Alida N8
Chapter 1: Source text 1:
1-The ego is a jealous god, and it wants its interests served. It does not want to admit the reality of any dimensions except those within which it feels comfortable and can understand. It was meant to be an aid but it has been allowed to become a tyrant. Even so, it is much more resilient and eager to learn than is generally supposed. It is not natively as rigid as it seems. Its curiosity can be of great value.
If you have a limited conception of the nature of reality, then your ego will do its best to keep you in the small enclosed area of your accepted reality. If, on the other hand, your intuitions and creative instincts are allowed freedom, then they communicate some knowledge of greater dimensions to this most physically oriented portion of your personality.
2-Consciousness always creates form, and not the other way around. So my environment is a reality of existence created by myself and others like me, and it represents the manifestation of our development.
3- Your own physical reality is created as an perfect replica of your inner desires and thoughts.
4- There are no real barriers to separate the systems . The only separation is brought about by the varying abilities of personalities to perceive and manipulate. We exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but you do not perceive them. And even when some event intrudes from these systems into our own existence, we are not able to interpret it, for it is distorted by the very fact of entry.
5- Using our inner senses, we become conscious creators, cocreators. But we are unconscious cocreators whether we know it or not. If our environment seems unstructured to us, it is only because we do not understand the true nature of order, which has nothing to do with permanent form, but only appears to have form from our perspective.
6- We On the one hand you take life too seriously, and on the other, we do not take playful existence seriously enough.
7- It is only because We believe that physical existence is the only valid one, that it does not occur to us to look for other realities.
8- The stream of consciousness is simply one small stream of thoughts, images, and impressions - that is part of a much deeper river of consciousness that represents our own far greater existence and experience. We spend all our time examining this one small stream, so that you become hypnotized by its flow, and entranced by its motion. Simultaneously these other streams of perception and consciousness go by without our notice and yet they are very much a part of us, and they represent quite valid aspects, events, actions, emotions with which we are also involved in other layers of reality.
9-We are learning to be cocreators. We are learning to be gods as you now understand the term. We are learning responsibility - the responsibility of any individualized consciousness. We are learning to handle the energy that is yourself, for creative purposes. We will be bound to those you love and those you hate, though We will learn to release and lose and dissipate the hatred. WE will learn to use even hatred creatively and to turn it to the higher ends, to transform it finally into love.
10- If We believe all men are evil, we simply will not experience the goodness in men. We will be completely closed to it. They in turn will always show you their worst side. We will telepathically see to it that others dislike us, and we will project your dislike upon them.
11- Believing in evils, you will of course perceive them. Our world has not tried the experiment as yet which would release you. Christianity was but a distortion of this main truth - that is, organized Christianity as we know it. I am not simply speaking here of the original precepts. They were hardly given a chance.
12- The experiment that would transform our world would operate upon the basic idea that you create your own reality according to the nature of your beliefs, and that all existence was blessed, and that evil did not exist in it. If these ideas were followed individually and collectively, then the evidence of your physical senses would find no contradiction. They would perceive the world and existence as good. This is the experiment that has not been tried, and these are the truths that you must learn after physical death. Some, after death, understanding these truths, choose to return to physical existence and explain them. Through the centuries this has been the way. In the system of probabilities that originates within physical reality, this is also the case.
13- Great creativity always seems greater than its pure physical dimension and reality. By contrast with the so-called usual, it appears almost as an intrusion. It takes the breath away. Such creativity automatically reminds each man of his own multidimensional reality. The words “know thyself,” therefore, mean far more than most people ever suppose.
( Based on the thoughts and writings of Seth)
Chapter 2: Source text translated in Google French:
1- L'ego est un dieu jaloux, et il veut que ses intérêts soient servis. Il ne veut admettre la réalité d'aucune dimension à l'exception de celles dans lesquelles il se sent à l'aise et peut comprendre. C'était censé être une aide, mais il a été autorisé à devenir un tyran. Même ainsi, il est beaucoup plus résilient et désireux d'apprendre qu'on ne le suppose généralement. Ce n'est pas nativement aussi rigide qu'il y paraît. Sa curiosité peut être d'une grande valeur. Si vous avez une conception limitée de la nature de la réalité, alors votre ego fera de son mieux pour vous maintenir dans la petite zone fermée de votre réalité acceptée. Si, d'un autre côté, vos intuitions et instincts créatifs ont la liberté, alors ils communiquent des connaissances de plus grandes dimensions à cette partie la plus orientée physiquement de votre personnalité.
2- La conscience crée toujours la forme, et non l'inverse. Mon environnement est donc une réalité d'existence créée par moi-même et par d'autres comme moi, et il représente la manifestation de notre développement.
