The Alidas are songs that reflect my perception of our contemporary society anno 2020. I have to do this because I want later generations to know through Art what an individual, I see, feels, experiences, hears in this. I do not want this time to be described as a Dystopia or a Utopia but merely as an era, a world, of birth and death in the figurative sense of creating and breaking down to make way for something better. I see this time as a birth to something new and as almost all births are experienced as painful; figuratively this is an age of birth pains. I see the resurrection of man, I see the literal and figurative destruction of the great powers. The pain of suffering. The search for insight into oneself. The age of insight is dawning.
I do this by using the internet options that translate texts and make anagrams there. I know these options are not optimal; far from! But as an artist / composer I make use of it because this possibility, with all its shortcomings and errors, gives me the opportunity to generate a text that I want to use to express myself in these songs. So it is by definition not wrong what I write, it is different but for me applicable to what I want to tell in these works. I am the one who creates and edit the lyrics or edit and re-edit. I use French because for me the strength of French lies in its dancing sound and character. I use the French anagram to create an even more beautiful sound, to mask the source text to obtain uniformity and to anticipate any disagreements with others, to increase the magic of the text and then make it even more accessible to me for my applicability in my music . I want to increase the atmosphere with it, I want to do justice to a great poet; Nostradamus.
Alida N5
The computer data as a new prophet?
Les données informatiques comme nouveau prophète?
Amour envoûté m'échoppé l'amentifère qu'endossions.
Chapter 1 : Source text with ideas of changes
0 Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes
The Day of the Lord
1 Now, brothers and sisters ( Friends), about times and dates we do not need to write to you,
2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord ( We, Ourselves) will come like a thief in the night. (to strike down the Lord of Data)
3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
4 But you, brothers and sisters,(Friends) are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. ( we do not belong to the data and tech companies)
6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, ( and enslaved to their computers) but let us be awake and sober.
7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night, (for those who collect data, collect data at night)
8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
9 For God (Our Light) did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Lord Yourself and not to the data and tech companies)
10 He (Wisdom) died (lives) for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him (Ourselves).
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Final Instructions
12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters ( Friends), to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord (We, Ourselves) and who admonish you.
13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters ( Friends), warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
16 Rejoice always (Be Yourselves),
17 pray continually, (Evaluate)
18 give thanks (Be thankful) in all circumstances; for this is God’s (Your Own) will for you in Christ Jesus (Yourselfs).
19 Do not quench the Spirit (Light).
20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt, treat the new Prophets with contempt.
21 but test them all; hold on to what is good,
22 reject every kind of evil that what will come forth of Data.
23 May God (You) himself (Yourselves), the God (Light) of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Selves).
24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
25 Brothers and sisters ( Friends), pray for us (focus your strength and thoughts on someone else)
26 Greet all God’s Peoples with a holy kiss. (Your Sacred Light)
27 I charge you before the Lord (Us) to have this letter read to all the Brothers and sisters ( Friends).
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ours and not the God of Data) be with you.
Chapter 2 : The New text in English
The Day of Our selves
1 Now, Friends, about times and dates we do not need to write to you,
2 for you know very well that the day of We, Ourselves will come like a thief in the night to strike down the Lord of Data.
3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
4 But you, Friends, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. we do not belong to the Lord of data and tech companies
6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, and enslaved to their computers but let us be awake and sober.
7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night, for those who collect data, collect data at night.
8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
9 For Our Light did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Yourself and not to the Lord of data and tech companies
10 Wisdom lives for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Ourselves.
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Final Instructions
12 Now we ask you, Friends, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in We, Ourselves and who admonish you.
13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
14 And we urge you, Friends, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
16 Be Yourselves always,
17 Evaluate continually,
18 Be thankful in all circumstances; for this is Your Own) will for you in Yourselves.
19 Do not quench the Light within You.
20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt, treat the new Prophets with contempt.
21 but test them all; hold on to what is good,
22 reject every kind of evil that what will come forth of the Lord of Data.
23 May You, Yourselves, the Light of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of Our Selves.
24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
25 Friends, focus your strength and thoughts on someone else
26 Greet all Peoples with Your Sacred Light.
27 I charge you before Us to have this Poem read to all the Friends.
28 The grace of Ours and not the God of Data be with you.
Chapter 3 : The New Google translation text in French ( I Hope)
Le jour de nous-mêmes
- Maintenant, mes amis, à propos des heures et des dates, nous n'avons pas besoin de vous écrire,
- car vous savez très bien que le jour de Nous, nous-mêmes viendrons comme un voleur dans la nuit pour abattre le Seigneur des Données.
