01 December 2020

Alida N6 songs of Awareness for Mezzo soprano and piano

The Alidas are songs that reflect my perception of our contemporary society anno 2020. I have to do this because I want later generations to know through Art what an individual, I see, feels, experiences, hears in this. I do not want this time to be described as a Dystopia or a Utopia but merely as an era, a world, of birth and death in the figurative sense of creating and breaking down to make way for something better. I see this time as a birth to something new and as almost all births are experienced as painful; figuratively this is an age of birth pains. I see the resurrection of man, I see the literal and figurative destruction of the great powers. The pain of suffering. The search for insight into oneself. The age of insight is dawning.


The Alidas are songs that reflect my perception of our contemporary society anno 2020. I have to do this because I want later generations to know through Art what an individual, I see, feels, experiences, hears in this. I do not want this time to be described as a Dystopia or a Utopia but merely as an era, a world, of birth and death in the figurative sense of creating and breaking down to make way for something better. I see this time as a birth to something new and as almost all births are experienced as painful; figuratively this is an age of birth pains. I see the resurrection of man, I see the literal and figurative destruction of the great powers. The pain of suffering. The search for insight into oneself. The age of insight is dawning.

I do this by using the internet options that translate texts and make anagrams there. I know these options are not optimal; far from! But as an artist / composer I make use of it because this possibility, with all its shortcomings and errors, gives me the opportunity to generate a text that I want to use to express myself in these songs. So it is by definition not wrong what I write, it is different but for me applicable to what I want to tell in these works. I am the one who creates and edit the lyrics or edit and re-edit. I use French because for me the strength of French lies in its dancing sound and character. I use the French anagram to create an even more beautiful sound, to mask the source text to obtain uniformity and to anticipate any disagreements with others, to increase the magic of the text and then make it even more accessible to me for my applicability in my music . I want to increase the atmosphere with it, I want to do justice to a great poet; Nostradamus.

Alida N6


Why no one will forget us

Pourquoi personne ne nous oubliera

aboulerons poupine qu'enrouerions


Fear and loathing are all he knows,

and now perhaps the way the wind blows.

The virus hitting him in the face

just added to his load of disgrace.

Persisting to lie and threaten and shout

will likely continue long after he's out.

And thus the attention he must so crave

will plague him all his days to his grave.


La peur et le dégoût sont tout ce qu'il sait, et maintenant peut-être la façon dont le vent souffle.

Le virus le frappe au visage vient d'ajouter à sa charge de disgrâce. Persistant à mentir, à menacer et à crier continuera probablement longtemps après son absence.

Et donc l'attention dont il a tant besoin le tourmentera tous ses jours dans sa tombe.

(Paul Rapoport)



Chapter 1: Source text:

If we want to talk about life why than is it so hard to accept the fact that death is part of the same life we want to talk about? Life is what we are; death is part of this same life. Lets not talk about “after life”, heaven or all forms about life after death. Let’s talk about the simple fact that the passport which gives us entry to life also granted us to enter death. What do we fear: Pain on our way to death? The great unknown? Not be remembered anymore? The fear that you have not left a legacy? If I look at myself and I try to answer those four questions from within myself in total honesty. I hope that I don’t make things bigger than that they are. I am not brave, I am just human like anyone else with all my faults. Off course I don’t want any pain towards the way to my death bed, I want to go to sleep and never wake up; every one, or most of us  would sign for this. But we all know this wishful thinking. The only thing I can say to my self is acceptance, acceptance, acceptance: accept pain because this is also that what we are. Okay we have in most cases of situations the means to provide one with medication to ease the pain; no needless suffering if it’s not necessary. I have no children so my passing on DNA will not happen, not now, not ever. You can also be remembered in the deeds you do or your actions. I am a composer and my legacy is the work I composed which leave behind to the world in the hope the world  likes it and do something with it. Maybe I will be remembered in the actions I did and maybe they inspired others in a sort “Pay it forward” kind of way. I don’t know;  but I can honestly say I did my best within my capabilities and sometimes above it. I am a product of my ancestry; part fled to Spain to flee to Portugal to become conversos than they fled to midst of Europe; Gallica, where the became serfs of a landowner. There children came to Germany than to Holland. From my other side they came to Belgium from French and then come to Holland: I am the product of remembrance of a long line of emigrants. ….and at the very end my molecules will be part again of that what creates live, the stars and the universe…. So if we look up to the sky in the middle of the night we see where we came from and where we are going to….it’s a long journey I admit.

Chapter 2: French Google translation:

Si nous voulons parler de la vie, pourquoi est-il si difficile d'accepter le fait que la mort fait partie de la même vie dont nous voulons parler? La vie est ce que nous sommes; la mort fait partie de cette même vie. Ne parlons pas d '«après la vie», du paradis ou de toutes les formes de la vie après la mort. Parlons du simple fait que le passeport qui nous donne l’entrée dans la vie nous a aussi permis d’entrer dans la mort. Que craignons-nous: la douleur sur le chemin de la mort? Le grand inconnu? On ne se souvient plus? La peur de ne pas avoir laissé d'héritage? Si je me regarde et que j'essaye de répondre à ces quatre questions de l'intérieur de moi-même en toute honnêteté. J'espère que je ne fais pas les choses plus grandes qu'elles ne le sont. Je ne suis pas courageux, je suis juste humain comme tout le monde avec tous mes défauts. Bien sûr, je ne veux aucune douleur sur le chemin de mon lit de mort, je veux m'endormir et ne jamais me réveiller; tout le monde, ou la plupart d'entre nous signeraient pour cela. Mais nous connaissons tous ce vœu pieux. La seule chose que je puisse dire à moi-même est l'acceptation, l'acceptation, l'acceptation: acceptez la douleur parce que c'est aussi cela que nous sommes. D'accord, nous avons dans la plupart des cas les moyens de fournir des médicaments pour soulager la douleur; pas de souffrance inutile si ce n’est pas nécessaire. Je n'ai pas d'enfants, donc ma transmission d'ADN n'aura pas lieu, ni maintenant, ni jamais. Vous pouvez également être rappelé dans les actes que vous faites ou vos actions. Je suis compositeur et mon héritage est l'œuvre que j'ai composée qui laisse le monde derrière moi dans l'espoir que le monde l'aime et en fasse quelque chose. Peut-être que je me souviendrai des actions que j'ai faites et peut-être qu'ils ont inspiré les autres dans une sorte de «Payez en avant». Je ne sais pas; mais je peux honnêtement dire que j'ai fait de mon mieux dans la mesure de mes capacités et parfois au-dessus. Je suis un produit de mon ascendance; une partie a fui en Espagne pour fuir au Portugal pour devenir conversos qu'ils ont fui au milieu de l'Europe; Gallica, où ils sont devenus serfs d'un propriétaire terrien. Là, les enfants sont venus en Allemagne plutôt qu'en Hollande. De mon autre côté, ils sont venus en Belgique de Français et ensuite en Hollande: je suis le produit du souvenir d'une longue lignée d'émigrants. … Et à la toute fin mes molécules feront à nouveau partie de ce qui crée la vie, les étoiles et l'univers…. Donc, si nous regardons le ciel au milieu de la nuit, nous voyons d’où nous venons et où nous allons… c’est un long voyage, j’admets. 14 :14 ; 10-11-2020 (time and date ; but due to my belief in numbers and signals also : Genesis 14 ; the People of Moses rebelled against the Pharao

Chapter 3: Anagram reduction to French anagrams (Source text in Italic)

1-Si nous voulons parler de la vie, pourquoi est-il si difficile d'accepter le fait que la mort fait partie de la même vie dont nous voulons parler?  

1-Voudrai l'apeurions survolons qu'éploie?. Déficit fissile il défit l'acceptera. Qu'alerta motif advenu lourons m'empalerai T'évidée. poltrons.


2-La vie est ce que nous sommes; la mort fait partie de cette même vie.

2-à ce que Lévites* l'outrâmes sommons déité Parfait. Ce émié* met vêt.

(Levite* Law scholars. The Levites were the ones who drew up and worked out the law in the name of God. They remained the highest authority in that area and their authority was considered unassailable. The law book was finally placed "beside the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God," so that they were, in fact, the only ones who had access to it for interpretation and eventual adjustment. After all, the Levites were a wealthy aristocracy. .) (*Emie:“universal”, “whole” and “eager”, “industrious” or “ambitious”)


3-Ne parlons pas d '«après la vie», du paradis ou de toutes les formes de la vie après la mort.

3-Alida prévues l'épandrons pas attroupai dessoude. Déformasse l'éveil. l'arma protes


4-Parlons du simple fait que le passeport qui nous donne l’entrée dans la vie nous a aussi permis d’entrer dans la mort.

4-N'endurons qu'Apostes réplique détalonnées l'informes s'applaudit. prêtrises, N'évalua soi, m'enduiras mal tondras.


5-Que craignons-nous: la douleur sur le chemin de la mort?

5-On  incongru  saques, surlouer adulé m'entache milord


6-Le grand inconnu?  

6-l'inconnu danger.


7-On ne se souvient plus? 

  •   7a-Epstein n'évoluons us.
  •   7b-Epstein n'ovulons sué


8-La peur de ne pas avoir laissé d'héritage?

8-Aglaé* d'adiaphorèses* pulvériseraient

*(* Aglaia, meaning: "brilliant, splendid")  *(* adiaphorèse; absence or strong reduction in sweating)


9-Si je me regarde et que j'essaye de répondre à ces quatre questions de l'intérieur de moi-même en toute honnêteté.

9-Pandore recèdes des j'émergerai, J'essaye quêté. rudoie quêter qu'endossait  emmènent t'éliminer  hôte notée tué.


10-J'espère que je ne fais pas les choses plus grandes qu'elles ne le sont.

10-Je j'espère que en fâches n'en tôles lois passes grands plusse qu'elle.


11-Je ne suis pas courageux, je suis juste humain comme tout le monde avec tous mes défauts.

11-épinas Jésus, coûteux Jésus , hum mot m'a l'inécouté jugerais. Admettons foucades meuves!


12-Bien sûr, je ne veux aucune douleur sur le chemin de mon lit de mort, je veux m'endormir et ne jamais me réveiller; tout le monde, ou la plupart d'entre nous signeraient pour cela.

12-Béni jeux revenus acore d'un sueur ululé chôment lied m'endormit. Je m'endormir veux. j'éveillerai t'emmèneras l'adule mouton ôté. Ruseront dépulpant pucelage renaîtrions!


13-Bien sûr, je ne veux aucune douleur sur le chemin de mon lit de mort, je veux m'endormir et ne jamais me réveiller; tout le monde, ou la plupart d'entre nous signeraient pour cela.

13-Potin bue lueur s'engueula rixe racornies. A endure, ceindront d'homme m'élit. je veux Venus m'endormir. Majesté, délivré manié jonc usuel  toron m'eut-elle, dépulpera l'outrant. 


14-Mais nous connaissons tous ce vœu pieux

14-poux tue  n'usina associons noms si vécu


15-La seule chose que je puisse dire à moi-même est l'acceptation, l'acceptation, l'acceptation: acceptez la douleur parce que c'est aussi cela que nous sommes

15-Je lâcheuse loquées épidémies m'émousserait: l'acceptait no! l'acceptait on! Lot n'acceptai! Accra cloutez dépeuplera. ascèse qu'éclusait. osons qu'émûmes?


16-D'accord, nous avons dans la plupart des cas les moyens de fournir des médicaments pour soulager la douleur; pas de souffrance inutile si ce n’est pas nécessaire.

16-Condors vus d'Anacondas, d'aplats sépulcrales  encensasses t'épicera! N'ondoyer Freudismes promulguâmes seconderait. L'au-delà poudrés  fleurés  unifications!


17-Je n'ai pas d'enfants, donc ma transmission d'ADN n'aura pas lieu, ni maintenant, ni jamais.

17-J'inséminai n'aimantant Enfantas j'épandis n'ordonnas t'immisças, ardu d'an n'épaulais.


18-Vous pouvez également être rappelé dans les actes que vous faites ou vos actions.

  • · 18a-Évoques convoitas foutaises t'éclusas! 
  • · 18b-pouvez talmouse vengé.
  • · 18b’ -Poumons veuve t'égalez.
  • · 18c--pétale s'éprendra
  • · 18c’- pétales rependra


19-Je suis compositeur et mon héritage est l'œuvre que j'ai composée qui laisse le monde derrière moi dans l'espoir que le monde l'aime et en fasse quelque chose.

19-L'ouvragent l'édite mélomane, choquée Compositeur, oiselleries redemander éréthisme, j'épie quoi qu'enfle convoitas, foutaises çà moques déplorions qu'aimes Jésuites asses,


20-Peut-être que je me souviendrai des actions que j'ai faites et peut-être qu'ils ont inspiré les autres dans une sorte de «Payez en avant».

20-n'adapterez, inquiets répliquons dérivions empêtre adoucissante j'équeute, j'étêterai stupéfaite, nues n'adultérasse, envoyâtes


21-Je ne sais pas; mais je peux honnêtement dire que j'ai fait de mon mieux dans la mesure de mes capacités et parfois au-dessus.

21-jasais pensé Epstein j'exhume m'étonna. j'éditai Afrique, demi-maux donnés! drame muselées,

  • 21a-drames meulées,
  • 21a’-drames muselée,
  • 21b- l'armeuse mèdes,
  • 21b’-Mère m'éludasse.
  • 21c- à Accra poids tues stupéfiasse!


22-Je suis un produit de mon ascendance; une partie a fui en Espagne pour fuir au Portugal pour devenir conversos qu'ils ont fui au milieu de l'Europe; Gallica, où ils sont devenus serfs d'un propriétaire terrien.

22-afin t'épeurai J'induis poutures condescendue n'émana. Réapparue acropoles d'ivrognes fuguions  pourvurent. m'ouilles qu'unifiai Tu! Fussent-ils Couarde l'épouillage déversons! repentirent reproduirai.


23-Là, les enfants sont venus en Allemagne plutôt qu'en Hollande.

23-las les langue n'enlevâmes t'enfantons. L'Othe pal qu'ondulent


24-De mon autre côté, ils sont venus en Belgique de Français et ensuite en Hollande: je suis le produit du souvenir d'une longue lignée d'émigrants.

24-Documente légiférais lussent ôtera innovés qu'abcèdent, j'endeuille n'as éhonté! d'élu lignages surpoduisît démentir, n'énoué  divulguerons


25-Et à la toute fin mes molécules feront à nouveau partie de ce qui crée la vie, les étoiles et l'univers

25-apeuraient dévoua toua t'étale efforcions musellement  lice qu'acère. l'ensevelîtes vitrioleuse!



26-Donc, si nous regardons le ciel au milieu de la nuit, nous voyons d’où nous venons et où nous allons… c’est un long voyage, j’admets.

26-Rencognions  soudards cueillie toues  miaulé cygnes, nue t'adulions, n'allouons  vouvoyons nue dons nos. Galvaudons j'émotte.


27-Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes


Chapter 4: Anagram reduction to French anagrams

1-Voudrai l'apeurions survolons qu'éploie?. Déficit fissile il défit l'acceptera. Qu'alerta motif advenu lourons m'empalerai T'évidée. poltrons.

2-à ce que Lévites* l'outrâmes sommons déité Parfait. Ce émié* met vêt.

(Levite* Law scholars. The Levites were the ones who drew up and worked out the law in the name of God. They remained the highest authority in that area and their authority was considered unassailable. The law book was finally placed "beside the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God," so that they were, in fact, the only ones who had access to it for interpretation and eventual adjustment. After all, the Levites were a wealthy aristocracy. .)(*Emie:“universal”, “whole” and “eager”, “industrious” or “ambitious”)

3-Alida prévues l'épandrons pas attroupai dessoude. Déformasse l'éveil. l'arma protes

4-N'endurons qu'Apostes réplique détalonnées l'informes s'applaudit. prêtrises, N'évalua soi, m'enduiras mal tondras.

5-On  incongru  saques, surlouer adulé m'entache milord

6-l'inconnu danger.

-7a-Epstein n'évoluons us.

-7b-Epstein n'ovulons sué

8-Aglaé* d'adiaphorèses* pulvériseraient

*(* Aglaia, meaning: "brilliant, splendid")  *(* adiaphorèse; absence or strong reduction in sweating)

9-Pandore recèdes des j'émergerai, J'essaye quêté. rudoie quêter qu'endossait  emmènent t'éliminer  hôte notée tué.

10-Je j'espère que en fâches n'en tôles lois passes grands plusse qu'elle.

11-épinas Jésus, coûteux Jésus , hum mot m'a l'inécouté jugerais. Admettons foucades meuves!

12-Béni jeux revenus acore d'un sueur ululé chôment lied m'endormit. Je m'endormir veux. j'éveillerai t'emmèneras l'adule mouton ôté. Ruseront dépulpant pucelage renaîtrions!

13-Potin bue lueur s'engueula rixe racornies. A endure, ceindront d'homme m'élit. je veux Venus m'endormir. Majesté, délivré manié jonc usuel  toron m'eut-elle, dépulpera l'outrant. 

14-poux tue  n'usina associons noms si vécu

15-Je lâcheuse loquées épidémies m'émousserait: l'acceptait no! l'acceptait on! Lot n'acceptai! Accra cloutez dépeuplera. ascèse qu'éclusait. osons qu'émûmes?

16-Condors vus d'Anacondas, d'aplats sépulcrales  encensasses t'épicera! N'ondoyer Freudismes promulguâmes seconderait. L'au-delà poudrés  fleurés  unifications!

17-J'inséminai n'aimantant Enfantas j'épandis n'ordonnas t'immisças, ardu d'an n'épaulais.

· 18a-Évoques convoitas foutaises t'éclusas! 

· 18b-pouvez talmouse vengé.

· 18b’ -Poumons veuve t'égalez.

· 18c--pétale s'éprendra

· 18c’- pétales rependra

19-L'ouvragent l'édite mélomane, choquée Compositeur, oiselleries redemander éréthisme, j'épie quoi qu'enfle convoitas, foutaises çà moques déplorions qu'aimes Jésuites asses,

20-n'adapterez, inquiets répliquons dérivions empêtre adoucissante j'équeute, j'étêterai stupéfaite, nues n'adultérasse, envoyâtes

21-jasais pensé Epstein j'exhume m'étonna. j'éditai Afrique, demi-maux donnés! drame muselées,

  •  21a-drames meulées,
  •  21a’-drames muselée,
  • 21b- l'armeuse mèdes,
  • 21b’-Mère m'éludasse.
  • 21c- à Accra poids tues stupéfiasse!

22-afin t'épeurai J'induis poutures condescendue n'émana. Réapparue Acropoles d'ivrognes fuguions  pourvurent. m'ouilles qu'unifiai Tu! Fussent-ils Couarde l'épouillage déversons! repentirent reproduirai.

23-las les langue n'enlevâmes t'enfantons. L'Othe pal qu'ondulent

24-Documente légiférais lussent ôtera innovés qu'abcèdent, j'endeuille n'as éhonté! d'élu lignages surpoduisît démentir, n'énoué  divulguerons

25-apeuraient dévoua toua t'étale efforcions musellement  lice qu'acère. l'ensevelîtes vitrioleuse!

26-Rencognions  soudards cueillie toues  miaulé cygnes, nue t'adulions, n'allouons  vouvoyons nue dons nos. Galvaudons j'émotte.

27-Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes


Chapter 5: Anagram Google French to English translation and the explanation how to Read it. :

1-Will the fear let us fly over that deploys?.

  • Fissile deficit he defies will accept it.
  • Let the reason come to pass when we will impale you.
  • cowards.

The law of cause and effect; no one can withdraw from what is happening around us. You cannot fly out of fear because of what is being done to you. No one can saddle his people with "desires" without being held responsible for them when he cannot deliver what he has promised. This has consequences that you cannot ignore.


2 - that the Levites * call the extremists a perfect deity. This emie * is putting on his clothes.

(Levite* Law scholars. The Levites were the ones who drew up and worked out the law in the name of God. They remained the highest authority in that area and their authority was considered unassailable. The law book was finally placed "beside the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God," so that they were, in fact, the only ones who had access to it for interpretation and eventual adjustment. After all, the Levites were a wealthy aristocracy. .)(*Emie:“universal”, “whole” and “eager”, “industrious” or “ambitious”)

The power of science is our belief in this science. Power is a perverse stimulus and therefore power should never be centered; actually, power should never be there. Our belief in this science is beyond the belief we all once had for a God. We have made a God of science, after which science has also started to behave like a God. Science must be based on trail-and-error; God does not investigate or make mistakes!


3-Alida wasn't going to spread it all together.
Distort awakening.
the army protests

Like I explained in Alida1, Alida lists all major companies that dominate the world market. Alida is Corporatocracy. These companies cannot perform their "occupations" all at once. They need time to let us get used to; slowly transform but so that we stay asleep. I hope the army will protest. With a world power you no longer have an opponent, only a citizen who must be kept in line.


4 - Let us only put up with apostles, applauds the formless answer.
priesthoods, no self-evaluation, you will hear me badly.

Apostles are the ones who preach the Word but have never received the Word themselves: They are sock puppets who parrot. They are formless talk and answers. Priests of science who have never heard of the phrase: learning by trial and error.


5-We are absurd, overly praising adored stains me my lord

  This unit of thought says: We do everything we can to keep up appearances for the outside world: we do everything to the absurd.



6-The unknown danger.

No one realizes the effect that we are dividing the world until it blows. The danger is that someone or something will arise and placate us with false promises.


7a-Epstein does not evolve us.
7b-Epstein sweats ovulate

As said; Epstein stands for all things corrupted and perverse
In this it is the fear that perversion becomes the norm and lays seeds to be developed.


8-Aglaé *  would syringes of adiaphorese*

A fearless "Brillainte" mind would put the hypodermic needle in your arm without hesitation.

*(* Aglaia, meaning: "brilliant, splendid")  *(* adiaphorèse; absence or strong reduction in sweating)


9-Pandora deviates from I will emerge, I try to beg.
hard quest endorsed takes you to eliminate murdered host.

Pandora's box doesn't hold the promise we've learned throughout history. No plagues and horrors. The inner man takes his place, only this does not happen automatically; it will be a hell of a pain to get there. A hard inner journey in which you will have to let go of the old dead beliefs.


10-I hope that to the annoyance no more laws are passed than it.

The more rules, the greater the regulatory burden, the more the demand for freedom. The law of cause and effect.


11-Thorn Jesus, Dear Jesus, would judge the humming word that I have not listened to. Let's admit crazy madness!

No matter how positively a person is and speaks a universal truth of love. We still do not listen and we condemn him and give in to madness.


12-blessed games came back from a drop of sweat, lying inaction put me to sleep.
I want to fall asleep.
I will wake you up and take you the removed adult sheep.
Cunning Virginity Reborn!

Nobody likes the game of change, especially if it takes just one drop of sweat; your excuses make you believe the lie and get stuck in your own bubble and where you don't want to get out. You will eventually wake up and all followers will be gone. You will be reborn with a new insight


13-Gossip of the devil drunken glow cried out to the shriveled brawl.
To endure, will gird with a man who prefers me.
I want Venus to fall asleep.
Majesty, delivered with the usual bracelet she had for me, will fill the outrage.

False talk makes you live in a daze of drunkenness in a make-believe world that actually represents hell. To endure this Hades you look for support and not love. The "princes" want you to wear a slave bond permanently because you are their merit and will be indignant when they see their intentions.


14-lice kill not associate names when lived

The people as discussed in the 13th thought unit, are actually very small, meaningless people who are lived by others cannot put a dent in a packet of butter.


15-I would blunt dastardly torn epidemics: no, accepted!
we accepted!
Lot didn't accept it!
Accra will depopulate.
asceticism that was closed. do we dare to move?

Because of all the influences we get through social media and mainstream media; in my view one of the epidemics. Our minds become accustomed to the horrors around us and take the suffering of others as normal. We accept that it is. The reference to the Biblical figure Lot is that he no longer looks away or looks back. In the biblical story he is told to flee the city and not look back (this was meant figuratively) now I take it literally and no longer let him look away from the misery around us. As said before, Accra is the last Templar stronghold in the Promised Land that held out against the new conquerors for a while. All (false) certainties will turn out to be uncertainties. We will find a new fulfillment of life if we dare to change.


16 condors seen from Anacondas, enraged graphite tones will brighten you up!
Not undermining the proclaimed Freudisms would help.
The powdery reunions in the afterlife!

The hunter sent by the hunter, both will tell you in disdain, to cheer you up, that what they are doing is absolutely wonderful. The trouble is that they want you to believe in a world of spiritual need. A good conversation sometimes helps people in spiritual need over a ton of medicine. However, these people must be sincere in their actions. Your own belief in your heaven could turn out differently because of that, so be critical of who you interact with.


17-I have inseminated without loving children, I have not ordered you to intervene,
labored years not shoulder.

The new beginning, the new start, the new life: It doesn't affect them! You let yourself in with ideas without being behind them. The bad thing is: you also do it! And then complain about the fact that you can't handle the work; the work is too much for you to shrug for too long.


18a-Bishops coveted nonsense, shut up!
18b- can talmouse * avenged. * (Puff pastry pie)
18b’-Longs widow you are equal.
18c - petal falls in love
18c’- petals will spread

As mentioned before, Bishops are players in a game of chess; the third most important and next to the King and Queen. In this case, their status is given more weight because they have started to determine their own weight because we have given them this power. It is the scientists with their Trial-and-Error story who increasingly feel like the policymaker and no longer the scientist who learns by trial and error. He only believes himself and is no longer open to the views of others. In fact, he ridicules the others and tells them to shut up. In principle, scientists of this kind are only concerned with reciting a kitchen recipe. In a science for them safe in which everyone is already dead and everyone agrees with you. Money here too: The truth always overtakes every science to help him further. Science cannot live on a lie.


19-Open the edition of the music lover, shocked composer,
birds again ask for erethism,
I watch what swells lusts,
nonsense mocking lamentations that Jesuits * love donkeys,

Look at what moves people and fill their beaks until their bellies are full. If they listen carefully to the composition of their own life, they will be shocked at how the music sounds out of tune. Their music requires much more stimulation. These stimuli will be the Cresondos and Decresendos in their new lust for life.
Those who live under and above the law will tell you: Nonsense! And laugh behind your back; Donkeys you are, your lament is our life.

* Jesuits are distinguished from other orders mainly by a special vow of obedience to the Pope for mission, and do not fall under the authority of a bishop. The Popes have specific assignments to the Society of Jesus. For my it is a symbol of people who think they can do anything they want and get away with it.


20-will not adapt, worried let's answer fleetingly soothing entangled, I will be amazed, naked, adulterous, sent.

Never adjust to what someone else is saying if what he is saying doesn't feel right. Never go on the attack but explain lovingly and lightly where it does not suit you and it suffocates you. You will be amazed at your truth:" In my nakedness I show you my humanity "


21-The gossip thought Epstein to uncover astonished me.
I have worked Africa, given half evil! muzzled drama,

  • 21a-  ground dramas,
  • 21a’- dramas muzzled,
  • 21b- the poor Medes,
  • 21b'-Mother escapes me.
  • 21c- in Accra the weights are astonished!

Why are people baffled when the lies they live are overtaken by the truth. They exploit the weakest, practice evil wherever they can. All the dramas they leave behind are shoved under the rug; even their mother they will sell to Satan for their own gain. The law of Medes and Persians is not even an obstacle to them; there’s no law for them
. …And when the truth presents itself, they have the "power" to always lay down their own weaknesses with others. Their last stronghold will fall and trying to act surprised won't help.


22-so scared that I caused condescending rays that didn't emit.
The Acropolis of runaway drunks reappeared.



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