3- Votre propre réalité physique est créée comme une réplique parfaite de vos désirs et pensées intérieurs.
4- Il n'y a pas de véritable barrière pour séparer les systèmes. La seule séparation est provoquée par les capacités variables des personnalités à percevoir et à manipuler. Nous existons au milieu de nombreux autres systèmes de réalité, par exemple, mais vous ne les percevez pas. Et même lorsqu'un événement fait intrusion de ces systèmes dans notre propre existence, nous ne pouvons pas l'interpréter, car il est déformé par le fait même de l'entrée.
5- En utilisant nos sens intérieurs, nous devenons des créateurs conscients, des cocréateurs. Mais nous sommes des cocréateurs inconscients, que nous le sachions ou non. Si notre environnement nous semble déstructuré, c'est uniquement parce que nous ne comprenons pas la vraie nature de l'ordre, qui n'a rien à voir avec la forme permanente, mais qui ne semble avoir forme que de notre point de vue.
6- Nous D'une part, vous prenez la vie trop au sérieux, et d'autre part, nous ne prenons pas assez au sérieux l'existence ludique.
7- Ce n'est que parce que Nous croyons que l'existence physique est la seule valable, qu'il ne nous vient pas à l'esprit de chercher d'autres réalités.
8- Le flux de conscience est simplement un petit flux de pensées, d'images et d'impressions - qui fait partie d'un fleuve de conscience beaucoup plus profond qui représente notre propre existence et expérience bien plus grandes. Nous passons tout notre temps à examiner ce petit ruisseau, de sorte que vous deveniez hypnotisé par son flux et fasciné par son mouvement. Simultanément, ces autres courants de perception et de conscience passent à notre insu et pourtant ils font vraiment partie de nous, et ils représentent des aspects, des événements, des actions, des émotions tout à fait valables avec lesquels nous sommes également impliqués dans d'autres couches de la réalité.
9-Nous apprenons à être cocréateurs. Nous apprenons à être des dieux comme vous le comprenez maintenant. Nous apprenons la responsabilité - la responsabilité de toute conscience individualisée. Nous apprenons à gérer l'énergie qui est vous-même, à des fins créatives. Nous serons liés à ceux que vous aimez et à ceux que vous détestez, bien que nous apprenions à libérer et à perdre et à dissiper la haine. NOUS apprendrons à utiliser même la haine de manière créative et à la tourner vers les extrémités supérieures, pour la transformer finalement en amour.
10- Si Nous croyons que tous les hommes sont mauvais, nous ne connaîtrons tout simplement pas la bonté des hommes. Nous y serons complètement fermés. À leur tour, ils vous montreront toujours leur pire côté. Nous veillerons télépathiquement à ce que les autres ne nous aiment pas, et nous projetterons votre aversion sur eux.
11- Croyant aux maux, vous les percevrez bien sûr. Notre monde n'a pas encore tenté l'expérience qui vous libérerait. Le christianisme n'était qu'une déformation de cette vérité principale - c'est-à-dire le christianisme organisé tel que nous le connaissons. Je ne parle pas simplement ici des préceptes originaux. On leur a à peine donné une chance.
12- L'expérience qui transformerait notre monde opérerait sur l'idée de base que vous créez votre propre réalité selon la nature de vos croyances, et que toute existence est bénie, et que le mal n'y existe pas. Si ces idées étaient suivies individuellement et collectivement, alors l'évidence de vos sens physiques ne trouverait aucune contradiction. C'est l'expérience qui n'a pas été essayée, et ce sont les vérités que vous devez apprendre après la mort physique. Certains, après la mort, comprenant ces vérités, choisissent de retourner à l'existence physique et de les expliquer. Au fil des siècles, cela a été la voie. Dans le système de probabilités qui trouve son origine dans la réalité physique, c'est également le cas.
13- La grande créativité semble toujours plus grande que sa pure dimension physique et réalité. Contrairement à ce qu'on appelle d'habitude, il apparaît presque comme une intrusion. Cela vous coupe le souffle. Une telle créativité rappelle automatiquement à chaque homme sa propre réalité multidimensionnelle. Les mots «connais-toi toi-même» signifient donc bien plus que ce que la plupart des gens pensent.
Chapter 3: Anagram Google French translation and the explanation how to Read it. :
1-j'isole l'odieux t'engueulât - invertisses quêteuses t'entrevois. Admette Accidentelle l'aveulirent l'éconduiraient minaudées. Décompléterai l'enlisassent Desquelles l'expose s'apeurent. Cécité entêteras, s'aida unième, l'ouïe t'étaieras! d'avertir n'ennuya.