- Pendant que les gens disent: «Paix et sécurité», la destruction viendra sur eux soudainement, alors que l'accouchement souffre sur une femme enceinte, et ils n'échapperont pas.
- Mais vous, mes amis, n'êtes pas dans les ténèbres pour que cette journée vous surprenne comme un voleur.
- Vous êtes tous enfants de la lumière et enfants du jour. Nous n'appartenons ni à la nuit ni aux ténèbres. nous n'appartenons pas au Seigneur des entreprises de données et de technologie
- Alors, ne soyons pas comme les autres, qui dorment et asservis à leurs ordinateurs, mais soyons éveillés et sobres.
- Pour ceux qui dorment, dorment la nuit, et ceux qui se saoulent, se saoulent la nuit, pour ceux qui collectent des données, collectent des données la nuit.
- Mais puisque nous appartenons au jour, soyons sobres, mettant la foi et l'amour comme cuirasse et l'espérance du salut comme casque.
- Car Notre Lumière ne nous a pas nommés pour subir la colère mais pour recevoir le salut par notre Seigneur vous-même et non par le Seigneur des entreprises de données et de technologie
- La sagesse vit pour nous afin que, que nous soyons éveillés ou endormis, nous puissions vivre ensemble avec nous-mêmes.
- Par conséquent, encouragez-vous les uns les autres et construisez-vous les uns les autres, comme vous le faites en fait.
Instructions finales
- Maintenant, nous vous demandons, amis, de saluer ceux qui travaillent dur parmi vous, qui prennent soin de vous en Nous, nous-mêmes et qui vous avertissent.
- Tenez-les dans la plus haute estime en amour à cause de leur travail. Vivez en paix les uns avec les autres.
- Et nous vous exhortons, Amis, prévenez ceux qui sont oisifs et perturbateurs, encouragez les découragés, aidez les faibles, soyez patients avec tout le monde.
- Assurez-vous que personne ne paie le mal pour le mal, mais efforcez-vous toujours de faire ce qui est bien les uns pour les autres et pour tout le monde.
- Soyez toujours vous-même,
- Évaluer en permanence,
- Soyez reconnaissant en toutes circonstances; car c'est ta propre volonté pour toi en toi-même.
- N'éteignez pas la Lumière en vous.
- Ne traitez pas les prophéties avec mépris, traitez les nouveaux prophètes avec mépris.
- mais testez-les tous; accroche-toi à ce qui est bon,
- rejetez toute sorte de mal qui viendra du Seigneur des Données.
- Puissiez-vous, vous-mêmes, la lumière de la paix, vous sanctifier de part en part. Que tout votre esprit, âme et corps soient tenus irréprochables à la venue de Notre Moi.
- Celui qui vous appelle est fidèle, et il le fera.
- Amis, concentrez votre force et vos pensées sur quelqu'un d'autre
- Saluez tous les peuples avec votre lumière sacrée.
- Je vous charge devant Nous de faire lire ce Poème à tous les Amis.
- La grâce qui est la nôtre, et non le Dieu des données, soit avec vous.
Chapter 4 : Anagram with the source text above it :
- Maintenant, mes amis, à propos des heures et des dates, nous n'avons pas besoin de vous écrire,
- Dessoudons n'abuses désincorporée prophètes n'avivâtes rôdeuses amenait m'animassent !
- car vous savez très bien que le jour de Nous, nous-mêmes viendrons comme un voleur dans la nuit pour abattre le Seigneur des Données.
- j'ourle que convertissez s'abreuva démons eûmes-nous. Vénus n'incommoder déléguerons d'insensée voleur l'apurant t'absoudraient.
- Pendant que les gens disent: «Paix et sécurité», la destruction viendra sur eux soudainement, alors que l'accouchement souffre sur une femme enceinte, et ils n'échapperont pas.
- Agnès quels n'excipes pendent destituerait . Alida t'encordent virus, l'amoureux qu'essouffler sous-entendrais mouchure fieu me née ce pleines mentent accent , s'approchant
- Mais vous, mes amis, n'êtes pas dans les ténèbres pour que cette journée vous surprenne comme un voleur.
