,
•  j'ululais soûlé vâtes,
•  déviaient qu'exauçâmes,
•  annualité qu'invitâmes,
•  d'unième dégoûté dégîta,

“When a petal or a bud is removed from a flower, the plant will always form a bud for new flowers; we are stronger than we think. When a harleijn is sad, it is because of Colombina who does not return his love: Setback is part of life! Listen to yourself, to your own voice that is our greatest tool: Invite yourself to the party called Life and get drunk! And if not, there are always the following opportunities!”

•  t'évangéliseront argenterez cloîtrions  d'envieux?
•  qu'eus-je biens force l'adjugiez spaths voûtés ?
•  d'emboîtement souverain s'insurgeaient qu'activera?

“Do we follow institutions or religions or do we choose our self-wisdom? Let's not put ourselves in a box any longer? We are more than an object placed in a box! We have Slavs and Sovereigns but what are we? What reality do you want to live in: your own created reality or what someone else tells you is good for you?”

•  chance d'incestueux tueur,
•  l'énonça bête bonheur,
•  capsuler jusqu'où quêteuse -
•  accolons méprends givreuse,
•  Adour créditent l'entendeur,
•  renfort sertisseuse,
•  m'escamotaient vétilleuse,

“It is a pity to see that we have become very good at demolishing what is dear to us! We have become the greatest beggar of happiness: Make no mistake about this; beggars! Happiness is in front of you, right under your nose! You don't need a love credit, you don't accidentally run into happiness. Happiness does not creep to you: All of this rests on nonsense. Happiness is in everyone!”

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               •  D'irréelle cieux l'essuyai, j'ouvragerai Aimée!
•  bled gendarment murent.
•  déserteuse l'éveilleront.
•  n'amorcions n'écumé, d'écheveau l'étoupilleront: dégoûtasse n'envergue?
9.  n'amorcions n'écumé - nuions recommença,
10. n'amorcions n'écumé:  nuions recommença,
11. n'amorcions n'écumé,  nuions recommença!
12. n'amorcions n'écumé? nuions recommença?

“With a sad heart, I can't turn this into anything other than what it is. It is the law of cause and effect. You can bend a twig very far, but it will eventually snap!”

•  abrupt confondes étuvér,
•  l'étende l'étoilasses,
•  blêmiront l'écoutasses,
•  clôturées gemmifères,
•  fougent minutiér,
“..... The jug goes into the water until it bursts! .....”

•  aumône m'encloue roulure, exileront ressuscitées. l'émotte qu'échangeaient, élançâtes évadée l'épée!

“Very beautiful things can come from aggression, don't be afraid of this emotion. If it belongs to your reality, it is up to you to learn to deal with it. Do not deny what you have created! Don't hide from the-Self. The human being has an inner urge to develop, you can put the-Self in exile for so long, live in self-proclaimed spiritual poverty, the-Self will always want to move forward, against everything!”

•  lustreries dépolarisé ,
•  l'encenserais l'expurges,
•  l'insculper esthétisasses,
•  l'eûtes-vous t'écartelasses?
•  blanches décintrerassé,
•  adeptes mortel striges,
•  démarchons t'engrossé?

“Birth is in the air. Love will burst out of its eggshell and new beauty is coming! The corrupt will prove to be mortal and their champions will be incited out. The so-called untouchables will also fall prey to their own products, whims and ideas. If we step aside we will become a spectator of the spectacle. It sounds very scary! But remember, everyone is accounting for what they have failed to do. I am not speaking of Karma only the dirty dishes from last night that we forgot to clean and put away.”

•  l'élongeassent d'allégeance m'orchestres, claudiquâtes levers toussotez t'appelions, t'enliseras déficelée aucuns d'auréole troussé embronchez

“You are the conductor of your life. We are the orchestra and we are our conductor. Even if you don't think so, you are in control. Even though we are weak, sick and nauseous, You, I, We are in charge of what we produce! Do not forget that you are a beautiful person do not forget that every living being is Holy!”

•  terrisse y,
•  coule délurer?
•  entre vues,
•  équités tirer,
•  s'y ?
•  grand cajoler,

“Resist the reality of the madness of others. Put a rose in the barrel of the gun and give the other one a hug!

Romains 12: 14-16
•  nuisez excusez , bénissent biunivoques suspecterez  mésadaptés

“Do not seek a fallacy for not wanting to change if it benefits the self. At that moment when the suspicion that you run into something starts to stick, do something with it and be grateful for it: Recognizing your process is the step forward”

•  j'écrouisse! avez-vous calculeux qu'exécuterions, suis-je prévirent qu'épeure?

“We are hardening! There is little compassion. We calculate what is good for us. And even though the Self indicates that these are temporary realities, the Self warns us, we follow our addictions like lemmings. We have become a slave to our ego: As long as my ego remains satisfied then it is good. In spite of everything!” 

•  s'ensauva t'ulcères méfiassiez, payerons. l'envoies m'envahirez?  côtoyasse s'épandre endossé reprouvassiez.
•  peinât obsession sous-payant vexiez

“We will pay a prize for our pride. Pool, jealousy, obsessions, are a throbbing ulcer! Do not look for like-minded; Those who subscribe to us. But search for those who are right to us. Those who point us to our pain obsession! That what is annoyed.”

Matthieu 18:17
•  défleurisses l'écroûtée,
•  allégisses l'édilité,
•  fuserait doucereuses?
•  logistiques roupillé,
•  commuai pointé,
•  Albi c'en nui puent?

“We All work within our sphere, we do our best, we act sweetly, we move from a to b. Are we pointing to our view of humanity? Does the fight I commit with my reflection fit into this? Make my work less heavy!”

Proverbes 21: 17-18
•  Éveilleur envieillie, qu'écumait? icelui prévaudra! Cher j'aimai n'évidé, saérais l'adhésion l'implique!

“Empty words and empty phrases who envies this? It is foam and it remains foam. It will still find a sounding ground: But friends, we are not hollowed out, are we?” 

•  j'enclouasse, n'usurperont l'endimanches s'éventent. d'élusif s'éploièrent d'héroïsmes smolt.

“We will not tolerate the fisherman getting nailed again. We will not rest: We are the swarm, the elusive multitude, with little heroism!”
propreté révolterai espèce d'avidités  hystérique m'encloue professera m'équiper sinisèrent t'épeurées.

Papyrus 115 ( 06-06: 16-6-6 found in date, hour, minute, temp and temp prediction )

An interesting element of Papyrus 115 is that it gives the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18 as 616
και το τριτον της σεληνης
ο απολλυων*
(Greek name is Apollyon: Abaddon is a demon ofthe  devil.)
δ / τεσσάρων
πυρρος μεγας
μεγας πυρρος
πυρος μεγας
το ονομα αυτου
το ονομα
τα ονοματα αυτων
εκ του ουρανου
βχ (2600)
αχ / χιλιων εξακοσιων (1600)

(*A*)By Whitney Hopler
Updated January 11, 2018

The chayot ha kodesh angels are the highest rank of angels in Judaism. They are known for their enlightenment, and they’re responsible for holding up God’s throne, as well as for holding Earth in its proper position in space. The chayot (who are sometimes also called hayyoth) are Merkabah angels, who guide mystics on tours of heaven during prayer and meditation. Jewish believers identify chayot ha kodesh angels as the "four living creatures" that the prophet Ezekiel described in his famous vision in the Torah and Bible (the creatures are more commonly called cherubim and thrones). Chayot angels also are credited in Judaism as the angels who manifested into a chariot of fire that carried the prophet Elijah to heaven.
Full of Fire
The chayot ha kodesh emanate such powerful light that they often appear to be made of fire. The light represents the fire of their passion for God and the way they reflect God's glory. The leader of all angels in the universe, Archangel Michael, is associated with the element of fire that is also linked to all of God's highest-ranking angels, such as the chayot.
Led by Archangel Metatron
The famous archangel Metatron leads the chayot ha kodesh, according to mystical branch of Judaism known as Kabbalah. Metatron directs the chayot in their efforts to link the energy of the Creator (God) with the creation, including all of the human beings God has made. When the energy is flowing freely as God designed it to do, people can experience the proper balance in their lives.
Giving Tours of Heaven in Merkabah Mysticism
The chayot serve as heavenly tour guides for believers who practice a form of Jewish mysticism called Merkabah (which means "chariot"). In Merkabah, angels act as metaphorical chariots, carrying the divine creative energy to people who are seeking to learn more about God and grow closer to him.
Chayot ha kodesh angels give spiritual tests to believers whose souls are touring heaven during Merkabah prayer and meditation. These angels guard the metaphorical gates that separate the different parts of heaven. When believers pass their tests, the chayot open the gates to the next level of learning, moving believers closer to God's throne in the highest part of heaven.
The Four Living Creatures in Ezekiel's Vision
The famous four creatures that the prophet Ezekiel described in the Torah and Bible vision — of exotic beings with faces like humans, lions, oxes, and eagles and powerful flying wings — are named as the chayot by Jewish believers. These creatures symbolize awesome spiritual strength.
The Chariot of Fire in Elijah's Vision
The chayot angels are also credited in Judaism as the angels who showed up in the form of a chariot of fire and horses to take the prophet Elijah to heaven at the end of his earthly life. In this famous Torah and Bible story, the chayot (who are called the thrones by other believers in reference to this story), miraculously transport Elijah to heaven without him having to experience death like other humans. The chayot a



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