25 March 2021

Alida N9 songs of Awareness for Mezzo soprano and piano

The Alidas are songs that reflect my perception of our contemporary society anno 2020 and 2021. I have to do this because I want later generations to know through Art what an individual, I see, feels, experiences, hears in this. I do not want this time to be described as a Dystopia or a Utopia but merely as an era, a world, of birth and death in the figurative sense of creating and breaking down to make way for something better. I see this time as a birth to something new and as almost all births are experienced as painful; figuratively this is an age of birth pains. I see the resurrection of man, I see the literal and figurative destruction of the great powers. The pain of suffering. The search for insight into oneself. The age of insight is dawning. Preface The Alidas are songs that reflect my perception of our contemporary society anno 2020. I have to do this because I want later generations to know through Art what an individual, I see, feels, experiences, hears in this.

Alida N9

  • a1-d4-i9-l12-a1= 27=9
  • un quatre neuf douze un
  • fût-on n'éduquerez unau?

Chapter 1: Source text 1:

1: Jeremiah 22:3

haec dicit Dominus facite iudicium et iustitiam et liberate vi oppressum de manu calumniatoris et advenam et pupillum et viduam nolite contristare neque opprimatis inique et sanguinem innocentem ne effundatis in loco isto:

  • -Ainsi parle l'Eternel: Pratiquez la justice et l'équité; délivrez l'opprimé des mains de l'oppresseur; ne maltraitez pas l'étranger,  l'orphelin et la veuve; n'usez pas de violence, et ne répandez point de sang innocent dans ce lieu.

2: Jeremiah 22:17

tui vero oculi et cor ad avaritiam et ad sanguinem innocentem fundendum et ad calumniam et ad cursum mali operis

  •  -Mais tu n'as des yeux et un coeur Que pour te livrer à la cupidité, Pour répandre le sang innocent, Et pour exercer l'oppression et la violence.

3: Kights templer

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini tuo da gloriam

  • -Non pas à nous Seigneur, non pas à nous,
    Mais à Ton Nom (seul), donne la gloire

4: Psalm 115/ 113:9

  • 1 Non pas à nous, Seigneur, non pas à nous, * mais à ton nom, donne la gloire, pour ton amour et ta vérité.
  • 2 Pourquoi les païens diraient-ils : " Où donc est leur Dieu ? "
  • 3 Notre Dieu, il est au ciel ; tout ce qu'il veut, il le fait. Leurs idoles : or et argent, ouvrages de mains humaines.
  • 4 Elles ont une bouche et ne parlent pas, des yeux et ne voient pas, des oreilles et n'entendent pas, des narines et ne sentent pas. Leurs mains ne peuvent toucher, leurs pieds ne peuvent marcher, pas un son ne sort de leur gosier !
  • 5 Qu'ils deviennent comme elles, tous ceux qui les font, * ceux qui mettent leur foi en elles.
  • 6 Israël, mets ta foi dans le Seigneur : le secours, le bouclier, c'est lui ! Famille d'Aaron, mets ta foi dans le Seigneur : le secours, le bouclier, c'est lui ! Vous qui le craignez, ayez foi dans le Seigneur : le secours, le bouclier, c'est lui !
  • 7 Le Seigneur se souvient de nous : il bénira ! * bénira la famille d'Israël, il bénira la famille d'Aaron ; * il bénira tous ceux qui craignent le Seigneur, du plus grand au plus petit.
  • 8 Que le Seigneur multiplie ses bienfaits pour vous et vos enfants ! Soyez bénis par le Seigneur qui a fait le ciel et la terre ! Le ciel, c'est le ciel du Seigneur ; aux hommes, il a donné la terre.
  • 9 Les morts ne louent pas le Seigneur, ni ceux qui descendent au silence. Nous, les vivants, bénissons le Seigneur, maintenant et pour les siècles des siècles !


The reason I speak about love and hate in this work, in the above, and in most of the other Alidas, for that matter, is to tell you about Love and Hate: as such  you are bounded to those you love as you are bounded to those you hate. We are creative in the use of love and we can learn to be creative in hate. This use of energy will add the and transform in to love.

  • -La raison pour laquelle je parle d'amour et de haine dans ce travail, dans ce qui précède, et dans la plupart des autres Alidas, d'ailleurs, est pour vous parler d'Amour et de Haine: en tant que tel, vous êtes lié à ceux que vous aimez comme vous êtes lié à ceux que vous détestez. Nous sommes créatifs dans l'utilisation de l'amour et nous pouvons apprendre à être créatifs dans la haine. Cette utilisation de l'énergie ajoutera et se transformera en amour.



Those who hate evil create evil.

  • -Ceux qui détestent le mal créent le mal.


Hatred creates a consciousness of its own.

  • -La haine crée sa propre conscience.


consciousness has a self-created reality.

  • -la conscience a une réalité auto-créée.


self-created reality exists only for those who believe in Self-created reality: like-minded!

  • -La réalité auto-créée n'existe que pour ceux qui croient en la réalité auto-créée: aux vues similaires!

Chapter 2: Source text in anagram  French:

1 (4): Kights templer

1: aurons-nous n'engaina pouponnasses Alida l'onagre m'émotionnons*.

2: ânonnassions pouponna saugrenues; Alida longera m'émotionnons!

3: auras n'ennuageassions pouponnons Alida l'onagre m'émotionnons*.

*(*Evening primrose blooms during the evening and night. Symbol for the feminine power; the beauty and creative power of the moon

2 (1): Jeremiah 22:3


· 3a l'éparpilleriez qu'entraînâtes Cellule,

· 6b j'étiquetterais videz Aspell d'impure m'oppresserions légalement,

· 9c transparaîtrez enlevure polluez d'anticonceptionnel t'envahis aliéné dépendez t'apercevons  n'endiguasse.


· 3a+1 l'épannelles tirerai j'acquittais, l'épurez.

· 6b+2 déquille t'éviterez droppé m'élidés surmonteras, t'appelleriez grappillerons.

· 9c+3 hâlèrent t'évaluez dévasé née t'épandrez d'oing pensât audiences l'innocent, nées vu clopiné.


· 3a+5 l'appareilleriez qu'éternisant ciel, t'ajuste pied qu'es dévolteriez l'emplir

· 6b+8 l'étranglâmes n'attraperiez halo vendus pillèrent pesez, nid veau l'évitée nonce sondage t'apprenez innocences n'éludait

· 9c+13 l'esquintante halos rappareilleriez jetés t'élucidas pique d'implorer t'éveillez m'installerez,  Angèle l'apprêterez trépasserez conventuel n'évidée vin  pilent plient  Lévite d'eau énoncé n'élucides n'énonçait



3 (2): Jeremiah 22:17


· 9c+13  n'assumait d'Este* yeux crû qu'énoue reput viroler placide tuai, pleure d'on l'oir n'appelles parer sang reçu experte or novice nonce tin ôtes *(* the biblical Esther)

· 6b+8 amusât destines coeur qu'une yeux découvrît,  rappelles convoite d'ans t'épanne innocentes aigrir all'épouillé pourprer

· 3a+5a grappes d'alluré-anxieuse m'essuyât, accéder l'inéprouvé adieu l'utopique  roupilleront.

· 3b+5b retire n'encrêpas contentés, convié prôneur  preux l'îlot toron.


· 3a+3 cuisants rut yeux,  voilure coin aduler 

· 6b+2 perçoit crapule l'épars gêner ceinte contre, exposer n'ont

· 9c+1 un  prône-ades pans queuter d'il voie ploie re voté, âme


· 3a  d'au y t'excuseraient

· 6b  appareiller nous donné l'opérer  redécouvrait pâlir 

· 9c  non t'écorné que créâtes n'expurge convoitise m'use plus peut-il

4 (4): Psalm 115/ 113:9

1: m'ouateront t'éprouverait, n'ennuagerais n'assonais poupons amusa no, m'allongeront n'ondoie?

2: ne décousit, an l'élit soupire désirs qu'opinai eu lourd!

3: fusillé idiote déshumanisai, t'engueulerions occulté qu'ouillâtes, déverrouillâtes réétudiât m'ouvragèrent?

4: d'Éburnéenne dépelotonnées s'échelonne dépaysassent  l'épateraient l'existent pressentissent l'entendue t'épouvantas!

-l'événement n'usurpais lunch ou usurper dépérissent parachèvement regelions ressouderont?

5: foutions qu'exclûtes deviennent qu'ils celle mômes ceinte fluxée qu'émoustillèrent!

6: altiers mâtes s'enfila s'engourdie écoles leurs, bouillît ce sucre?

-successeur démolira flâna bouillît madéfiant sots lunes l'égérie  l'écore!

-légendons couves qu'il aurifiés agirez n'ayez bricole sourcilleuses t'éculé?

7: Ni linge réé us osé su devis n'eut-on libéra!

-sil blâmerai an l'enflai démon lai l'aider aifla l'arbre?

-l'ingurgitera l'intriguer qui a l'ébruitions engeances ceux encense!

8: punies enquis va relégué eût-il s'emplis abortif foutent vessons?

-ai n'obéissez y répugner, qualifie ta écrier t'a-t-elle lés!

    -Maux homes Alida! celle-ci t'es, ciselure l'endigue enrêner Lot?

9: indiques lest l'ingénieuse sermon à opulents creux antécédence  lus!

    -nôs ovins valussent inanité sensibles n'augmenter cueilles esprit-de-sel écossés?


· l'aller l'apiqua rejouons,

· d'auréole d'étamper n'envidas t'achalanderais plaidées qu'accédèrent,

· l'alourdisse d'humorale pourvûtes déraperaient netteté qu'évoluassent Alida surplus t'estrapade,

· m'exauça qu'usiez violée écatîmes m'écoules voeux,

· duvetez es toques


· ajourée,

· s'adoucîmes s'nformassent,

· détournai l'autopropulsion m'avalisèrent,

· transformera apondues diététicien t'enamourâtes grenouillettes


· T'endette

· Les qu'eux 

· Ci l'emmêla l'encrât


accolés n'épancherions recéperai


a autorité celé ère l'accusée n'énonçai


auréolait écartelée pieux qu'exécuterons qu'éniellerait t'écornai aisées méticuleux savourerai

Chapter 3: Meaning and explanation of the anagram text

1 (4): Kights templer

anagram text

1: aurons-nous n'engaina pouponnasses Alida l'onagre m'émotionnons*.

2: ânonnassions pouponna saugrenues; Alida longera m'émotionnons!

3: auras n'ennuageassions pouponnons Alida l'onagre m'émotionnons*.

*(*Evening primrose blooms during the evening and night. Symbol for the feminine power; the beauty and creative power of the moon)

Meaning and explanation

1: will we not have sheathed infants Alida the evening primrose we are emotional?

2: preposterous baby donations; Alida go along, let's move!

3: will have no trouble with babies Alida the evening primrose emotional.

The innocence and the feminine in man is given away, sold for big technology, big money; the empty promise. Make sure you stay with yourself; make sure you remain human, your humanity has no price!

2 (1): Jeremiah 22:3


· 3a l'éparpilleriez qu'entraînâtes Cellule,

· 6b j'étiquetterais videz Aspell d'impure m'oppresserions légalement,

· 9c transparaîtrez enlevure polluez d'anticonceptionnel t'envahis aliéné dépendez t'apercevons  n'endiguasse.

 Meaning and explanation

3a would scatter the Cell,

6b I would label empty spell check of impure oppress me legally,

9c will show through removing pollute from unconceptional you invade alienated depend on seeing you do not dyke.

If I had any powers, I would divide the mega companies. The control system on these farms! is of no value whatsoever; they do what they want and make tell directly and indirectly what governments should do. These companies are getting away with it and there is no one stopping this at the moment. Remember a company is never a democracy; it is told from above within the company what needs to be done. For a society this is an unacceptable development. These companies pollute people spiritually, they indirectly attack people with this, they besiege society. Don't let your mind invade and cast dikes to stop this wave. Remain an independent thinker do but not alienated from the environment in which you live.



· 3a+1 l'épannelles tirerai j'acquittais, l'épurez.

· 6b+2 déquille t'éviterez droppé m'élidés surmonteras, t'appelleriez grappillerons.

· 9c+3 hâlèrent t'évaluez dévasé née t'épandrez d'oing pensât audiences l'innocent, nées vu clopiné.

 Meaning and explanation

• 3a + 1 the rough will shoot, I acquitted, purify it.

• 6b + 2 Pins you will avoid dropping,  me deleting will overcome, you will call: gather.

• 9c + 3 gasping rate, you overwhelmed. Born; you spread experience. Did the public think the innocent and born had seen them stumble?