- Amis m'assouvîmes déplantas sensés. Bête qu'entre couperets repu séjournerons venu! Commune voleur!
-Vous êtes tous enfants de la lumière et enfants du jour. Nous n'appartenons ni à la nuit ni aux ténèbres. nous n'appartenons pas au Seigneur des entreprises de données et de technologie
- Faussetés t'envoûtons! Réalité m'élude! N'enjouât n'ânonnas surfondus l'apparient s'apeurant bruineux pouponna sans sainteté; dispendieuse régressèrent déshonnêteté cogné d'oeil.
-Alors, ne soyons pas comme les autres, qui dorment et asservis à leurs ordinateurs, mais soyons éveillés et sobres.
- n'assoyons saloper l'outrâmes qu'écimes, s'attendrisses vermouler. d'on oyais surs S'Aimeront! T'éveiller ébossés.
- Pour ceux qui dorment, dorment la nuit, et ceux qui se saoulent, se saoulent la nuit, pour ceux qui collectent des données, collectent des données la nuit.
- Adorent exclues mutilent ceux mordu piqueront souquaient, tâtonnai usuelles. Occulte pileux qu'ocrent. D'ocellé N'endettes seconds adonne insulté.
- Mais puisque nous appartenons au jour, soyons sobres, mettant la foi et l'amour comme cuirasse et l'espérance du salut comme casque.
- jontoyant, Amour t'uses pouponnasses qu'empuantirais oeuf t'amollira, recommençasse récapitulées. Qu'émouds t'acculâmes
-Car Notre Lumière ne nous a pas nommés pour subir la colère mais pour recevoir le salut par notre Seigneur vous-même et non par le Seigneur des entreprises de données et de technologie
- T'épaulera s'insurgeron dénigreuses Rome l'âpre! tonné vous-même n'ulcéreraient! Poumons m'assena. Improuverai colères! abri clore L'épouseu? cénesthésie dégonderont désopilèrent
-La sagesse vit pour nous afin que, que nous soyons éveillés ou endormis, nous puissions vivre ensemble avec nous-mêmes.
- Fane quoiqu'unes agisses l'éprouvât sillonnées soue voyous. Insoumissions répondus. Absolve encense m'émûme!
-Par conséquent, encouragez-vous les uns les autres et construisez-vous les uns les autres, comme vous le faites en fait.
- Assure l'élussent: louvetons ressuscitez! Surnom t'émasculées! louvetées t'affinais. agréeras n'envoûtons qu'occupez!
Maintenant, nous vous demandons, amis, de saluer ceux qui travaillent dur parmi vous, qui prennent soin de vous en Nous, nous-mêmes et qui vous avertissent.
- n'envenimons, excusé, tondus s'amadouant, m'adulerais , ait pluma qu'invertir. uions qu'intervenons dévouasses mésuseront. qu'émeuve t'invitons! avivements qu'émotte réussis.
-Tenez-les dans la plus haute estime en amour à cause de leur travail. Vivez en paix les uns avec les autres.
- l'impétueuse d'allé hantés n'entassez m'aura escouade; l'aveulirent ravivez! Plaisances veux lutera ses.
-Et nous vous exhortons, Amis, prévenez ceux qui sont oisifs et perturbateurs, encouragez les découragés, aidez les faibles, soyez patients avec tout le monde.
- noues t'exhortons vou m'encuverais qu'expiez professerait substitueront. agnelasses courroucez dégèle! Abattements dépouillons dote moulent festoyiez.
-Assurez-vous que personne ne paie le mal pour le mal, mais efforcez-vous toujours de faire ce qui est bien les uns pour les autres et pour tout le monde
- qu'aurons n'épousez serves. . Amour l'éluderont t'époussette! L' amena, l'épie, l'eau m'imploras coffres dévouez toujours. Fie qu'écrêtais n'use publierons.
- Soyez toujours vous-même,
- j'ôte mourûmes voussoyez.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Évaluer en permanence,
- Soyez reconnaissant en toutes circonstances; car c'est ta propre volonté pour toi en toi-même.
- Asie consentez tournoyassent. Accra clivât proportion , sectes Europe t'emmène tronçons môme nie te.
- N'éteignez pas la Lumière en vous.
- L'épanouissement n'aveugleriez.
- Ne traitez pas les prophéties avec mépris, traitez les nouveaux prophètes avec mépris.
- perpétrerez tapez t'enliseras achat positivisme. mercis pave, exténues happer, où vols?
- mais testez-les tous; accroche-toi à ce qui est bon,
- l'ouïsses côtoie brochant acquiescé m'attestez.
- rejetez toute sorte de mal qui viendra du Seigneur des Données.
- aguerrissons d'édénique d'invendue dérouterez j'étame tolets.
- Puissiez-vous, vous-mêmes, la lumière de la paix, vous sanctifier de part en part. Que tout votre esprit, âme et corps soient tenus irréprochables à la venue de Notre Moi.
- Voulussiez pommé susvisé idéaux l'empalerai disparûtes vociférant. toquante comportâtes repût perversité. aheurterons plébisciterons, endêvera l'autonomie.
- Celui qui vous appelle est fidèle, et il le fera.
- l'épouillé défaillîtes, puisqu'avec, reflétée
- Amis, concentrez votre force et vos pensées sur quelqu'un d'autre
- qu'endura qu'élût, pétons serveuses? cavicorne m'est réconfortez
- Saluez tous les peuples avec votre lumière sacrée
- apostes usées pullulez acculé motivée reversera
-Je vous charge devant Nous de faire lire ce Poème à tous les Amis
- j'achève sourd gavent, l'enfoiré sacredieu. l'épousâtes maoïsme.
-La grâce qui est la nôtre, et non le Dieu des données, soit avec vous
- les tigre étalonneront dénués dodelinées couvais caqua votes
-Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes
Chapter 5 : Anagram text complete
- 1 Dessoudons n'abuses désincorporée prophètes n'avivâtes rôdeuses amenait m'animassent !
- j'ourle que convertissez s'abreuva démons eûmes-nous. Vénus n'incommoder déléguerons d'insensée voleur l'apurant t'absoudraient.
- 2 Amis m'assouvîmes déplantas sensés. Bête qu'entre couperets repu séjournerons venu! Commune voleur!
- Faussetés t'envoûtons! Réalité m'élude! N'enjouât n'ânonnas surfondus l'apparient s'apeurant bruineux pouponna sans sainteté; dispendieuse régressèrent déshonnêteté cogné d'oeil.
- 3 n'assoyons saloper l'outrâmes qu'écimes, s'attendrisses vermouler. d'on oyais surs S'Aimeront! T'éveiller ébossés.
- Adorent exclues mutilent ceux mordu piqueront souquaient, tâtonnai usuelles. Occulte pileux qu'ocrent. D'ocellé N'endettes seconds adonne insulté.
- 4 jontoyant, Amour t'uses pouponnasses qu'empuantirais oeuf t'amollira, recommençasse récapitulées. Qu'émouds t'acculâmes
- T'épaulera s'insurgeron dénigreuses Rome l'âpre! tonné vous-même n'ulcéreraient! Poumons m'assena. Improuverai colères! abri clore L'épouseu? cénesthésie dégonderont désopilèrent
- 5 Fane quoiqu'unes agisses l'éprouvât sillonnées soue voyous. Insoumissions répondus. Absolve encense m'émûme!
- Assure l'élussent: louvetons ressuscitez! Surnom t'émasculées! louvetées t'affinais. agréeras n'envoûtons qu'occupez!
- 6 n'envenimons, excusé, tondus s'amadouant, m'adulerais , ait pluma qu'invertir. uions qu'intervenons dévouasses mésuseront. qu'émeuve t'invitons! avivements qu'émotte réussis.
- l'impétueuse d'allé hantés n'entassez m'aura escouade; l'aveulirent ravivez! Plaisances veux lutera ses.
- 7 noues t'exhortons vou m'encuverais qu'expiez professerait substitueront. agnelasses courroucez dégèle! Abattements dépouillons dote moulent festoyiez.
- qu'aurons n'épousez serves. . Amour l'éluderont t'époussette! L' amena, l'épie, l'eau m'imploras coffres dévouez toujours. Fie qu'écrêtais n'use publierons.
- 8 j'ôte mourûmes voussoyez.
- cavale éprenne meneur.
- 9 Asie consentez tournoyassent. Accra clivât proportion , sectes Europe t'emmène tronçons môme nie te.
- L'épanouissement n'aveugleriez.
- 10 perpétrerez tapez t'enliseras achat positivisme. mercis pave, exténues happer, où vols?
- l'ouïsses côtoie brochant acquiescé m'attestez.
- 11 aguerrissons d'édénique d'invendue dérouterez j'étame tolets.
- Voulussiez pommé susvisé idéaux l'empalerai disparûtes vociférant. toquante comportâtes repût perversité. aheurterons plébisciterons, endêvera l'autonomie.
- 12 l'épouillé défaillîtes, puisqu'avec, reflétée
- qu'endura qu'élût, pétons serveuses? cavicorne m'est réconfortez
- 13 apostes usées pullulez acculé motivée reversera
- j'achève sourd gavent, l'enfoiré sacredieu. l'épousâtes maoïsme.
- les tigre étalonneront dénués dodelinées couvais caqua votes
- Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes
Chapter 6 : Anagram Google French to English translation and the explanation how to Read it. :
1 Let's not mistreat disembodied prophets, wandering sneaks brought me to life!
I mean, that convert was drinking demons we had. Venus will not inconvenience a foolish thief's deputy if you clean it up, it would set you free.
No one who wants to act sincerely and well and who feels to have the wisdom always speaks his truth and does not condemn him. Their intentions are based on their experiences and usually on bad events. They are people who have a lot of love and certainly have a message to tell people. They make people think and give room for new ideas
2 Friends satisfied me with healthy feelings. Foolish we will stay between saturated cleavers! Ordinary thief!
Falsehoods enchant you! Reality escapes me! Not to play, not to overdrive, the couple, frightened by drizzle, suckled without holiness; expensive regression dishonesty collided.
These people described in the above can make people feel good. It is therefore such a shame that you would rather continue to deal with the old habits than put new ones in their place. Don't be afraid to steal another person's "trick" of change if you can enrich it. It's easier to get stuck in the superficial world that is being presented to you on social media; this world is not reality. This world doesn't turn in games, the world turns in you. So don't be afraid of the baby steps you have to take to change; you don't need a church or expensive vague therapies (which are usually built on an even greater untruth) to get to yourself
3 let's not sit down to salt the outrageous specimens crowned alone and deworm us. we were sure we would love each other! Wake up in a daze.
Adore excluded mutilations that will sting bitten, tense, normally touched. Only that which is known to initiates hairy and ocher. mark No second blame insult.
Do not give up and do not let others be the "salt of the earth" YOU are! the salt of the earth, YOU will soon wear the crown, YOU will soon make a clean shovel: You will therefore love yourself; That is why YOU will soon be able to love others. wake up from your sleep!
Love is shed out by those whose minds are clouded by events done by others. These pains are known to those who caused them and they will always be responsible for what they did: No guilt is resolved as long as conscience speaks
4 happy, love your chickens that smelly egg will soften you, start all over again. That you were cornered
You will support yourself by harshly belittling rebellious Rome! thundered yourself would swear! The lungs knocked me down. I will experience anger! shelter near The groom? cenesthesia will disappear
At this point, you feel particularly trapped by the events happening around you. Love the people around you, "swallow that one event" it certainly wasn't worth worrying about and just start over ... "Hi how are you?" start over! Let go of what you have accepted as truth for centuries. Support your own rebellion against the old, let it thunder within yourself, take in the new fresh air! Of course you will experience emotions of anger but also of love. Know that love is coming back from its hiding place ready to make a new covenant with you. Your perception of life will change forever!
5 Fades, although an act has put it to the test by crooks. Rejections answered. Removing incense moves me!
Reassure voters: resuscitate wolf cubs! Nickname hiding you! wolves have refined you. let's just occupy!
It looks like a prediction here: Insights seem to be clouded by the urge to act, which benefits those who only think of themselves. Belief in old institutions is declining and motivates people to take action. the responsibility of oneself is less and less placed with others. Everything is done to make voters believe in policymakers who are more into their stuff than taking real action. Those who have been silenced have motivated another, a new generation, to rise. They are in places where you least expect it. They believe in the velvet revolution.
6 no digging, excused, shaved, flirtatious, adore me, picked only reverse. let us intervene, pious people will take advantage. let us invite you! successful clarifications.
the dashing, haunted alley won't crowd me; revive it! Pleasure wants to fight her.
Following on from 5; You have to pull out all the stops to bring out the truth. Those who are negligent will be shaven words. Those who flirted with their adored "addiction of things" will apologize. You can never hang back the sour fruits they have picked. You intervene and the yes-sayers will try to avoid it on all fronts. You cannot avert the new time and everyone will be invited to follow and if you are sincere and clear in your good intentions you will be successful. You don't have to fear the new: You fear the fear. When you walk through so-called misery, look around where you walk and see what it once was and that it was nothing but old values. I know addiction is a tough opponent to beat.
7 We encourage you to encourage me to confess penance to take the place. lambs wrath thaws! Deductions spoil fungal party.
that we will not get married. . Love will elude you! It brought it, the spy, the water begged me that chests always dedicate. Trust that I had no intention of publishing.
in following of 6: No one should encourage anyone to do any of the penance of good works imposed upon the confessor by the "priest" after confession of sins in confession. The good must come from yourself and from those who think you should answer for your actions of good or bad.
Eventually all members of the "congregation", all lambs, will let their anger go for what it is. The life that by far most of us lead is already a rotten feast. Denying yourself even more "fairies" will only leave Your "feast of life" smelling more musty. You will never find the partner in yourself and you will miss the love for yourself. The only thing you "partygoers" are good at is behaving like someone else and making this behavior your own and then also saying "look how I celebrate life": What life? which party? Know that Purity is waiting, no eager to point you, living dead in your coffins, to a new and more beautiful life! (Trust me when is say: I didn't want to publish this but it has to be said) (Note from me: Lazarus didn't need much to rise from the dead, neither do you!)
8 I died, you are.
runaway leader.
If you see it all as a game, a game of life, which is a very good idea by the way, just think of it playing tags: I tap you and you're dead, It's my turn ... just as long as someone taps You, and over and over again. Everyone in this game does not die but walks away (away from your dead; your inner death or your inner needs) but everyone is also the leader in this game.
9 Asia's agreement turned around. Accra divides proportion, sects Europe takes your sections even denies you.
Flowering wouldn't blind.
I think this is a prediction: The Asian leaders are going around the bush and taking no responsibility and thus blocking progress in processes. The last stronghold (Brussels) of "believers" divides and still rules and tries to manipulate the relations. The last sect in Europe (parties in the European parliament) deny the destruction that is taking place around them.
The new life is blooming and this life will not blind you.
10 commit type you'll get bogged down in buying positivism. thanks pave, snarling exhausted, where thefts?
Hearing next to debris confirmed for me.
What I described here before; Life is not for sale through the "happy lives pictures" of social media; reject it! It wears you out and it's a game you never win. And know very well: they, the creators of social media, need you, not them! They steal everything from you that they think is necessary to sell you a dream (read: Lie). They too will have to answer for themselves next to the ruins they have created, and remember this too: Partly thanks to you. You give "It" the right to rule your life.
11 We will experience unsold Eden, will confuse me.
Wanted above ideals the disappearing noisy Impaler. knocking behaved reputation perversion. we will advocate, we will end autonomy.
That which is pure will not allow itself to be corrupted and that will confuse many. A choice will be made between the all-dominating screaming shouting all the time and the new ideals that Purity offers us. Do you knock on the door of those who behave and have a reputation for being perverts or do you choose purity ?! Will there be people's tribunals, people's consultations? Will their autonomy be finite?
12 the delusion fails, as with, reflected
what will the waitresses put up with? comfort me
This is yet another prediction: More and more nonsense will be said, committed and edited and directed from above. This chain of madness will fail. The madman's face will be reflected in those who believe him, and when they look at themselves in the mirror and they will be disgusted by what they see. They are the servants of the madmen: what more can they bear? They will ask for comfort, and no river will be big enough to drain their tears.
13 worn out apostles swarm with motivation in a corner
I'm completely deaf, the holy bastard. married her to Maoism.
the tigers will calibrate naked, nodding, brooding caqua voices
The old representation of the Nothingness is not aware of where they allow themselves to be led by their unshakable belief in the Nothingness. They are deaf to everything except the Nothingness that is married to everything told from above; they are the Individualless in an empty society that only has Nothing to offer.
Its representatives are the Toothless, Flaccid Predators without Claws, sweaty Cackling Chickens who hang down their entire existence and equate with another Sweaty Cackling Chicken.
Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: Le Christ est ici, ou: Il est là, ne le croyez pas. Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes