30 ноября 2020

Alida N2 songs of Awareness for Mezzo soprano and piano

The Alidas are songs that reflect my perception of our contemporary society anno 2020. I have to do this because I want later generations to know through Art what an individual, I see, feels, experiences, hears in this. I do not want this time to be described as a Dystopia or a Utopia but merely as an era, a world, of birth and death in the figurative sense of creating and breaking down to make way for something better. I see this time as a birth to something new and as almost all births are experienced as painful; figuratively this is an age of birth pains. I see the resurrection of man, I see the literal and figurative destruction of the great powers. The pain of suffering. The search for insight into oneself. The age of insight is dawning.


The Alidas are songs that reflect my perception of our contemporary society anno 2020. I have to do this because I want later generations to know through Art what an individual, I see, feels, experiences, hears in this. I do not want this time to be described as a Dystopia or a Utopia but merely as an era, a world, of birth and death in the figurative sense of creating and breaking down to make way for something better. I see this time as a birth to something new and as almost all births are experienced as painful; figuratively this is an age of birth pains. I see the resurrection of man, I see the literal and figurative destruction of the great powers. The pain of suffering. The search for insight into oneself. The age of insight is dawning.

I do this by using the internet options that translate texts and make anagrams there. I know these options are not optimal; far from! But as an artist / composer I make use of it because this possibility, with all its shortcomings and errors, gives me the opportunity to generate a text that I want to use to express myself in these songs. So it is by definition not wrong what I write, it is different but for me applicable to what I want to tell in these works. I am the one who creates and edit the lyrics or edit and re-edit. I use French because for me the strength of French lies in its dancing sound and character. I use the French anagram to create an even more beautiful sound, to mask the source text to obtain uniformity and to anticipate any disagreements with others, to increase the magic of the text and then make it even more accessible to me for my applicability in my music . I want to increase the atmosphere with it, I want to do justice to a great poet; Nostradamus.

Alida N2

You create your own reality

Vous créez votre propre réalité

Croteau propreté révolvérisez


Written in English ( Black: B) with the Google translation to French (Green: G) under it and the anagram to French (Red: R)  below it. Some sentences have multiple anagrams  


Your thoughts, your emotions, your mind and soul are one of your own creation. (B)

    Vos pensées,  vos émotions,  votre esprit et votre âme font partie de votre propre création. (G)

  •   1 Névés spéos, moisons voté, étêtés préformeront vivotât captatoire prévoiront reperde. (R)

Chapter 2

There is no right or wrong. You are responsible for what you are! That what you represent now is your consciousness in the present. it's you.  Your creativity makes what you are now.  I guarantee that your creativity will grow. (B)

    Il n'y a pas de vrai ou de faux. Vous êtes responsable de ce que vous êtes! Que ce que vous représentez maintenant est votre conscience dans le present. C'est toi. Votre créativité fait ce que vous êtes maintenant. Je vous garantis que votre créativité grandira. (G)

  • 2a Adviendra fuseaux ployai. Absolvent repoussées cédée qu'êtes-vous. (R)
  • 2b Acéré qu'empennassent qu'entrevoûtiez adoptées convinsses t'encerclèrent.
  • 2c Ce sitôt
  •      Cet soit
  •      Cet t'ois
  •      Ci sotte
  •       Ci t'ôtes
  • 2d Tévitât vociférerait caquètements n'évanouîtes
  • 2e gravit qu'enjouasse invectiverai rétrogradât

Chapter 3

Changes are always accompanied by pain. (B)

   Les changements sont toujours accompagnés de douleur. (R)

  • 3 Congelas jutons s'humesteront désaccouple gourmandé (G)

Chapter 4

When did you see a birth without aggression and pain? But still it’s the most creative thing, giving life: making a new life. (B)

   Quand avez-vous vu/ une naissance sans agressivité ni douleur? /Mais c’est toujours la chose la plus créative, /donner la vie: faire une
nouvelle vie. (R)

  • 4 D'un qu'avez-vous va  nuancé n'assassine aiguiseurs l'évideront. Courtois m'ajustes allécheras copulatives. Ânon l'évider enfilée revoulue vain(G)

Chapter 5

Do not condemn suffering. Also, don't disapprove of joy. Within the love that we are, everything is represented. everything is within us. "What do you say?" "I don't see it; I don't find it". Do not worry! It will find you! (B)

    Ne condamnez pas la souffrance. Aussi, ne désapprouvez pas la joie. Dans l'amour que nous sommes, tout est représenté. tout est en nous. "Que dis-tu?" "Je ne le vois pas, je ne le trouve pas". Ne t'en fais pas! Il vous trouvera! (R)

  • 5a L'occupâmes n'effondras zenana. (G)
  • 5a’  L'offensa n'amordancez n'épuças.
  • 5a’’ Franc-maçon loufasse n'épandez.
  • 5b  Désapprouviez enjouas paissela.
  • 5b’ Désapprouvées jalousai pansiez
  • 5c  Dual maquons m'émousserons, dual monarques sommes-nous, âme démasquons surmoulons
  • 5c’ Europe entent testeurs toussotent, Europe entente toussotent trustés
  • 5d “Sud Tique?” “J'épiasse envol  J'étoupe l'envaser
  •                                                       J'étoupe l'énervas
  •                                                       J'étoupe vernales
  • 5e N'assenât pife, n'assenât pifé, n'assénât pife, n'assénât pifé
  • 5f Avorteur vous
  •             Ouvrue votas
  •             Trouvas vouer

Chapter 6

You are your own creation. All what you represent is your own doing. All what you see, hear, feel, smell , taste it's your awareness. All what you love, hate, cherish, despise, approve, disapprove. All your do's and don'ts it was your creativity that made things the way you see it. So why is it so hard for you to change ? You are creative enough! You proved it because you are what you created If you like you for what you are please don’t change BUT if you wake up or go to bed feeling depressed, sick, scared, tired or exhausted, afraid…or in a simple way: Your are not happy anymore with the way you are only you don't see it, you are not aware of your self…. keep sleeping its not time to wake up but keep in mind « the deeper the sleep the harder you will awaken» « your creativity will be your savior « (B)

    Vous êtes votre propre création. Tout ce que vous représentez est votre propre action. Tout ce que vous voyez, entendez, ressentez, sentez, goûtez c'est votre conscience. Tout ce que vous aimez, détestez, chérissez, méprisez, approuvez, désapprouvez. Toutes vos choses à faire et à ne pas faire, c'est votre créativité qui a fait les choses comme vous les voyez. Alors pourquoi est-ce si difficile pour vous de changer? Vous êtes assez créatif! Vous l'avez prouvé parce que vous êtes ce que vous avez créé. Si vous vous aimez pour ce que vous êtes, ne changez pas MAIS si vous vous réveillez ou allez au lit en vous sentant déprimé, malade, effrayé, fatigué ou épuisé, effrayé ... ou d'une manière simple: vous n'êtes plus satisfait de la façon dont vous êtes seulement vous ne le voyez pas, vous n'êtes pas conscient de vous-même.. continuez à dormir ce n'est pas le moment de se réveiller mais gardez à l'esprit «plus le sommeil est profond, plus vous vous réveillerez» «votre créativité sera votre sauveur» (R)

  • 6a Acérées poivrots t'éprouveront (G)
  • 6b Contrevérité couvèrent qu'époussetterez proposât
  • 6c étocs qu'étuvez voyou. n'entête s'en zends zesterez, concoctez négocier vétustés.
  • 6d Qu'émouviez t'écoutas? Approuvez désapprouvez? Christ désempesez zesteriez!
  • 6e 1, Alertait rectificatives t'évoques. Épiera fanâtes crevassées fou shootait.
  •      2, Cesse Molochs  m'es vouvoyez!
  • 6f 1,Colores qu'époutiras,
  •     2,Grand-chose vue Coloris qu'étouperas, Corp si fluidifié.
  • 6g Astuce! voteriez fasses!
  • 6h Couvées l'approuver, qu'avez-vous? Accusée évêques revotez!
  • 6i 1,M'assouvis vouiez! écoper qu'eûtes-vous! Nazies champagnes eussiez-vous livré vol!
  •     2,l'usante louai voulez; amendements l'apatride! Au guru Y: affairée festoyée piffée!
  • 6j 1,Démuni l'européanisme ; l'étuvassions stupéfaits! avants fond oléoduc.
  •     2,Enlevée sous-système l'épouvantez assouvissement convenue décomptes.
  • 6k 1,Décompléteront Amazonie endurcissements? Despotes l'implorons mufle!
  •      2, l'éprouves voulus serez vil. Alida  pervertirez grésillâmes! retraversâtes revécut vouvoierait?

Chapter 7

Pain and suffering are fraught words. There is much of this in your world but there is also lot of pain for pain and suffering for suffering. Suffer to be happy and pain to be happy; your world must be a very strange place! So it seems: “We are so happy to suffer that we enjoy pain”. Talk about creativity!(B)

  La douleur et la souffrance sont des mots lourds./ Il y a beaucoup de cela dans votre monde mais il y a aussi beaucoup de douleur pour la douleur et de souffrance pour la souffrance./ Souffrir d'être heureux et souffrir pour être heureux, /votre monde doit être un endroit très étrange, semble-t-il: /nous sommes si heureux de souffrir que nous apprécions la douleur. /Parlez de créativité! (R)

  • 7a Alloue t'aduler, contrefous fans! Dès dors mulots ! (G)
    7b Alida a d'où là y pubescence adulte lourdée m'enlaidirait voussoyâmes,
         beaucoup douleur poudré, accoupla n'affurerons souffre.
    7c déferré exhorte usufruit for rué heureux profiteurs
    7d 1, Doit d'entrevoûter d'émotionner; bastillés t'égermèrent.
         2, Exhumées  éduqué souffrirons mourussions. N'édulcora popularise.
    7e Apercevriez délitât.

Chapter 8

Ask yourself ; Do I life or do I sleep ? Do I live? Am I aware? Do I sleep? Am I aware? Do I want to be aware of myself, my habitat, of the world within me. Am I creative enough to toy around in my own creation? (B)

  Demande toi; Est-ce que je vis ou est-ce que je dors? Est-ce que je vis? Suis-je conscient?  Est-ce que je dors? Suis-je conscient? (R)
Est-ce que je veux être conscient de moi-même, de mon habitat, du monde en moi. Suis-je assez créatif pour jouer dans ma propre création?

  • 8a Comédie Dantesque jeté (G)
                   Démodent qu'éjecte Asie
                    coquetâmes d'inde jetée
                    acquêts déjetée dominé
                    déjetée médocs qu'aient
                    coquées j'endette média
                     coquée j'admis t'édentée
                    Coqueté déjanté démise
                    Corée j'évoque susdits
  • 8a’ Jésus divorce  toquées
                Dictes joués révoqués
                Évoques dictés  séjour
  • 8b  J'esquive secte
           Je quêtés vices.
            es jet que vices!
            ès je que sec vit
  • 8c   Injectes sucions
           Jutions sciences!
           Injustice sconse.
           Injustices noces.
  • 8c’ Insuccès jointes!
  • 8d D'este j'escroqué!
                Coqs déjeter use
                Cèdes je troques.
                Coq d'ures jetées!
                Cèdes je troques.
                Coq jeu détressé
                Cèdes je troques.
  • 8e Injectes sucions
         Jutions sciences!
                              Injustice sconse.
                              Injustices noces.
                              Insuccès jointes
  • 8f éjecte turques vexée,
              Eut évêques j'excrète
       eux évêques t'éjecter
                    es-tu évêque j'excrète
                Commentons décidée mie!
            commis décote d'ennemie
        admît bout han
      Nom Dominée! 
           Démon! Moi né
  • 8g  adjurerai amorcer n'opposent! Ajustez forcissais repue

Chapter 9

Ask yourself »Is the world as I see it, experience it, His influence » Is this what I made of it? Is the reality I created ? (B)

  Demandez-vous "Le monde est-il tel que je le vois, l'expérience, son influence" Est-ce ce que j'en ai fait? Est-ce que la réalité que j'ai créée? (R)

  • 9a Allouez d'immodestes l'endêvent : J'ois l'évêque !  Censuré l'enfonce l'inexpié. (G)
  • 9b Asie caqueté j'infecte!
  • 9c A j'aie qu'infecte secte.
    A fie qu'injecte sétacé!
                            A fie sacquée t'injecte!
    A fie qu'injecte sétacé!
                              A fie sacquée t'injecte!

Chapter 10

If you are not aware about the power of your own creative world perception ask yourself « why do I feel comfortable with the signals the world reflex on me ? » « why does this self invented world seeks me ?  The created worlds, your created world, are nowadays so obvious you have to be comatosed not to see it. (B)

  Si vous n'êtes pas conscient de la puissance de votre propre perception créative du monde, demandez-vous  «pourquoi est-ce que je me sens à l'aise avec les signaux que le monde réfléchit sur moi? » « Pourquoi ce monde auto-inventé me cherche-t-il? «  Les mondes créés, /votre monde créé, /sont aujourd'hui si évidents que vous devez être comatosé pour ne pas le voir. (R)

  • 10a conceptualises t'endêvassions : Avidement d'écrou présupposeront acception d'épervier ; (G)
    Avez démons dû
    D'avé d'on m'usez
  • 10b Amérique éloquences j'époussetais
           aciérie qu'enjôles qu'époussetâmes
           acrimonieuse j'épelasse qu'estoque
           froides l'immortel Évangiles qu'excusa, ce hune
  • 10c chéquier décocheront l'opium, mentaient voue
  •         mentaient voué
  • 10d  Côme d'on rêver te Démences, l'essor  ahuris dû joutions : d'ovines qu'étuves
  •        d'ovinés qu'étuve, dévorée t'escamotez

      dévote escamoterez, enivrera populos
                                                 l'approuves Noire

Chapter 11

Once more, like I said in the beginning,  there is no right and wrong. Within this concept you can only speak about right and wrong when are two worlds colliding and then only when there is when one reality does not match that of another. Speaking in terms of creativity both worlds should be in equal creation. (B)

  Une fois de plus, comme je l'ai dit au début, /il n'y a ni bien ni mal. Dans ce concept, vous ne pouvez parler du bien et du mal que si deux mondes se heurtent et seulement quand une réalité ne correspond pas à celle d'une autre. Parlant en termes de créativité, les deux mondes devraient être en création égale. (R)

  • 11a connects paced foules nu-pieds, de foules punis, banni l'y n'éliminai. (G)
  • 11b abonderez pleuviné pourvus
  •       abondez pleuviner pourvues
  •       Obvenez l'usurpa d'inéprouvé
  •       d'immonde qu'exsude autels, l'équeutent mésusent adhèrent censurerai dépelotonner. n'épaulâtes reculade
  •       n'épaulâtes reculade
  •       n'épaulâtes reculade
  • 11c Désactivèrent l'empâtreraient!
  •       désactivèrent parlementerait
  •       Enrageaient récoltée adextré dévolus d'ennemis

Chapter 12

If you want to change or things to change you are all ready changing it , but don’t push yourself : if you push your other self will always push back. Let your creativity take control. (B)

  Si vous voulez changer ou que les choses changent, vous êtes tous prêts à le changer, mais ne vous forcez pas: si vous vous poussez, votre autre vous repoussera toujours. Laissez votre créativité prendre le contrôle. (R)

  • 12a lochssouchettes voleurs archivez goulues vouons arpentages, âges conspuez favorisâmes ajoutes pourvue rouvrue tortorasses, osez pu sou us vis vos issu posez-vous vous qu'en sèchent. (G)
  • 12b créativité révoltassiez recolleront repend

Chapter 13

  • 13 Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes

Anagram Google French to English translation and the explanation how to Read it. :

Explanation Chapter 1

  • 1a Névés* spéos*, moisons voted, etêtés will perform vivotât captatoire will consider re-loss.

Read as : An Egyptian temple in a field of snow voted that he will Harvest and perform the beheading and take the life off a Tree because of its deception and will consider a re-loss :
Houses (parliaments) have voted, the abandoned will capture and execute life and will consider recovering the loss: in the form of death, grief or blackness through the use of charlatanry, fraudulent maneuvers, deception.
The governments agree to use oppression against the people through the use of deception and lies.
Névés * (*a field of snow. Snow represents: sadness, bleakness or death) spéos * ( *an ancient Egyptian cave temple or tomb. Egyptian temple is a symbol for Isis), moisons * (Harvest) voted, etêtés * (* cut off the head of a tree. Three stands for: Growth and Strength). will perform vivotât * (* live off ..) captatoire * (* breach of trust, charlatanry, fraudulent maneuver, deception, usurpation) will consider re-loss.


Explanation Chapter 2

  • 2a Adviendra fuseaux ployai. Absolvent repoussées cédée qu'êtes-vous.
  • 2b Acéré qu'empennassent qu'entrevoûtiez adoptées convinsses t'encerclèrent.
  • 2c Ce sitôt
  •      Cet soit
  •      Cet t'ois
  •      Ci sotte
  •      Ci t'ôtes
  • 2d Tévitât vociférerait caquètements n'évanouîtes
  • 2e gravit qu'enjouasse invectiverai rétrogradât

2a Will be done ployai*(* bend) spindles (as in axes) . Absolvently* (* more times free from consequences of guilt) rejected what you are.
2b keenly convinces that empennassent*(* To feather (an arrow)). intertwined adopted, surrounds you.

2c This soon
     Neither does this
     This is you
     This is stupid
     Here you are

2d  Avoid didn't scream faintly

2e  Climbed which would happily go retrograde*(* a degenerate person.)
  Read as : It  Will be done ; to bend axes.  You reject your salvation and what you are ; everytime you came free from the consequences of guilt. You are strongly convinced to feather your arrow. This adopted interwined surounds you. Here you are, this is you, this soon, this is stupid. neither does this. He didn't Avoid faintly screams. He, A happily retrograde which would go climbing.
2a It will happen with the bending of shafts. By freeing yourself from guilt, you rejected what you are. 2b explicitly convince you to go straight for the goal. You are intertwined, you have adopted each other, and they surround you. 2c This soon, Neither does this, This is you, This is stupid, Here you are 2d Do not shout faintly 2e Those who climbed the ladder would like to be degenerate
They will try to bog you down when you don't see it coming. You can’t escape your resposibilties Convince yourself of the truth and separate the lie. We are all intertwined as having taken on each other to represent each other. Be wary of malicious people surrounding you.
Yes it will happen soon, fortunately much not, you too will experience it, yes you experience it as stupid, but here you are. Let your voice be heard to those who have climbed the backs of others.


Explanation Chapter 3

  • 3 Congelas jutons s'humesteront désaccouple gourmandé

Read as : The crashed one will cum eagerly to humiliate each other
3 Congelas*(*to freeze, to block, to deep-freeze, to flatline, to peg, to crash)  jutons* (* juter=juicing, to gum,  in a vulgair way) will eagerly humiliate each other
They will declare you figuratively dead and oppress you with their power and they will eagerly humiliate each other


Explanation Chapter 4

  • 4 D'un qu'avez-vous va nuancé n'assassine aiguiseurs l'évideront. Courtois m'ajustes allécheras copulatives. Ânon l'évider enfilée revoulue vain

Read as : You Sharpener from what you've nuanced, no assassin will hollow it out. He adapts Courteously to mine copulative enticements. The Donkey hollows it out, they laced it in vain.
4 From what you've nuanced, no assassin*( *Asāsiyyūn (أساسيون, meaning "people who are faithful to the foundation [of the faith]") *  sharpener*( *bureaucrat or technocrat) will hollow it out. Courteous adapts to me copulative enticements. Donkey*( *symbol of unparalleled horniness, slowness and stupidity….also a symbol for the Democrats)  hollow it out, laced it in vain

A great majority of the population, or sect,  will dig their own ruin so deep because they live spiritually on an abyss; they will dig their graves so delicately that they will not realize what they are digging. If you put a hit man on it, so to speak, and you ask him to do your dirty work, he'll say, "This is well done, you don't need me at all. You did a perfect job" This behavior is exactly what the insensitive meat lumps want from you and don't take real people into account. These insensitive people are able to adapt perfectly to you and give you all kinds of treats while they hollow you out. They are donkeys with power.

Explanation Chapter 5

  • 5a   L'occupâmes n'effondras zenana.
  • 5a’  L'offensa n'amordancez n'épuças.
  • 5a’’ Franc-maçon loufasse n'épandez.
  • 5b  Désapprouviez enjouas paissela.
  • 5b’ Désapprouvées jalousai pansiez
  • 5c  Dual maquons m'émousserons, dual monarques sommes-nous, âme démasquons surmoulons
  • 5c’ Europe entent testeurs toussotent, Europe entente toussotent trustés
  • 5d “Sud Tique?” “J'épiasse envol  J'étoupe l'envaser
  •      J'étoupe l'énervas
  •      J'étoupe vernales
  • 5e N'assenât pife, n'assenât pifé, n'assénât pife, n'assénât pifé
  • 5f Avorteur vous
  •    Ouvrue votas
  •    Trouvas vouer

Read as : The occupied forces will not collapse the house of Muslin and Hindu in India but The their offenders were not exhausted. The Crazy Freemason does not spread its system of morality. He will I disapprove the laugh because it will unpeel its layers: He’s jealous!  They are Blunt dual masquerades, dual monarchs, their soul unmasks the creation of two and more “selfs’. They tell you although 'Europe tent testers cough, a mask helps you. Trustees cough with their European agreement.
In the south there will be a hit of massive proportions. They choke, nerves will be damaged. They Suppressors will suppress the birth of new beginnings  and steal their deed. It’s all a card game don’t kill its players: Abort.

5a The occupied will not collapse zenana *(* contextually refers to the part of a house belonging to a Hindu or Muslim family in the Indian subcontinent which is reserved for the women of the household)

5a ' The offenders were not exhausted.

5a '' Crazy Freemason*(* Freemasonry describes itself as a "beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols") does not spread it.

5b   I disapprove of jouas*( *joke, jest; play)  paissela*(* e moment de paisseler est venu meaning The time to peel has come..).

5b' Disapproved because of jealousy

5c Dual masquerades blunt, dual monarchs are we, soul unmasks overmoulds * (* Overmoulding is a process which involves creating a single part using a combination of two or more plastics or elastomer materials)

5c' Europe tent testers cough, Europe agreement coughs trustés *(* an individual person or member of a board given control or powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified.) (When wearing a tent (mask) you can be infected a mask will not help you it only helps the board member…they will get rich even though they cough).

5d  "Sud Tique *?" 'I'm stealing, I'm choking it

  •                                                  I'm choking nerves
  •                                                  I suppress spring

(*means impressive, sick, crazy .. usually referring to a stunt or deed of epic proportions)

5e Don't kill pife, don't kill pife, don't kill pife, don't kill pife*(* a game where each player is given 9 cards and has to create three sequences or sets)

5f Abortion

  •     Open votes
  •     Found your vow

I think I can add little to this explanation except that I hope that I can work artistic word combinations


Explanation Chapter 6

  • 6a Acérées poivrots t'éprouveront
  • 6b Contrevérité couvèrent qu'époussetterez proposât
  • 6c étocs qu'étuvez voyou. n'entête s'en zends zesterez, concoctez négocier vétustés.
  • 6d Qu'émouviez t'écoutas? Approuvez désapprouvez? Christ désempesez zesteriez!
  • 6e 1, Alertait rectificatives t'évoques. Épiera fanâtes crevassées fou shootait.
  •      2, Cesse Molochs  m'es vouvoyez!
  • 6f 1,Colores qu'époutiras,
  •      2,Grand-chose vue Coloris qu'étouperas, Corp si fluidifié.
  • 6g Astuce! voteriez fasses!
  • 6h Couvées l'approuver, qu'avez-vous? Accusée évêques revotez!
  • 6i 1,M'assouvis vouiez! écoper qu'eûtes-vous! Nazies champagnes eussiez-vous livré vol!
  •     2,l'usante louai voulez; amendements l'apatride! Au guru Y: affairée festoyée piffée!
  • 6j 1,Démuni l'européanisme ; l'étuvassions stupéfaits! avants fond oléoduc.
  •     2,Enlevée sous-système l'épouvantez assouvissement convenue décomptes.
  • 6k 1,Décompléteront Amazonie endurcissements? Despotes l'implorons mufle!
  •      2, l'éprouves voulus serez vil. Alida  pervertirez grésillâmes! retraversâtes revécut vouvoierait?

Read as : Get the Moloch out of this world ; with the desired test he will be despicable. Alida will twist and raise his voice and he would cross your path again?  He thinks about  approvel: what's going on?! The Accused person next to King and Queen will  Vote Again! He doesn’t mind to make up negotiations and make them his like a criminal: He will peel and to get rid of it till it expires. This proposed counterfeit  has removed the dust. The correction warnings he summons and seek will crack and shot crazy fanatics. What did you listen to? Approve to Disapprove? Would you seek about what caused the thefts of selves by the Ultra-right wing while their partying? Their guru is busy partying while his rented votes make changes to stateless peoples: Tip; would vote! He will peel to get to martyrdom in all sobriety: The colors that come out, such Greatness, seen colors that will numb and a Body so fluidized. Will the hardening of that what is pure be completed? Despots beg him to muzzles! Did this Satisfy you? Defaulted Europe shouts "amazed! Amazed! to all fronts of what’s in the pipeline. They agree to a reconciliation table to remove a terror-subsystem; only Hungary will test you!

6a Tart Paprikas*(* Hungary) will test you
6b Counterfeiting has removed the proposed dust
6c clear-fellings stealing a criminal. do not mind, peel, make up negotiate expired.
6d What did you listen to? Approve Disapprove? Christ*(* own religious or spiritual beliefs. As well as the redeemer, the symbol of Christ can represent perfection of the self, martyrdom, worldly suffering or resurrection) sobriety peel!
6e1, Corrigenda*(* correction)-warnings you summon. Spying on crazy cracked fanatics shot.
    2, Stop Molochs*(*Moloch: is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. ) from Me!
6f 1, colors that come out,
     2, Greatness seen colors that will numb, Body so fluidized.
6g Tip! would vote!
6h Broods approves, what's going on? Accused Bishops*(* Chess) Vote Again!
6i 1, Satisfied you !! shovel what were you! Nazi champagnes would have caused you theft!
    2, the rented user wants; changes of stateless persons! To guru, there is: busy partying!
6j 1, disadvantaged Europeanism; amazed amazed! fronts of the pipeline.
    2, removed the terror subsystem agreed reconciliation table.
6k 1, Will the hardening of Amazonia* (* That what is pure)  be completed? Despots beg him to muzzles!
    2, the desired test will be despicable. Alida*(*= corporate governments) will twist fizzles*( *a feeble hissing or spluttering sound)! would you cross your path again? I think I can add little to this explanation except that it will resemble the prophecies of Nostradamus


Explanation Chapter 7

  • 7a Alloue t'aduler, contrefous fans! Dès dors mulots !
  • 7b 1, Alida a d'où là y pubescence adulte lourdée m'enlaidirait voussoyâmes,
  •      2, beaucoup douleur poudré, accoupla n'affurerons souffre.
  • 7c déferré exhorte usufruit for rué heureux profiteurs
  • 7d 1, Doit d'entrevoûter d'émotionner; bastillés t'égermèrent.
  •      2, Exhumées  éduqué souffrirons mourussions. N'édulcora popularise.
  •  7e Apercevriez délitât.

Read as : A postponement calls for usufruct for hasty happy profiteers whom Get Worshiped, those crazy fans, trough the social media. Alida from where there is a tough adult puberty that would make me ugly, You souls, a lot of powdered, pain, pairs will not suffer but they Would see the felony. It Doesn't make it sweeter and popular for you to must catch a glimpse of the emotion of social injustice, inequality. You shut up,  will suffer exhumed trained death.)
7a Get Worshiped, Crazy Fans! From dormouse*( *Social media)!

7b 1, Alida*(*see above) from where there is a tough adult puberty*( Those who will not accept to get older) would make me ugly, you souls,
     2, a lot of powdery pain, paired will not suffer.

7c postponement calls for usufruct* for hasty happy profiteers (*the right to enjoy the use and advantages of another's property short of the destruction or waste of its substance.

7d 1, Must catch a glimpse of emotion; Bastilles*(* a symbol of social injustice, inequality and absolute monarchy) you shut up.
     2, Exhumed trained will suffer death. Doesn't make it sweeter, popular.

7e Would see felony.


Explanation Chapter 8

  • 8a  Comédie Dantesque jeté
  •   Démodent qu'éjecte Asie
  •   coquetâmes d'inde jetée
  •   acquêts déjetée dominé
  •   déjetée médocs qu'aient
  •   coquées j'endette média
  •   coquée j'admis t'édentée
  •   Coqueté déjanté démise
  •   Corée j'évoque susdits
  • 8a’Jésus divorce  toquées
  •   Dictes joués révoqués
  •   Évoques dictés  séjour
  • 8b  J'esquive secte
    • Je quêtés vices.
    • es jet que vices!
    • ès je que sec vit
  • 8c Injectes sucions
    • Jutions sciences!
    • Injustice sconse.
    • Injustices noces.
  • 8c’ Insuccès jointes!
  • 8d D'este j'escroqué!
    • Coqs déjeter use
    • Cèdes je troques.
    • Coq d'ures jetées!
    • Cèdes je troques.
    • Coq jeu détressé
    • Cèdes je troques.
  • 8e Injectes sucions
    • Jutions sciences!
    • Injustice sconse.
    • Injustices noces.
    • Insuccès jointes!
  • 8f éjecte turques vexée,
  •         eut évêques j'excrète
            eux évêques t'éjecter
            es-tu évêque j'excrète
  • 8f’    Commentons décidée mie!
  •          ommis décote d'ennemie
  • 8f’’    admît bout han
  • 8f’’’   Nom Dominée!
  •          Démon! Moi né
  •  8g  adjurerai amorcer n'opposent! Ajustez forcissais repue


  • 8a Dantesque Comedy cast
  •      Old fashion that throws Asia
  •      Cocktails from the pier of India
  •      perverse acquisitions dominated
  •      worthless drugs that have
  •      I am in debt to the media
  •      I admit you are toothless
  •      Coqueté crazy disbanded
  •      I call Korea above
  • 8a "Jesus divorces like crazy
  •       Played dictations have been withdrawn
  •       Bishops dictated residence

  • 8b I avoid cult
  •     I begged for vices.
  •     These are just vices!
  •     as soon as I live

  • 8c Injected sucks
  •      Scientific judgments!
  •      Injustice.
  •      Wedding injustices.
  • 8c "    Failures joined!

  • 8d Este I got ripped off!
  •      Roosters reject the use
  •      I admit.
  •      Cock thrown away!
  •      I admit.
  •      Play Distressed Rooster
  •      I admit.
  • 8e Injected sucks
    •       Scientific judgments!
    •       Injustice.
    •       Wedding injustices.
    •       Failures joined!
  • 8f irritated Turkish feces: The irritated Turks will open their borders .
    •        had bishops I parted with
    •        those bishops cast you out
    •        are you bishop, I pronounce
  • 8f'    Let's make up your mind!
    •         enemy haircut
    8f''   admits it's over
    8f '''  Name dominated!
    •         Devil! I am born

  • 8g will swear to start, don't resist! Forcibly adjust saturated

Eplanation, interpretation
8a. Dantesque Comedy cast: What I tried to create in all the Alida’s is mine description of observations of the Inferno and Purgatorio I see around me and which I link  to Dante’s a Divina Commedia. It goes to far to describe to similarities between my words and the Davina but it summons op the wrong decisions of politicians in major events which effects common life of  unknown people in a terrible way, lemming like behaviour of all peoples in all walks of life and administrations. Loss of live and illness. Mass produced far by governments and their Sock puppets our media, which could ultimately lead to a totally disrupted coexistence that is unparalleled in history and can lead us to total destruction and destroy everything we know and consider normal. And All in the name of safety.

Old fashion that throws Asia: From Afghanistan to Vietnam; the constantly framing, mud fitting, finger pointing, blaming the other and not their own. From the western worlds towards the Asian countries and vice versa
Cocktails from the pier of India: India is a country known for its immense poverty and class divergences due to the caste system. I mean this figurately speaking  as an image that the rich all over the world can drink a cocktail in countries where poverty is proverbial.
perverse acquisitions dominated: constantly enriching yourself at the expense of the others by the rich on this earth
worthless drugs that have: the worthless drugs and / or medicine are synonyms of losing oneself in false worlds that social media like to portray to us and wherever we fall for.
I am in debt to the media: governments that use the media to deliver false, misleading messages and buy the media with subsidies: Everything comes with a price!

I admit you are toothless: The inability of the governments
Coqueté crazy disbanded: To be idiotic coquettish with false prophets disrupting everything
I call Korea above: the symbol of a torn people and how it should not be.

8a" Jesus divorces like crazy: Schisms come within all faiths
Played dictations have been withdrawn:  The council of the church is trampled on and not taken seriously.
Bishops dictated residence: Faith will try to dictate how to continue living

8b I avoid cult: You say you are free in your actions, but you increasingly show the characteristics of a cult
I begged for vices. Your entire behavior dramatically revolves around doing right that the behavior takes on bad shapes
These are just vices!  The excuse that everything gets pushed under the phrase "I did it for safety"
as soon as I live: I will leave my behavior when it is all over; But you forget that the damage you created for yourself and others will be that disastrous that there will be a new behavior worse than you had before.

8c Injected sucks: Vaccines that have not been sufficiently tested do not work and have an adverse effect on public health
Scientific judgments! Self-appointed scientists; those who practice a branch of science other than that for which they are eligible, Condemn those scientists who do master the merits of other conclusions.
Injustice. These false prophets (! self-appointed scientists )are widespread injustice
Wedding injustices. These false prophets work together to handle a network of false science

8c" Failures joined! All errors collected into a great heap of disaster.

8d Este I got ripped off! The East will be ripped off!
Roosters reject the use: The French reject the use of ..
I admit. They will admit their wrong
Cock thrown away! The French are sidelined and called to order
I admit. They will admit their wrong
Play Distressed Rooster:  The French will act on their concern
I admit. They will admit their wrong

8e and 8e” are the same as 8c and 8c’

8f irritated Turkish feces: The irritated Turks will open their borders .
had bishops I parted with: They will quit the highest organ of the church or the European union
those bishops cast you out: The highest authorities take their measures
are you bishop, I pronounce: The highest authorities condemn what they are doing.

8f "Let's make up your mind!: Lets make a decision about what to do
enemy haircut: and don’t let us lead due to appearances
8f 'admits it's over: admit it’s over

8f 'Name dominated!: This name is unrest Devil! I am born: His newborn is called social unrest

8g will swear to start, don't resist! Forcibly adjust saturated: Social unrest will stop when violence is saturated and no one will resist any more or they start again!


Explanation Chapter 9

  • 9a Allouez d'immodestes l'endêvent : J'ois l'évêque !  Censuré l'enfonce l'inexpié.
    9b Asie caqueté j'infecte!
    9c A j'aie qu'infecte secte.
    •     A fie qu'injecte sétacé!
    •     A fie sacquée t'injecte!
    •     A fie qu'injecte sétacé!
    •     A fie sacquée t'injecte!

9a Let him be hindered by indecent acts: I am the bishop! Censored pushes the unfit. Leaders of the "cult" let him unhindered with his indecent acts by censoring those who are in their eyes unfit

9b Asia clucked, I infected! The East claims  the infections

9c I infect that sect.: I have infected that cult with media

  • Trust That Is Disastrous!: Don’t trust a word what they saying but if so
    Have fun injecting yourself!: Good luck with your vaccination
    Trust that is disastrous!: Don’t trust a word what they saying but if so
    Have fun injecting yourself!: Good luck with your vaccination


Explanation Chapter 10

10a conceptualises t'endêvassions : Avidement d'écrou présupposeront acception d'épervier ;

  • Avez démons dû
  • D'avé d'on m'usez

10b Amérique éloquences j'époussetais

  • aciérie qu'enjôles qu'époussetâmes
  • acrimonieuse j'épelasse qu'estoque
  • froides l'immortel Évangiles qu'excusa, ce hune

10c chéquier décocheront l'opium, mentaient voue

  •                                                  mentaient voué

10d  Côme d'on rêver te Démences, l'essor  ahuris dû joutions : d'ovines qu'étuves

  • d'ovinés qu'étuve, dévorée t'escamotez
  • dévote escamoterez, enivrera populos
  • l'approuves Noire

10a conceptualize you were dreaming: Nut greed implies acceptance of hawk: personify the fact you were dreaming about idiotic greed. This implies the acceptance of you becoming a predator.
Had to have demons: The only way to become a predator is to fight with yourself; the constant fight with yourself are your own demons.
Of course I am used up: The result is that it destroys your empathy

10b I dusted off America's eloquence: Everything thats seems normal in the States till now is gone
steel mills that we dust: our own industry will take precedence over the others
bitterly I spell out what is: It is not a nice message that I tell, unfortunately it is what it is.
cold the immortal gospels that excused theirs Our Gospels have been abused for a great 1800 years by anyone who had an interest in them. It is time to acknowledge this

10c checkbook will turn off the opium, were lied vows were doomed: Even if the lie is so quick the truth will catch up with him. When the cashflow’s dried up you will awaken!

10d Heart of a dream in Dementias (Latin), the bewildered rise of jousting: from sheep to ovens: they live in the deepest dream of insanity, where everything is a mortal game the one even deadlier than the other. They will use us sheep till they can burn us.

of sheep that hide your furnace, devoured you: Watch out! The sheep will hide and gather and destroy you.
devotee will intoxicate the populos:  Their most devoted will try to intoxicate "thier" people (thier sheep)
Accepts black: When you accept darkness you will accept their ways

Explanation Chapter 11

11a connects paced foules nu-pieds, de foules punis, banni l'y n'éliminai.
11b abonderez pleuviné pourvus

  • abondez pleuviner pourvues
  • Obvenez l'usurpa d'inéprouvé
  • d'immonde qu'exsude autels, l'équeutent mésusent adhèrent censurerai dépelotonner. n'épaulâtes reculade
  • n'épaulâtes reculade
  • n'épaulâtes reculade

11c Désactivèrent l'empâtreraient!

  • désactivèrent parlementerait
  • Enrageaient récoltée adextré dévolus d'ennemis

11a Binds crowds barefoot, crowds punished, exiled and eliminated; When people have nothing to lose, they will rise and punish the fortunate. These will be banned and destroyed; so united the less fortunate ( the poor) and do the same

11b will provide abundantly: The opiates for masses will abundantly flow ( the media and social media)
abundant rain provided: One big cyber-attack and the opiate trade will stop

Get the usurpa of the unproven: Get the unproven person who illegally assumes powers or possessions, who unlawfully takes thrones, takes titles of nobility, or exercises an office in a republic without any foundation: Get him!
filthy that radiates altars, the stalker abused will disapprove to strip: The unproven person spoils filth to radiate that what should be holy. He will check you out to the bone and abuse you till you disapprove

Don't step back: Persevere in the good!
Don't step back: Never give up on the Good!
Don't step back: Never deviate from the path of wisdom!

11c Turn it off! He would most like to eliminate democracy
would shut down parliament : He would most like to eliminate democracy
Harvested furiously by transferred enemies: Kill the sheep who became wolfs


Explantion Chapter 12

12a lochssouchettes voleurs archivez goulues vouons arpentages, âges conspuez favorisâmes ajoutes pourvue rouvrue tortorasses, osez pu sou us vis vos issu posez-vous vous qu'en sèchent.

12b créativité révoltassiez recolleront repend


12a Log bunks (in this case a router is in a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks) thieves (Hackers) archive greedy vow surveys. Age-old conspiracy favors added feature open Turtles (symbolizes Mother Earth). Turtle Doves (tortoras) Dare to see trouble among us. Ask yourself what to dry up: Hackers hack sensitive information from ... suspicious companies. The old boys network tries to dicide what to do with earth. Peace loving man dare to face the major problems. Ask yourself what you can let go of.

12b rebelled creativity will pick up again. The rise of the free thinker has brought them back to their feet. New insights create new people.

Explanation Chapter 13

13 Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes
13 If anyone then says to you: Christ is here, or: He is there, do not believe it. For there will arise false Christs and false prophets


I know this text is difficult to read, but it is my artistic privilege to write it so that it is open to interpretation; it is your freedom to interpret him.



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