Because the nuances about everything threaten to become out of sight, people lose sight of things and reality; they shoot everything with hail, hoping to hit something. Those who have a total vision work very focused and this makes the work pure. Do not drop the proverbial needles in the haystack because they will never be found. Make sure you have collected a lot of needles so that you can lose some along the way but have enough left over for success at the end. New experiences can be very overwhelming when shared with others. They are so overwhelming that they are not believed.


· 3a+5 l'appareilleriez qu'éternisant ciel, t'ajuste pied qu'es dévolteriez l'emplir

· 6b+8 l'étranglâmes n'attraperiez halo vendus pillèrent pesez, nid veau l'évitée nonce sondage t'apprenez innocences n'éludait

· 9c+13 l'esquintante halos rappareilleriez jetés t'élucidas pique d'implorer t'éveillez m'installerez,  Angèle l'apprêterez trépasserez conventuel n'évidée vin  pilent plient  Lévite d'eau énoncé n'élucides n'énonçait

 Meaning and explanation

· Would it set up that Eternal Heaven, you adjust the foot you'd use to fill it.

· The strangled souls would not catch a halo: looted, weighed and sold. calf's nest sound the avoided nuncio; 'you learn innocence' is not avoided.

· The scintillating halos would beg the atonement casts to take your clarified injection. You will wake me up: You will install.  The "Angel" will prepare and it will disappear conventually hollowed out wine by the pound.  Bending levite of water, proclaimed not clarified proclaimed. 

Data is adjusted so that they can work towards an end result so that we can be told that the end of the tunnel is in sight; nothing could be further from the truth.

 Because of the fear grip of the moment, most people are open to nothing else but what they want to see. They sell their soul and salvation to those who have the most beautiful words, to those who have drowned more calves than there are wells: You cannot pretend your innocence anymore, you are equally responsible!

 Our all-believed false prophets will urge us to take in what is good for them but not good for us! And most of us outcasts believe them too! Wake up and find yourself again. Stop adding water to wine to yourself for yourself. There is so much "water" proclaimed by these "desk scientist of No trial and Error" that there is no "wine" left. These "angels" of science will disappea

3 (2): Jeremiah 22:17


· 9c+13  n'assumait d'Este yeux crû qu'énoue reput viroler placide tuai, pleure d'on l'oir n'appelles parer sang reçu experte or novice nonce tin ôtes

· 6b+8 amusât destines coeur qu'une yeux découvrît,  rappelles convoite d'ans t'épanne innocentes aigrir all'épouillé pourprer

· 3a+5a grappes d'alluré-anxieuse m'essuyât, accéder l'inéprouvé adieu l'utopique  roupilleront.

· 3b+5b retire n'encrêpas contentés, convié prôneur  preux l'îlot toron.

 Meaning and explanation

· assumed not of Este * (* Esther or morning star) believed eyes that you would twist calmly killed, cry to have it not parry received blood, expert or novice, nuncio tin takes away

· Amused fate after the heart that an eye discovered, reminds you of years coveted innocent you bitter all thinned purple

· grapes of seductive fearful wiped me, access to the unproven farewell of the utopian will fall asleep.

· does not withdraw satisfied, brave preacher invited the island.

When He left His blood on us by dying on the cross, forgiveness was redeemed for every sin. No representative of any Holy See justifies what is happening here: It is tin that shines but not the morning star that illuminates. Don't cry about his death, the tears no longer turn away the blood. Years of Desire and Bitterness! You can penance until you drop, only you are the one who can forgive yourself. Don't take your "fate" so seriously and at least try to look at it with one eye. Our last supper gives us two meals: One tempting and one fearful; with both you will wipe your mouth and with both you will probably say goodbye to the belief that lulls you to sleep. choose! Get off your island and embrace the world around you! You don't need anyone to tell you the truth; the truth is in each of us.


· 3a+3 cuisants rut yeux,  voilure coin aduler 

· 6b+2 perçoit crapule l'épars gêner ceinte contre, exposer n'ont

· 9c+1 un  prône-ades pans queuter d'il voie ploie re voté, âme

 Meaning and explanation

· stinging heat eyes, wing angle adult

· sees the scattered villain hamper surrounded by, uncover

· a prone tail * of her bowing manner is tuned, soul. * (* Ouroboros, the tail-eater, it is eternity, the cycle of light and the continuity of life.)

A truly adult sees everything from all angles within his reach; this is more than enough to avert "evil". See yourself and see where you are; we are not bad, Our own behavior is the biggest obstacle and we are literally surrounded by this. There is no beginning and no end, like a closed round. The way of bending makes you learn, what you learn and when you learn.


· 3a  d'au y t'excuseraient

· 6b  appareiller nous donné l'opérer  redécouvrait pâlir 

· 9c  non t'écorné que créâtes n'expurge convoitise m'use plus peut-il

 Meaning and explanation

· from there you would apologize

· Fitting in gave us the operation rediscovered blur

· No, you are chipped that you have created, do not purify the lust, no longer exhaust me

Ultimately, our behavior will make us regret and we will apologize in sincerity not like the insincere excuse trick we know from our policymakers today. "Get lost in the crowd" is what we do at the end of our evolution; not now, not yet… we and generations after us will not experience that yet. You are what you have created yourself, if you don't like it then break it down and don't be so difficult!

4 (4): Psalm 115/ 113:9

1: m'ouateront t'éprouverait, n'ennuagerais n'assonais poupons amusa no, m'allongeront n'ondoie?


· Wanna exterminate me, would you test, wouldn't you bother not killing babies, wanna lie down?

2: ne décousit, an l'élit soupire désirs qu'opinai eu lourd!


· do not disappoint, in the elite sighs the desires who thought she was having a hard time!

3: fusillé idiote déshumanisai, t'engueulerions occulté qu'ouillâtes, déverrouillâtes réétudiât m'ouvragèrent?


· shot dead, idiot dehumanized, you scream occult you, unlock, re-study opened me?

4: d'Éburnéenne dépelotonnées s'échelonne dépaysassent  l'épateraient l'existent pressentissent l'entendue t'épouvantas!

l'événement n'usurpais lunch ou usurper dépérissent parachèvement regelions ressouderont?


· Ivory without a scabbard spreads from the landscape: Would surprise him; having existence, a premonition of hearing that scares you! The event is not increasing or increasing lunch time. Completion lines will resell?

5: foutions qu'exclûtes deviennent qu'ils celle mômes ceinte fluxée qu'émoustillèrent!


· the damned become excluded, that those who were surrounded, so excitedly flowed!


· altiers mâtes s'enfila s'engourdie écoles leurs, bouillît ce sucre?

· successeur démolira flâna bouillît madéfiant sots lunes l'égérie  l'écore!

· légendons couves qu'il aurifiés agirez n'ayez bricole sourcilleuses t'éculé?


· haughty masters insensibly slipped their school, boiled this sugar?

· successor will demolish hanging cooking suspicious fools; mane the muse, the skin!

· brooding legends that he will be cleared, will act, will you be hackneyed?


· Ni linge réé us osé su devis n'eut-on libéra!

· sil blâmerai an l'enflai démon lai l'aider aifla* l'arbre? *(*Eifel)

· l'ingurgitera l'intriguer qui a l'ébruitions engeances ceux encense!


· Neither successful linen dared to estimate if we had released!

· whether he would blame the swollen Demon and help him at the plateau of the tree?

· will swallow the plot of those who have the rumors that praise Satan's offspring!


· punies enquis va relégué eût-il s'emplis abortif foutent vessons?

· ai n'obéissez y répugner, qualifie ta écrier t'a-t-elle lés!

· Maux homes Alida! celle-ci, t'es ciselure l'endigue enrêner Lot?


· punished, will be investigated! degraded would he have fulfilled himself abortifaciently?

· 'have not obeyed to dislike it, qualify your cry to you!

· Bad houses Alida! this one, are you cutting the dam to ensnare Lot?


· indiques lest l'ingénieuse sermon à opulents creux antécédence  lus!

· nôs ovins valussent inanité sensibles n'augmenter cueilles esprit-de-sel écossés?


· Indicates Ballast: Read the ingenious sermon with sumptuous hollow antecedents!

· Were our sheep worthy of the senseless madness without increasing the harvests of hulled salt spirit?

The Symbol translation of Psalm 115/ 113:9 placed one below the other without the anagram in French.

o 1:

o- Wanna exterminate me, would you test, wouldn't you bother not killing babies, wanna lie down?

o 2:

o- do not disappoint, in the elite sighs the desires who thought she was having a hard time!

o 3:

o- shot dead, idiot dehumanized, you scream occult you, unlock, re-study opened me?

o 4:

o- Ivory without a scabbard spreads from the landscape: Would surprise him; having existence, a premonition of hearing that scares you! The event is not increasing or increasing lunch time. Completion lines will resell?

o 5:

o- the damned become excluded, that those who were surrounded, so excitedly flowed!

o 6:

o- haughty masters insensibly slipped their school, boiled this sugar?

o- successor will demolish hanging cooking suspicious fools; mane the muse, the skin!

o- brooding legends that he will be cleared, will act, will you be hackneyed?

o 7:

o- Neither successful linen dared to estimate if we had released!

o- whether he would blame the swollen Demon and help him at the plateau of the tree?

o- will swallow the plot of those who have the rumors that praise Satan's offspring!

o 8:

o- punished, will be investigated! degraded would he have fulfilled himself abortifaciently?

o- 'have not obeyed to dislike it, qualify your cry to you!

o- Bad houses Alida! this one, are you cutting the dam to ensnare Lot?

o 9:

o- Indicates Ballast: Read the ingenious sermon with sumptuous hollow antecedents!

o- Were our sheep worthy of the senseless madness without increasing the harvests of hulled salt spirit?

I see this text (4) as a lyrical representation of a prediction; which hopefully rests in my fantasy. I don't want to look for an explanation here in the symbols within the text. I am sometimes afraid that my explanation will impose my reality on you and I do not want that. I am also afraid that I am going to compensate and excuse people's behavior; neither do I want this what I am not my brothers keeper. I want to show what I experience around me, what I think, what I think of it, and what I as a person and an artist can do with it so that later generations may benefit from it.


· l'aller l'apiqua rejouons,

· d'auréole d'étamper n'envidas t'achalanderais plaidées qu'accédèrent,

· l'alourdisse d'humorale pourvûtes déraperaient netteté qu'évoluassent Alida surplus t'estrapade,

· m'exauça qu'usiez violée écatîmes m'écoules voeux,

· duvetez es toques


· ajourée,

· s'adoucîmes s'nformassent,

· détournai l'autopropulsion m'avalisèrent,

· transformera apondues diététicien t'enamourâtes grenouillettes



· the outward journey spurred him on, let's play again,

· from halo to stamp, I wouldn't send you a plea that joined,

· the humoral weight that would make the sharpness disappear that Alida evolves towards you,

· heard me raped, gave me vows,

· down your hat


· cutaway,

· softened and asked,

· hijacked the self-drive swallowed me,

· you are transformed by the dietitian

By embarking on the journey within yourself, you regain the ability to view realities in the Self and possibly change them; what matters is that you are creative with the Self. You don't have a letter of consent from the primary school teacher to go out on the corridor: the wide world! Discover the gold despite your teacher! be gentle with yourself, use inner humor so that it lightens your weight and decreases sharpness, you don't need social media to make you feel good; everything except the social media! You don't need Facebook and LinkedIn for your personal evolution .... only if you want a personal devolution can I recommend them to you! Under normal circumstances, they rape you with empty promises. Hats off to their great work! ... not!

---What you need is a coach, someone who is going to tell you what is good for you! Someone who moves you inwardly, to whom you can ask questions, who eases the pain ... someone who is you? Who takes over you and becomes your inner movement? ..Walk for you… and also pee? This is someone who transforms you into a better person? This is someone who hijacks you, takes you over ... and You swallow it too?!---


· T'endette

· Les qu'eux 

· Ci l'emmêla l'encrât


Make debts

What she?

This confused it

Making debt is letting others take control of it; you lose the feminine in you; you eventually lose yourself! (I don't mean debt like in mortgages and….)



accolés n'épancherions recéperai

  • · side by side we will not receive


a autorité celé ère l'accusée n'énonçai

  • · Did not state the authority of the accused


auréolait écartelée pieux qu'exécuterons qu'éniellerait t'écornai aisées méticuleux savourerai

  • · Quartered Halo Pious, which we will perform, which you will erase and conscientiously enjoy with ease.


Shoulder to shoulder we will, just like everyone else, stand and everyone will suffer from mass formation and tunnel vision. With all its consequences: "it is the fault of the higher authority" and "empty accusations". Witch hunts, persecutions, destruction, much grief and more pain under the banner "we are right and you are wrong!

                          propreté révolterai espèce d'avidités  hystérique m'encloue professera m'équiper sinisèrent t'épeurées.



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