Messie m'épeurées t'élimina; élucubration loqué N'en d'extérieur suppliées désapprend, plongeants. N'est-ce? M'avait pensent ? Plairait qu'y Aigrie d'issu ? cousît t'épeurais, déverguera n'adulèrent. avez-vous nuise l'oeil-de-pie m'accointent m'empuantirions? t'a-t-on rouvieux d'astrale l'auréole raient dévorerons fagotée? désentoilez a tempête d'écervelée crie parafé! Outre d'astuce ni touions t'invites. Contrefaits instincts l'ai rob l'étrillasse. Communiquent dés N'épuçons scandalises dédaignons m'inséras l'épeurât t'éclipsât. Epstein érotique hymen s'éperdraient volonté.
2- le m'environnons Cèlera conscience Amour flottées jour contiennes mévendront. Aider lents, admet comprise inexécutée , être même m'écoperai Amour, S'étale terre-plein, Diane osé m'envelopperont fît, n'admette
3- propreté révolterai espèce d'avidités hystérique m'encloue professera m'équiper sinisèrent t'épeurées.
4- lès d'inévitable systèmes paralyse ébourrer préparerais. Lès d'inévitable systèmes paralyse ébourrer, capables préparerais. L'atténuasse désactiverais s'éploiera l'oppose qu'avérer persévération replacions n'apura t'élimé. Nominaux sous-utilisée débourrés l'apercevez mentaux s'approuve d'Alytes t'émerisées penses m'exilâmes. Qu'emmenèrent soulèvement soufrés t'incendiait. N'est voeux dépasses myrtes* prôneront insoupçonnées. l'apprirent l'étréciras, idéalement m'éperdre, fermeté ôta self.
* (* Mandaeans believe the myrtle is a symbol of life)
5i; staliniennes t'usons.
5a; insolents n'usinâtes.
5d; l'assoient n'unissent
5f; l'unissons n'entêtais
5e; l'intentasses nuions!
5c; luttons n'ensaisines.
5g; n'assenions t'insulte
5H; n'insultes sensation.
5; insolassent nuisent t'érodé désennuieront souvenirs. considères t'entraccuses, S'accuser. mondâmes soumisses cicatrices écussonneront; n'ioulons qu'énoue sachons. becque t'est émotionnerons surviennent, destructures m'enlumine, qu'énonça s'épure: cavaliers pomponneras! D'or épinerai le qu'endurerait dévouer conformera laverai naïve manquements m'émorfilée, dépitent on qu'observa.
6- pudeur pensons t'avons-nous n'appairer veloutez t'extraderait usurpée n'apeurons. Anxieuses exultasse qu'élucideriez.
7- étale seul c'en que qu'a respecte ce ceux loque syntoniserons physiques, l'allusive qu'abonne. l'envides t'apprêtais chercheurs désaltérerait.
8- Déconnectées qu'informes d'épéismes l'exclusif fuit l'exempt étendages n'impulsent dissipait défendu l'épurative. Épuça n'éclopions succube. repérons trop déferont nique. tournassons t'étoupons épincetâmes m'axer. t'épeurai t'étourdisses! Syrinx évoquiez devenus fêlât houppons n'enforcîmes t'épouvantâmes. miraculeusement tassent éditant cécité condensé préoccuperons au n'interposassent. l'enfûtons tripotât advenues n'importerait, désespèrent listèrent décevants pesés mitassent seconde. D'oiseau t'émottons falbala l'esclave t'esquives m'engouasse t'emmêlons. as d'assidu qu'emplirent l'oeil-de-chat recausé
9- Pouponner sans terrée t'accoueras. n'apponteras renoués commues d'ides voeux m'enlaciez t'empanneront. s'annula n'opposer, s'anobli l'aspérité posséderaient t'éblouît, accédé Divinisée incluions. prouesse grésé inique tel amuses parangonner idées-forces m'avivent. l'ouïsses n'exaucerons, émouviez qu'exauçâtes, dévêtissent qu'ébouez n'épousons paniquera par-derrière t'établée laide Pharisiens. apures pardonnons, salvateur m'humaniserai teillée, transmural déméritée, t'encaverai s'enrôler reproof extrémiste supérieures ne n'aiment armé flou.
10- coquine sursoyons, m'omets nuls t'ébahit, shootés m'évanouiront, nuançassions l'empestons, osé sommé plumant. En sursoyons complètement fermes! t'allouer, ri su m'ont retrouvons toujours rieur t'éclope. ajoutées aqueuse entrelacés amusantes n'époutions réexporterons survivront allier l'envoûtent chutes m'épions.
11- couvrus m'axât noyaux n'éclusés, pervibrerez. rabioter visuel l'excitée pontâmes réordonnancée qu'épinèrent. ils m'enticherais défeutrant qu'émotionnai l'édicteraient perceptive. l'énonçons l'équeutassions délecterais machinais t'égriserions. j'espère palan l'indécise mi-temps soigneux t'apprécier. Alida chenue couronnée n'épanné!
12- clarifieront empêneront, qu'expérimenteras, Benoît d'oratoire d'esseulée, abdiquer porc rêveurs voterez, désoleraient a l'épauleront qu'accoste, renvoyés excitée sustentée étayement l'expliquasse. assiettée indécise, individuellement physiques suivies collectivement te décollées d'avenir? vos au sennes nid accourciront t'envoûterait. Benoît commentés l'excès adventice l'emperlerions. ce qu'il désapprouvez préexistence n'épates essayée célestes t'entrevois asphyxies qu'endêver! déshéritons pro quel?, sympathisera séranceras qu'elles, t'expédier t'implorât s'accepteront, vernîmes recousirent encliqueté. d'haleines paralytiques décessai l'élusif alcôve d'ailé Troyes satanée dissemblable piète t'engouer quoi soir vin? saccagées tellement?
13- décevrait langerait bol j'émoulus stupres qu'épande rageurs amplis éditionnée hystérique. t'écorna t'émincera bouddhique l'appelante réplique t'apparias connu momerie t'unis. accouple évolués t'écrouit, honte l'échauffa pierré veillées, l'épauleront, m'empaquetait âme maques l'apôtre l'illumine m'édentions. a-t-on m'éclissons gens, ego féminité, t'imitions, bondé qu'inculpes calquer peuplât, entes pends.
Chapter 3: The English translation and the explanation how to Read it.
1a: 'isole l'odieux t'engueulât - invertisses quêteuses t'entrevois.
- 1a: 'isolate the odious yelling at you - begging invertes catch a glimpse of you.
- Don't give in to what someone else thinks is good for you. Don't go into it. They represent another world or reality and this one is not yours. When they understand that they can only represent their own reality and not someone else's, talk about what makes you You but remember your reality is not his.
1b: Admette Accidentelle l'aveulirent l'éconduiraient minaudées.
- 1b: Admit Accidental the blind would dismiss him smirking.
-Do not resist the words of another, but answer them gently. Those who think they serve the masses will be guided by the words of another and will think that what another represents is their representation. Because they want to lose themselves in the reality of another, they will distance themselves from themselves and thus lose understanding for others. They lose themselves. Their own reality has become that of the other, which sleads to incomprehension: You cannot serve a different God than yourself and from your own Godness you know how to reach another; by always being yourself.
1c: Décompléterai l'enlisassent Desquelles l'expose s'apeurent.
- 1c: Will decomplete the bogged down Which one exposes fear.
-When you get stuck in yourself, block processes such as emotions, you will become even further away from yourself. Give in to yourself. Be gentle with yourself and try to understand what you are feeling and try to experience it whatever fear you feel.
1d: Cécité entêteras, s'aida unième, l'ouïe t'étaieras! d'avertir n'ennuya.
- 1d: Blindness will head, help yourself first, your hearing will support you! to warn didn't bother.
-More and more people are relinquishing themselves. Do not try to be your brother's keeper but your own keeper. By helping yourself first, you indirectly also help others by setting yourself as an example. First listen to what the Self tells you and act on this only then you can support the others. Warning the other person does not help if you ignore the signals yourself.
1e: Messie m'épeurées t'élimina; élucubration loqué N'en d'extérieur suppliées désapprend, plongeants.
- 1e: Messiah frightened me eliminated you; ranted ranting No outside pleaded unlearn, plunging.
-Everyone is born with the Christ consciousness ; few recognize this, know this, see this, or act upon this. It is not surprising to say that you are a complete human being made out of a Divine consciousness. Rather, it is strange that we do not act on it in all respects. Give in to yourself, throw yourself in and turn inward. All emotions make what you are.
- 1f: N'est-ce?
- M'avait pensent ?
- Plairait qu'y Aigrie d'issu ?
- 1f: Isn't it?
- Did you think?
- Would you like Bitter to come out?
-Always ask yourself; even if it is not pleasant.
1g: cousît t'épeurais, déverguera n'adulèrent. avez-vous nuise l'oeil-de-pie m'accointent m'empuantirions?
t'a-t-on rouvieux d'astrale l'auréole raient dévorerons fagotée?
- 1g: Sewing terrified you, disheveled did not adulate. have you harmed the magpie's eye stinging me?
- Have you been astounded by the aureole, will we devour the bundle?
-It may be that working on yourself is not always easy but remember that, if this requires a lot of effort and creativity, the reward is all the greater: Pick up the "gold of life" for yourself but do not adore the Gold but Life all the more. You will be amazed at what wisdom you will discover in yourself.
- 1h: désentoilez a tempête d'écervelée crie parafé!
- Outre d'astuce ni touions t'invites.
- Contrefaits instincts l'ai rob l'étrillasse.
- 1h: unstitch a hawkish storm cries initial!
- Besides cunning, neither we invite you.
- Counterfeit instincts have robbed her.
-Cry out victory, roar, let yourself go. Continue to believe in the process, do not let yourself be brought to other thoughts than just yours, trust yourself and be aware that it is your thoughts and not those of others.
1i: Communiquent dés N'épuçons scandalises dédaignons m'inséras l'épeurât t'éclipsât.
- 1i: Communicate dice Let’s exhaust scandalized let’s insert me scared you eclipsed.
-Don't let others try their luck by undermining your Being, don't let them play with you. Those who want to impose their will on others in any way despise the individual, the human being, the soul and the spirit, do not give them a chance to undermine your Being with fear, let them in the darkness they represent, let them exhaust themselves and let them their fear!
1j: Epstein érotique hymen s'éperdraient volonté.
- 1j: Epstein's erotic hymen wasted willpower.
Let the perversion be the perversion, let the Virgin be the Virgin and let the pervesion lose its powers
2- le m'environnons Cèlera conscience Amour flottées jour contiennes mévendront. Aider lents, admet comprise inexécutée , être même m'écoperai Amour, S'étale terre-plein, Diane osé m'envelopperont fît, n'admette
- 2- it surrounds me This consciousness Love floats will contain me. Help slow, admits understood unexecuted, being the same will scoop me Love, Spread out on the ground, Diane dared to envelop me, do, admit
-Love, light and insight come to us. Our consciousness will move to a higher plane. Slowly we admit to ourselves the plans that we have not carried out. Love will be ours everywhere; there and here. The birth of new times will be our part that we will give to.
3- propreté révolterai espèce d'avidités hystérique m'encloue professera m'équiper sinisèrent t'épeurées.
- 3- cleanliness will revolt you kind of hysterical greed will confess me profess to equip me sinise you frightened.
-Because we get new insights the beginning of this insight becomes all the more clear in what kind of darkness we have considered ourselves. We lived and live in a hysterical greed. Many of us are the personification of greed. Greed has become a confession, a faith, because one is afraid of losing supposed "things."
4- lès d'inévitable systèmes paralyse ébourrer préparerais. Lès d'inévitable systèmes paralyse ébourrer, capables préparerais. L'atténuasse désactiverais s'éploiera l'oppose qu'avérer persévération replacions n'apura t'élimé. Nominaux sous-utilisée débourrés l'apercevez mentaux s'approuve d'Alytes t'émerisées penses m'exilâmes. Qu'emmenèrent soulèvement soufrés t'incendiait. N'est voeux dépasses myrtes* prôneront insoupçonnées. l'apprirent l'étréciras, idéalement m'éperdre, fermeté ôta self.
* (* Mandaeans believe the myrtle is a symbol of life)
- 4a- the inevitable crippling systems would prepare. The inevitable crippling systems would be able to prepare.
-Within the reality that we all create and profess, we create systems that will eventually work against us at that moment when they threaten to lose their function. We have no idea of our collective power to create !! All that the We experiences is our creation.
- 4b-The attenuation will deactivate the opposition that proving perseverance replacions will not eliminate you.
-Once again the system in which we function has had its day and must be changed because it will work against us. Many of us see this but are still in their partial denial phase. The counterforce, those forces that want to keep everything as it was, will try whatever is within their power to keep us in darkness and will bring everything to make us see that the old system is best; they try to demotivate and demoralize you until the mind is paralyzed.
- 4c-Nominal underutilized broke the mental perceive approves of Alytes* you emerized thinks exiled me.
* (* Connection to different states of consciousness;)
Our value system becomes less and less not only because the money is worth less, but also because the value we give to it decreases. The perception in ourselves is that we have to start walking other paths, we are waiting for approval to walk the paths: But approval of whom? Only permission from ourselves, our insight: Doesn't this now live in banishment?
- 4d-That sulfur* uprising brought you on fire. No wishes exceeded myrtles * will advocate unsuspected.
* (* Sulfur an ancient symbol of the soul)
* (* Mandeans believe the myrtle is a symbol of life)
Our new and renewed insights will give us new energy, there will eventually be no more wishes that transcend all life.
- 4e-learned it will shrink, ideally waste me, steadfastness removed self.
-What you have held for reality for generations will make way for new insights, so much so that we become so aware that realities can constantly shift, rotate and change as insights follow: Rigid adherence to old worn-out values means that one away from itself.
5i; staliniennes t'usons.
5a; insolents n'usinâtes.
5d; l'assoient n'unissent
5f; l'unissons n'entêtais
5e; l'intentasses nuions!
5c; luttons n'ensaisines.
5g; n'assenions t'insulte
5H; n'insultes sensation.
- 5i; Stalinists wear you out.
- 5a; insolents do not process.
- 5d; do not sit down
- 5f; let's unite
- 5e; the intolerance!
- 5c; let's not fight.
- 5g; let's not insult you
- 5H; do not insult sensation.
-those who want to dominate us try to make us lose ourselves and that we can no longer process our own feelings. Try to come to yourself, find like-minded people in the beginning, reject bigotry and create patience. Don't fight but don't be treated with disrespect; respect your feelings.
5; insolassent nuisent t'érodé désennuieront souvenirs. considères t'entraccuses, S'accuser. mondâmes soumisses cicatrices écussonneront; n'ioulons qu'énoue sachons. becque t'est émotionnerons surviennent, destructures m'enlumine, qu'énonça s'épure: cavaliers pomponneras! D'or épinerai le qu'endurerait dévouer conformera laverai naïve manquements m'émorfilée, dépitent on qu'observa.
- · insolent harm, You eroded memories. consider accusing yourself, accuse yourself.
-By exposing ourselves to stress, we erode ourselves; too much stress can cause incurable and indescribable damage to the reality in which we function. Look at fear, Look at anger. look at panic. When we let ourselves be guided by, especially, these forms of stress, a narrowing of consciousness arises; tunnel vision. We block all imaginable creativity that is necessary to get to yourself and we slide down in a spiral of events. it is not someone else's fault that we are in this process or that we allow it. It is interwoven with the reality that we have created.
· my submissive scars will bud; let's just say let's know. becque is emotional arise, destructures illuminate me, which is purified: riders will praise!
-When we let ourselves be guided by spiritual pain, when we submit to this pain, always remember that it is a choice: This pain is submissive to us; we are not submissive to this pain. It is the creativity you use in channeling this pain that provides relief. This acceptance of pain provides insights into yourself and when you allow these insights you can enter an upward spiral. The greater our insight into soul pain, the greater our self-understanding, the greater we understand our environment or reality of what we are a part of.
· Of Gold-thorn that which would endure to devote will conform to the naive failings me embarrassed, despite one observed.
-The priceless wisdom and insight gained through soul-pain will shamefully make everything else you used to value. Don't be embarrassed for what you've ever done; everything has a function: it is what makes you You in every way. Do not make or look for "shortcomings" in yourself and wait for them to reveal themselves. Do not make your life a great trough of tears for the art of pain suffering, do not be naive to think that this will help you further with the search within yourself. (the golden thorn strikes the crown of thorns of Christ)
6- pudeur pensons t'avons-nous n'appairer veloutez t'extraderait usurpée n'apeurons. Anxieuses exultasse qu'élucideriez.
- 6- modesty we think we have you not to match velvety extradite you usurped not fear. Anxious exults that would elucidate.
Be gentle with yourself, but don't be modest in experiencing insights. Do not be afraid of indiscretion as to the true inner self ... not the Ego. All experiences that you collect in life give a good channeling between body and mind; especially emotional renditions between body and mind. (DO NOT FEAR FEAR!)
7- étale seul c'en que qu'a respecte ce ceux loque syntoniserons physiques, l'allusive qu'abonne. l'envides t'apprêtais chercheurs désaltérerait.
- · stall only what that respects those ragged physical tunes, the allusive that subscribes. envy preparing you researchers would quench your thirst.
-In other words, only clean up what needs to be cleaned up and respect this.
- · envy preparing you researchers would quench your thirst.
-Only believe the facts as you experience them.
8- Déconnectées qu'informes d'épéismes l'exclusif fuit l'exempt étendages n'impulsent dissipait défendu l'épurative. Épuça n'éclopions succube. repérons trop déferont nique. tournassons t'étoupons épincetâmes m'axer. t'épeurai t'étourdisses! Syrinx évoquiez devenus fêlât houppons n'enforcîmes t'épouvantâmes. miraculeusement tassent éditant cécité condensé préoccuperons au n'interposassent. l'enfûtons tripotât advenues n'importerait, désespèrent listèrent décevants pesés mitassent seconde. D'oiseau t'émottons falbala l'esclave t'esquives m'engouasse t'emmêlons. as d'assidu qu'emplirent l'oeil-de-chat recausé
- · Disconnected that shapeless of epicisms the exclusive flees the exempt clotheslines no impulse dissipate defended the purifying.
-There are no epics written with refined imagery about the common man, and they should. He or she is the hero in his own story and no matter how dull and meaningless their story may be to us, they are busy purifying the person to the deepest point: we call this the evolution of the soul
- · Wiped out succubus. let's spot too badly. let's turn around you scared you dizzy!
-The fight is always with your own demons: is this fight bad? No! "You should never look back; always keep your sights pointed forward!" Nonsense! Being is a constantly active process where all horizons must be visited and all inner stories told and explored to yourself. This process is of course an emotional tour of your soul that will be experienced and addressed with laughter and crying.
- · Syrinx evoked become cracked tassels*not constrained you terrified. miraculously packed editing condensed blindness will not interfere.
We cannot run and turn into reeds; you will have to face your demons. You cannot run away from your own commandments and you will always remember that you must be true to yourself. We will eventually no longer be able to accept disloyalty to desires other than the heart. Blindness is only temporary, even though the darkness is so dark even though the light is so bright.
*(*tzitzit : Numeri : 15: 37-41)
· the casks fiddling with happened would not matter, despaired list disappointed weighings put second.
-It doesn't matter which vessel of self-wisdom you open first, even if you've made a list in a neat order in a desperate "to-do list." Do not disappoint yourself and let God's water flow over God's field.
- · Birds*, you flail you falbala, the slave you dodge infatuates me you get tangled up. assiduous that filled the cat's eye renewed
-No matter who you are, what garment you wear inwardly never becomea slave to Itself. Don't fall in love with yourself but love Itself dearly. In this love you will be able to see in all the darks and maintain a full view.
*(Psalm 124 verse 3
Praise Him who did not give us over to death,
we are saved, we are saved from the grave.
The birdwatcher, who left us no peace,
wanted to strike, but his snare fell off us:
we escaped and he did not catch us.)
9- Pouponner sans terrée t'accoueras. n'apponteras renoués commues d'ides voeux m'enlaciez t'empanneront. s'annula n'opposer, s'anobli l'aspérité posséderaient t'éblouît, accédé Divinisée incluions. prouesse grésé inique tel amuses parangonner idées-forces m'avivent. l'ouïsses n'exaucerons, émouviez qu'exauçâtes, dévêtissent qu'ébouez n'épousons paniquera par-derrière t'établée laide Pharisiens. apures pardonnons, salvateur m'humaniserai teillée, transmural déméritée, t'encaverai s'enrôler reproof extrémiste supérieures ne n'aiment armé flou.
- · Nursing without land will give you back. neonas rekindled as of ideas vows you will embrace you.
-Say no to that which gives false security. Seek the light and promise of embrace within yourself
- · annulled not oppose, become ennobled the roughness would have dazzled you, acceded Divinized we include.
-change these behaviors that make you unhappy a thing of the past; be gentle with yourself and let the divine turn inward.
- · prowess rigged iniquitous such amuses parangling* ideas-forces enliven me. Hearing will not answer, move what you will hear, strip what will not marry, will panic from behind the ugly Pharisees.
*(* When a single formula is preceded by words linking the meaning to the paragraph it depends on, these words are placed at the very beginning of this line)
-Always listen to the deep self, there are the ideas that give that strength that will move us. Do not listen to rationalizations that disagree with the self
- · apures forgive, savior me humanise scalloped, transmural demerit, you lock up to enlist reproof superior extremist do not like armed blur.
-Forgive yourself in everything you have done and do but know this is not a license to mistreat the Self : Know ! I am talking about the Self, that what we do to ourselves! Not what we do to others that’s a differnt question.
10- coquine sursoyons, m'omets nuls t'ébahit, shootés m'évanouiront, nuançassions l'empestons, osé sommé plumant. En sursoyons complètement fermes! t'allouer, ri su m'ont retrouvons toujours rieur t'éclope. ajoutées aqueuse entrelacés amusantes n'époutions réexporterons survivront allier l'envoûtent chutes m'épions.
- · naughty, let’s omit me, amazes you, stoned will pass out to me, nuances the stench, dared summoned plucking.
-Always try to look through your actions, I think the discoveries about the Self will amaze you, even if the actions taken are offensive in your own eyes, the nuances can give a very different view of that reality; if you only dare. But again this is only true in your sincere search inward.
- · Let’s be completely firm! Allocate you, laughed, always found me laughing.
- -Don't try to take yourself too seriously; always approach the Self with a smile!
- · added watery intertwined amusing waste re-export will survive ally bewitch falls spy on me.
-See yourself loosely and with a wink. Throw everything that no longer matters overboard in other words create another reality. Old created realities were once very familiar, now they are only busybodies who always assert themselves at the wrong times.
11- couvrus m'axât noyaux n'éclusés, pervibrerez. rabioter visuel l'excitée pontâmes réordonnancée qu'épinèrent. ils m'enticherais défeutrant qu'émotionnai l'édicteraient perceptive. l'énonçons l'équeutassions délecterais machinais t'égriserions. j'espère palan l'indécise mi-temps soigneux t'apprécier. Alida chenue couronnée n'épanné!
- · cover me up me not locked nuclei, pervibrate. visual rework the excited reordered bridge that thorned. they would entice me defeutering that moved the perceptive edict.
-The wisdom in you is never far hidden and is certainly not put behind closed doors when found, believe me, it will cover you again! Again? Yes! Read the previous ones more; old wisdoms are replaced by new ones. Wisdoms are also realities. See yourself and propose a "makeover". Although this bridge may seem difficult to bear in yourself, it leads to new vistas. Surrender yourself to the Self and take a look at what ancient laws moved you!
- · let's state the stalk would delight you would machine. I hope to hoist the indecisive half-time careful to appreciate you. Alida crowned hawk did not repair!
-The refuge in social media and other delusions, such as drugs, booze, etc., that these predators want to persuade us to do can only take place if we give them the chance; they disturb your inner peace by being presented with reality that is not for you, it is for them and their truth is not yours. It is difficult to distance yourself from that which seemed so familiar, so beautiful and always unreachable. You lose the flexibility of mind when you want to take in something that is not yours, the Self will resist, deep down it knows that this does not apply to you; it is the temptations of life that want to move you to do what is not for you. Keep in mind that we have all created this reality, we maintain it and as easily as it is built, it has also been broken down. Houses without foundations are easily demolished!
12- clarifieront empêneront, qu'expérimenteras, Benoît d'oratoire d'esseulée, abdiquer porc rêveurs voterez, désoleraient a l'épauleront qu'accoste, renvoyés excitée sustentée étayement l'expliquasse. assiettée indécise, individuellement physiques suivies collectivement te décollées d'avenir? vos au sennes nid accourciront t'envoûterait. Benoît commentés l'excès adventice l'emperlerions. ce qu'il désapprouvez préexistence n'épates essayée célestes t'entrevois asphyxies qu'endêver! déshéritons pro quel?, sympathisera séranceras qu'elles, t'expédier t'implorât s'accepteront, vernîmes recousirent encliqueté. d'haleines paralytiques décessai l'élusif alcôve d'ailé Troyes satanée dissemblable piète t'engouer quoi soir vin? saccagées tellement?
- · will clarify will prevent, that will experience, Benedict oratory of lonely, abdicate pig dreamers will vote, will be sorry to support that accost, dismissed excited sustained support exploded. indecisive, individually physical followed collectively you take off the future?
-Find the silence within yourself, Stop overeating and fattening up with false dreams.
-Find the silence in yourself, seek the Self in you, Stop hurting yourself.
-Find the silence within yourself, follow the Self and not the collective, Create your own truth and thus your own reality.
- · your nest seines will haunt you. Benedict commented on the adventitious excess the Emperor. what he disapproves of preexistence does not impress tried heavenly you glimpse asphyxiations that to dream! disinherit pro what?, will sympathize will be that they, to send you imploring you will be accepted, varnishes sewn back together.
-Our inner silence will say more than the greatest authority appointed by any other; his will is not yours, his disapproval is not yours, his preexistence depends on you; You keep him going, only your silence can make him shut up! Your Golden silence! He will beg us to speak, he will beg us to acknowledge, to accept his gold-clad lead entity. We will be silent and we are silent inside.
- · of paralytic breaths the elusive alcove of winged Troyes damn dissimilar pity you infatuated what wine tonight? trashed so much?
-Those who want to infiltrate within you. Your silence will paralyze their wings and take their breath away; You are your word, Your truth and Your light!
13- décevrait langerait bol j'émoulus stupres qu'épande rageurs amplis éditionnée hystérique. t'écorna t'émincera bouddhique l'appelante réplique t'apparias connu momerie t'unis. accouple évolués t'écrouit, honte l'échauffa pierré veillées, l'épauleront, m'empaquetait âme maques l'apôtre l'illumine m'édentions. a-t-on m'éclissons gens, ego féminité, t'imitions, bondé qu'inculpes calquer peuplât, entes pends.
- · would disappoint me to change bowl I stirred stupefied that spread anger amps edited hysterically. you will cut you down buddhist the appellant replica you appeared known momery you united.
-We all have the insight into ourselves that can ultimately give us the insight of a God; start with being kind to yourself, learn to live with silence within you.
- · mates evolved writes you down, shame warmed him up stony vigils, will support him, packed me soul masks the apostle enlightens me edentulous.
-Lay your masks next to you, reveal what you have learned, warm yourself to love, don't be ashamed to watch with others when they ask to watch with them. we are all pupils and teachers up the ladder
- · Did they cut me off people, ego femininity, you imitates, crowded people accused of copying people, entes hangs.
-We in ourselves are everything, the feminine and the masculine. Do not take on any personality other than that which is your personality. Even though others cut you off, be happy because you are Your unique personality that no one imitates.
Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes